religion or faith is the act of believing in something without, or in spite of, available empirical evidence. many religions consider faith to be an essential element. taking that leap of faith is necessary in accepting any religion due to the paradoxes that exist in most religions. since neither logic nor reason can reconcile these issues, when one decides to have or hold a particular faith, it is an extremely personal ‘leap’ of faith. choosing to believe (or not) is up to each individual. take God for instance. i sincerely enjoy my religion, i enjoy the piety, the fellowship, the redemption that i have always gotten in spite of my personal weaknesses. do i believe in my God? yes. do i belittle others for their faith? never. far be it for me to tell others what to do, think, or believe. that might be a good policy for everyone. leave religion out of the bengal den.
(because leonidas is too hard to spell )
(because leonidas is too hard to spell )