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Bovee on Talkin Sports tonight

WeberSki said:
Jerry Bovee sat down with David James of channel 2 for a pretty extensive intervieiw tonight. He was asked about Rahe being a pretty marketable coach right now. Bovee did respond saying that Rahe loves Weber St. and the atmosphere of Utah. He also said it was his job to keep Rahe here at Weber. (Let's get that extension finalized then already) David James asked him if he thought Rahe would (hang) with Weber until the USU or Utah jobs opened up, and Bovee responded those are not discussions I've has with Randy and he would obviously be keeping those close to his vest. He talked about BC and Texas Tech, and dodged a question about these being money games. When asked, in more or less words said that we are not looking to go FBS, and that Montana probably was, and would be a big loss from our conference if they did leave.

I happened to catch the interview as I was half asleep and forgot to rewind and record the DVR did anybody else catch it. I thought Bovee said something about Rahe and the next couple of months being interesting as far as other schools giving him plenty of attention and conversations he has had with Rahe??????? It really pisses me off when David James and other SLC media give us no respect at all. When David James had Rahe on Talkin Sports last year prior to the BSC Tourney most questions were about him leaving Weber and where he might go.

Well its just like last year when Weber played at Utah in Football, and they interviewed Coach Mac and all they did was ask him questions about his time at Utah, not once did they ask him about his new job at Weber State, i hate the SLC media and their anti Weber State mood, Im tired of being an "oh by the way" at the very end of the 10:30 sports shows.

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