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Active member
I want ever Big Sky team to win next weekend. There isn't a lot that can help the Sky's RPI at this point, except if every Big Sky team were to win next weekend. An improved RPI could possibly really help get teams into post-season tournaments.

But before that happens, I first want to see Weber beat PSU on Wed.
First things first Weber needs to destroy PSU.

After which, I agree 100% with you PURPLEFORLIFE, It would make the Big Sky conf look great if they could all win thier BB games.

Although I wont hold my breath for PSU and MSU, PSU seems to have quit on the season and MSU sadly is in a 7 game freefall.
mikegraygoose said:
MSU is playing at San Jose State on Wednesday.

San Jose State isn't our BracketBuster game; it was already a scheduled non-conference game. Our BB game is Idaho, in Bozeman on the 19th. No worries, though, as we will get routed in both contests. Then lose our last three conference games to finish the season with a 12 game losing streak.
Old Skool;

From what I could see, I don't think it is a lack of tallent that is causing your problems. I think it is leadership, enthusiasm, dedication, confidence and all of the other little things that add up to everything. It is often not the most tallented team that wins it all, but the team that has "IT". Sometimes, it is not on the coach, the players need to step up and take care of business. The one thing that might be on the coach is bringing in the wrong type of kid.

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