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Big Sky TV...?


I was wondering if anyone has any insight to the "Big Sky TV" web broadcasts that are available for purchase... I see that I can purchase the Pilots @ EWU game tonight for $4.95. Do you have feedback as to the picture quality, etc? That is a reasonable price, but is it worth it? Is there audio to match as well? Or is it the EWU radio audio?

The web site also said that archives are available to watch once for free... but I couldnt find free archives anywhere...?

Ya i heard it basically sucks but i only know one person who has purchased a game and they had a slow link and an old processor with 256 MB of RAM so I'm not sure if it totally sucks of if the computer was a factor which it should have been.
I strongly recommend against buying it. I bought the PSU season's package, and I've ended up getting a full refund. For basketball, it has been completely unreliable........four scheduled games (incl. both EWU and SJSU) either not shown or incomplete (partial broadcasts), and 3 of them haven't even been put in the archives (they call it VOD (Video on Demand)).
E-mail's, requests and complaints to their "serivce" group go unresponded to.
When you do get the video, the presentation isn't as good as last year's, which while also horribly unreliable, did have a live stats feature and a chat forum for those watching.
The football games are all on the VOD, so you may want to purchase the Season's Pass to watch those. For away games (in Big Sky play only), the video is by the home team, so the quality and no. of cameras varies by school. With PSU, you just get the 1 camera up at midcourt on the student side (I'm back to b-ball).
You could try 1 game you want just to see for yourself. It's hit and miss, so you could get lucky.
Overall, though, I suggest you give it a pass.

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