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coaches, players, staff....

I just heard ISU just cut two of our best defensive players scholarships!!!!Looks like the coaches are blaming the players - that is BS!!!!!!
What else have you heard? Do you know if these two kids are in trouble or if they are cutting class? Do you really believe that the University would let the coaches blame the kids and cut scholarships without any merit?

I'll bet that there may be more to this than meets the orange.
I wish the best for the bengals the rest of the year. I think they can get 3 wins this year. They need to finish strong the second half of the year.

Here's my argument once again.
21 losing seasons in 27 years. Losing almost 2 out of 3 games on average. Only 1 sky championship team in 27 years to the best of my knowledge.
Its not an issue of coaching, players, and scheme with this lengthy record of losing consistantly is it.
ISU is languishing in last place in the Big Sky, and the performances are getting worse, perhaps we should start looking at relegation as a possibility, say 5 – 8 years... ISU is a small school, so dropping down a division may not be that bad. Could this be possible? Would it really be all that bad? Last season, we were trapped in a rebuilding program. With mounting debt. Surely this could be golden opportunity to lift the player’s confidence? To give the coaches and administration time and a different angle to look at things? To get the town in a cheery mood? The more you think about moving down has achieved many things for other schools. With our situation It’s, hard to find a negative...Also, a chance to get some confidence, and play some fantastic football. Hell, it may even draw a few more fans to the Holt .So is it a risk worth taking? Is the yo-yo pattern of going down, owning, and coming back up worth the risk of never coming back? Personally, I’m not sure either. Maybe just an opportunity to prove ourselves at a different level.
Just a thought…..Don’t kill me….
This has indeed crossed my mind, D.M. In fact, I was thinking about it just this morning on my way to class. Dropping down to D-II...it doesn't exactly sound very bad.

However, what exactly would be the status of the other programs? Would soccer, basketball (men and women's), volleyball, track and field/cross country and softball also drop down, or would they remain in the BigSky?

Frank, could you field that question for me? I think you'd be the best to answer this question about the status of our other programs in the event of a drop-down.
Hey like I have been saying THINK POSITIVE!!! We have alot of positive things happening!!Forget about what we don't have and have some passion for football!!! We need change and I do not think replacing Coach Z or cutting good quality players scholarships are the answer!!!! GO BENGALS!!!!! ISU WON CONFERENCE IN 2002 - REMEMBER!!!!
And the answer is:


Richards and Amos, one gone, one suspended.
To clarify, Rashaad was dismissed from the team, but his scholarship was not cut. He is still on scholarship. Also, to answer Ross, yes, everybody would drop to Division II in that scenario. There are a handful of sports that could stay Division I (soccer would be one...that's what Colorado College does).

Idaho State is not dropping down to Division II, so I don't think that even needs to be addressed. However, Ross asked for an answer, and since he was so polite...I answered. Besides...he went after the MSU guy with the flag, and while I didn't overly agree with it as an administrator, as a fan watching....I loved it.

Folks sometimes forget, I'm a fan right along with you guys. That's why I love Brad and Jerry as announcers, because they live with this team every day. I live with multiple teams and their ups and downs.

Funny, someone asked me if this has been the roughest fall since I've been here, and I said yes, undoubtedly so. They asked so what will happen when we start winning, and I smiled and told them its sort of the same feeling as when my Marlins won the World Series in 2003...it's just that much better.

Think about it...why has it been so much fun rooting for women's basketball? Not because they win, but because we know the depths they were once at, and have stuck with them, making it that much more rewarding. I just hope to be rewarded a little sooner, just like the rest of you.

Instead of talking about current problems, could we all talk about the future of the football team. Who are the key Freshman, Sophomores, and Red-Shirt Freshman currently on the roster that everybody thinks will be stars in the future? I assume that Coach Z is building a Freshman based program so we should think about the future and start watching the young stars of the future (and hopefully these young players will get playing time).
A school in the MidWest a few years ago dropped their football program down from NCAA DII to NAIA, while all the other sports maintained NCAA DII status. They acheived this by abiding by NAIA scholarship/conference regulations and by continueing to abide by NCAA DII rules/regulations as well while competing at the naia level. The other sports and athletic department were not effected by the football program going down a level. However, Football had to, again, abide by both naia and NCAA DII rules in every scenario and situation involved with recruiting, scholarships, and continuing education.

ISU football would have to drop down to 36 scholarships (about 25+drop) for national NCAA DII regulations, and drop down to 24 scholarships total to meet Western US DII conference regulations if they wanted to join a conference (GNAC or RMAC). This would mean that it wouldn't happen until seniors left the program or other scholarship players left the program for other reasons. Going from 60+ down to 36 is a huge drop, much less 24.

On the other hand, though they would handle most all teams in the RMAC easily, ISU would probably get thumped by Central Washington, Western Washington, and Western Oregon in the GNAC.

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