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coaches, players, staff....


Active member
hang in there. you and what you are doing are appreciated. please continue to do and try your best. thank you for your efforts and no matter what (fair weather fans who turn on you and the fools who post about 'their' team and what 'they' want and how the team should be run, etc) keep trying. your efforts really are appreciated.
Thanks for this post Spartan. I am in agreement with you. Times are tough now as everyone as fans are looking for someone to blame.

Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you can find your way back to the top. I believe in this H/C and the players on this team.
Well, I believe in the players for sure.
I believe in Z and what he stands for.
I don't believe in what some of the assts. are doing, specifically the OC.
The play calling has been terrible all year. There is no continuity, no identity establishment. Too many substitutions and formation changes are going on--EVERY SINGLE PLAY-it ain't fooling anybody. Many of the players are having a hard time finding a rhythm and getting into a groove.
In yesterday's game, as I alluded to before, because of the weather, we should have set up to dominate and control the LOS with our running game. Instead we try and throw the ball the majority of the time. It is like he is trying to over think everything. He needs to know what he has and use the tools appropriately.

I believe that Z has given the assts. full reign to coach and play call. Having to coach the LB's has distanced himself from a bit of the 'pulse' of the team and even during the game. In daily practice, he can be seen primarily handling the LB and defense. I can't help but to wonder that if he was just the head man and presided himself over the entire team equally offense and defense during practice and games, that things could be a tad different.

In light of what's happened here, I see the players being challenged more than ever this week and in the game. To them I say-"stay the course". It will be hard but they must forget about what has happened and continue to give your all. We have some definite talent on this team. Somehow, someway it has to be given the opportunity to rise to the top and lead this team. It is going to be on the coaches to keep the players focused and concentrate on the next opponent with philosophy that they can and will win the next game. Tough assignment, but very doable.
Keep in mind this is a staff that came in after a program that had three consecutive losing seasons.

If the talent was there with the prior staff--the coaching must not have been very good. The majority of Coach Z's first recruiting class are now RS FR. It makes me laugh when folks say that ISU is loaded but the coaching staff can't get it done. I am not saying that criticism isn't justified, but if you don't have the talent you need on the field, the team isn't going to win many games.

It is so easy to jump ship or sell the farm. This is Idaho State University, and along with that comes a tradition of losing. Things can't be fixed in 1.5 years and a revolving door will only put the program farther behind.

Sack up everyone and get on board. Times like now are when the program needs you most.
bengalbeliever (or should it read non believer?)

wow, nice touch. why don't you just come out and mention which assistant coaches should get fired? you 'believe' in Z - just not his choices for coaches and assignments? those two perspectives dont' add up... got your short list of candidates for the coaching jobs yet? way to show support for the team when they might need some... good going...

for the coaches, players and staff... keep on working hard
I ain't jumping ship and I ain't saying 'they should be fired'.
I am suggesting that perhaps some decisions should be scrutinized or reviewed a little harder, that's all.
It's like any other situation when things aren't going the way they are expected or production is less than acceptable.....you look at the method and try to make changes to be more productive.
Specifically the offense, I have seen the same stuff for at least the last 5 games. We are as predictable as the taste of vanilla.
I would have to say as a whole, the offense is more talented than the defense.
IMHO, the defense still lacks some depth and additional talent to compete on game in game out basis. As long as we can continue to recruit the necessary athletes on defense we will improve.

I guess the outcome and specifically the ineffectiveness of our offense against UNC finally got to me here. And perhaps, there's a little frustration. But hey, that's the way it goes. My support for the team will always continue and hasn't wavered even though I am being critical to a point.
I think that some of your frustration is justified.

When the defense becomes a better unit--the offense will perform better. If the offense struggles at all--even for a quarter or a half, ISU will probably get beat.

I will say this, in my 30+ years of being a Bengal fan--I have rarely if ever seen ISU play well in tough field conditions. Not an excuse at all for the team, but when I see rainy or snowy conditions, I get very worried.
I agree let's keep things positive and support our team. If coach Z needs to make changes at the end of the season he will. I will continue to support this and every Bengal team!
Why does Coach Z have to wait until the season is over to make changes! If things aren't working change some things now. You never know what might be lurking on the sidelines. I wish Coach Z would take more control of his team (I mean as far as his asst coaches go). As I have said before lets quit making excuses and get some PRIDE AND PASSION back and kick some a__. Forget about that we don't have the best facilities, fan support or administrative support - that has nothing to do with the caliber of football that these players are capable of achieving. GO BENGALS !!!!!
Depth does have something to do with it.
However there r players who might not necessarily been giving enough opportunity to see what they can do.
And given the state of 0-6, I think at least a few changes should be in order.
Come on Cub, I agree with it taking some time to "get there" but shouldn't there be some changes to what we have seen so far in the first 6 games???
When u do the same things over and over again and expect different results, why that is insanity!!!
that is what I'm saying and GBO also to a point.
There seems to be no easy competitor this year in the BSC. We have NAU next Saturday at homecoming, it will be interesting to see the game plan. We need to see what some of the other players can do who aren't getting enuf PT instead of relying on the usual suspects. What is the worst that could happen?
And by the way the backup QB should have gotten some snaps in the game also.
I am not saying that changes don't need to be made. I am also not saying that Blum shouldn't have gotten some snaps against Northern Colorado as well.

What I am saying is that turning the program back around will take more than this year.

What player changes do you have in mind for NAU. ISU will not be able to run the ball--nobody in the BSC has to this point.

