To clarify, Rashaad was dismissed from the team, but his scholarship was not cut. He is still on scholarship. Also, to answer Ross, yes, everybody would drop to Division II in that scenario. There are a handful of sports that could stay Division I (soccer would be one...that's what Colorado College does).
Idaho State is not dropping down to Division II, so I don't think that even needs to be addressed. However, Ross asked for an answer, and since he was so polite...I answered. Besides...he went after the MSU guy with the flag, and while I didn't overly agree with it as an administrator, as a fan watching....I loved it.
Folks sometimes forget, I'm a fan right along with you guys. That's why I love Brad and Jerry as announcers, because they live with this team every day. I live with multiple teams and their ups and downs.
Funny, someone asked me if this has been the roughest fall since I've been here, and I said yes, undoubtedly so. They asked so what will happen when we start winning, and I smiled and told them its sort of the same feeling as when my Marlins won the World Series in's just that much better.
Think about it...why has it been so much fun rooting for women's basketball? Not because they win, but because we know the depths they were once at, and have stuck with them, making it that much more rewarding. I just hope to be rewarded a little sooner, just like the rest of you.