I'd like to see more of Storms and D. Gibson on defense. I'd also like to see B. Walker get some run at TE for the Bengals.
Cub, I agree Coach Z needs time and I hope he receives it - As I have said many times I feel he is a great coach - he needs to step up and show us that he can make changes that will benefit the program. And this is his second year not his first - Right? Forget about what you don't have and concentrate on your positives!!!!! Go Bengals!!!!
Ok, Ok… Spartan, I wished you would make up your mind on which side of this fence you’re on. You have been the biggest critic of this staff. Go back and read your post.
I personally like coach Z, as for the rest of his staff, the jury is still out.
As a head coach myself, I have to make decisions for what I feel is the best for the team. YOU CAN’T MAKE CHANGES IN THE COACHE’S STAFF THIS LATE IN THE GAME.
You can limit decisions.
The OC, Z needs to pull in the reins in on him. His play calling and personel changes is atrocious. You have to keep the core kids out there. If you have 3 or 4 kids being shuttled every play, how do you expect to get any rhythm going? Kids will play harder if they know they might get more than one play at a time. As for the QB, coach if he is having a bad game, which he surely was. You have to pull him. That was a pee wee football coach’s dad attitude to have on that one. (Great job). There were only two reasons why you would leave him in there.
#1. Make him look worse, because he’s not your choice of QB.
#2 Booster
I’m hoping on second one.
On the burning red shirt issue. I don’t think they burned any. Dunn was in CA. And if this coaches do burn them. “PLAY THEM DAMN IT!!!!!!!”
On the defense side. I don’t agree with #98 and his actions. But I do admire his attitude in protecting his team mate. As for the CB and safety’s. You don’t cover well anyway, at least you could do is stay after practice and learn to tackle. What I see here is one of two things, the coach’s are teaching bad fundamentals or the kids have lost respect, and don’t want to listen to the coaches anymore. Too which both is a problem. After looking at the rest of the schedule, play-offs are definitely out. .500 ball is out of the question. 3 wins, looking slim, 2 (maybe).
It’s time to replace our so called veterans with under classmen; at least they will give you 100%. They have something to prove. The vets don’t.


Get-em coach Z , I got your back.

i went back and looked at every one of my post for the past two months... unless you drink heavily and are reading through 'beer goggles' - there are no comments from me criticizing the coaches, or players

and jmho - you don't 'sound' like a coach when you post
Those are also a few I was thinking about Cub. I loved Gibson's intensity in the UNC game. In addition, seeing more also of Ortiz in the secondary.
With the injuries to the LB and DL, we are seeing some others get to play that I was looking to before to see before.

The other big area I was looking at was what D.M. points out on offense. For goodness sakes, let's settle on a #1 RB and let him get at least most of the reps. I would have to say Cornist followed by Knickrehm then Blue. (they all offer a different style) The 2 tight end set(establish running game to set up the pass) is used sparingly and we have 2 players exchanging what appears to be every other series on the second TE spot. We are the only team that I have seen play that substitues as much at RB/WR/TE. If this method was most productive, how come none of the other teams utilize it?? Often it can be seen that every play there are complete wholesale substitutions going on at these positions. It is almost on every single play of the game(except in games where it is late and we are behind..so SPREAD) It is obviously in the offense gameplan, for whatever reason, and is left up to the OC or maybe position coach??. LET SOME PLAYERS GET SOME REPS AND GET A RHYTHM FOR GOODNESS SAKES. I guarantee that we will be a more productive team in the long run. Instead of them getting rightfully upset about the sorry 'in and out routine', they will be much more appreciative and respond better as opposed to being discouraged.
They aren't being selfish or self-centered, several of them feel almost helpless and we as a team shouldn't have that. And D.M. is spot on about some of the players losing a bit of respect. This is unfortunate but I can't help but to understand the circumstance and many ways feel the same.

On the QB issue, Hill is the obvious choice there. However, by now we should have given Blum at least a few opportunities in live game to see what he can do and if nothing else, make him better prepared to take over should something happen to Hill---Boise St/Idaho/UNC games.
Points to ponder on Hill. I heard this from a friend yesterday and it just may be an angle.

After last season with the shuffling of QB's, maybe the coaching staff want to show R. Hill that they stand behind him. Maybe they don't want him to think that he needs to look over his shoulder. They did it last season thru the first four or five games. Maybe they are too committed to it now when things go bad, but it may have something to do with keeping his confidence up.

R. Hill could be a very good QB for Idaho State, but if ISU is going to pass 40-60 times a game because they trail big...expect some bad games and expect some turnovers.

Look, I have seen Hill throw some ducks. I have seen bad decisions and I have seen some very poor games. But, I have also seen some very good games and he fights to the end. The bad games typically happen when the run is totally abandoned. When the defense becomes at least average he will be very good because the offense won't be forced to become one dimensional.

Like I said, I would have liked to have seen another QB late against Northern Colorado as well. But I am not going to give up on Hill. Not a chance, he is a solid QB.
I agree with you 100% Cub on the QB. All I’m saying is, when you have a game that is out of reach, this would be the perfect time to use your back up. This is not saying you’re give up on Hill. Hill has no reason to look over his shoulder. He is the starter.
Let’s say, something did happen to Hill. Our back up has 0 experience in a real game time situation. Put him in there with Hill’s support. If you were to ask Hill, he would agree.
What the he__! Every player should be looking over his shoulder! That is what the depth chart is all about! Why would any player be exempt to not be looking over his shoulder! You don't think throwing 4 interceptions is a killer to a QB's confindence!

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