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Enough is enough


Active member
Fire Zamberlin. Do not resign him. Get rid of this staff and allow the players an opportunity to learn and succeed. It is painful to watch each week, physically painful. Enough of this.
What is obvious is the failure of Zamberlin to be the man in charge. Last year we moved the ball up and down the field at will on offense, it did not translate into wins but we were a good offensive team. This year we are at best a bad offensive team with no sign of getting better.

Last year our defense couldn't stop the run or pass at any time allowing 41 points a game. What did we do, we replaced the Offensive coordinator/Offensive line coach, then brought in someone who is in name only not the DC. What are we this year a bad offensive team with no depth and a decent defense. Go figure. I'm not saying that Orthman had nothing to do with the recruiting problems of the past two years, but he was what he was. I'm sure a phone call could have helped in making the decision to give him the job he had. What I'm saying is, Zamberlin replaced what was working and broke it. He did make a change on the defensive side of the ball, but never admitted that was the real problem last year. Frankly, if he were a CEO of a business, he would have bankrupted the company twice with his poor decisions. Tie that in with the poor recruiting efforts of Zamberlin's first two years at ISU, efforts that I believe were because of bad decisions by both of the teams coordinators, and you have what is happening on the field today. Lewis did not leave the team worst off when he left, compared to what he or Walsh inherited, Zamberlin should have won the Big Sky. Instead we are a team with with no depth. As I have said, there are some good players mixed in the first two classes, but not enough to make up for the ones who either did not make it or left. Yes, playing two games against Div. I teams hurts, but we did not make a good showing against a Div. II team or either of the two Big Sky teams we have faced. We were out coached and out played in both of the last two games. In the past you could alway count on some changes in what we did the second half of a game and almost always scored more in the third quarter than the teams we played. Not now, we make no changes on offense, just kept trying to run the same tired plays that didn't work in the first half. As expected, Zamberlin places all the blame on the offensive line, the coach here is not one of Zamberlin's cronies. Granted they and their coach own that. But, what about the offensive coordinator who is not getting it done. He is the one who determines our blocking schemes, determines what plays we run, looks for what works against the other team. All I have seen so far is one or two plays that work once, then the other team adjusts and we have no answer. Who is responsible for not hiring an experienced line coach or and offensive coordinator who is a line coach. You can have a young O-line coach if the Coordinator can mentor and is experienced, but you cannot have both O-coordinator and O-line coach learning on the job. Simply stated; Zamberlin your loyalty to your friends is admirable, but it won't win games. To be successful, sometimes you have to make the tough decisions, replace people you like with people who can get the job done. This is what the head coach does, not make excuses and blame past coaches for the failure of you staff and yourself.

By the way, I would hope the coaches noticed that Eastern Washington's D-line was getting an enormous jump on Blums cadence as was Central Washington. I don't no what he does or does not do, but the D-line was getting a jump on our offensive line. It showed when Hill came in and all of a sudden the D-line had two off side penalties and were not getting the same push into the backfield as earlier in the game. Might explain why as we played each game our offensive line had more trouble keeping people out. If the other teams were able to pick this up off of film, why didn't we?
I came early and stayed till the end of the game last night. It's still entertainment and fun to watch (more fun if we could even compete!)
Couple of comments:
When ISU elected to punt on 4th and 1 later in the 2nd qtr I thought that was the end of it for us and was a key turning point to defeat. We were in our own zone, sure, but if we had turned the ball over on downs, it really wouldn't have mattered. We punted, put the defense back out there and got marched on down the field anyway. A first down at that point could have been a confidence booster and possibly resulted in a sustained drive. We had NOTHING to lose at that point. Pop went the air out of that balloon. Poor coaching decision there IMHO. Nice show of confidence to the offensive line and ball carriers.
The two errant back to back snaps to Hill - what the hell is going on? Was that not a problem that was being worked on as a result of the same stuff happening last week?
The defense looked good at times and awful at others - like they can't tackle. But they also have too much pressure on them when the offense can't keep the ball or a drive going for more than 3-5 plays. Punts, fumbles, whatever.
We barely threatened to score a TD - how many times in the red zone yesterday? Two? And... we give the ball up on downs. Not even close.
Kudos to the EWU running backs - they are athletes that you can build a running attack around - Taiwan Jones -can we borrow him for the rest of the season? Their QB looked very good as well.
some meaningless stats i looked up last night:

on average in conference games since Zamberlin got here...

ISU-24.5 OPP-34.125

ISU-22.125 OPP-39.5
disparity-17.375 (an increase of 180%)

2009 (thus far)
ISU-10 OPP-41
disparity-31 (another increase of 180%)

...God i'd hate to see how much worse Zamberlin could make ISU football look.

(p.s. my vote: get rid of the bum, force his retirement and let him start collecting his social security)
more pointless stats:

ISU football's offense has been shut out 17 of the 20 quarters in which they've played this season (one Hail Mary away from 18 of 20).

BTW it was good to see Mr. hill back on the field.
"To be honest, I don't know what was going through (offensive coordinator Brian Jensen's) mind up there," Taylor said. "I don't know. I don't know what he does when he calls the plays. I don't know why we're not attacking the middle. I honestly couldn't tell you, to be truthful."

Another article from here: http://journalnet.com/articles/2009/10/04/news/local/2.txt

"We had a good feel for what they were going to do against us," Nichols said. "They kind of came out and did what we thought they were going to do.

Who else is tired of hearing this?
ISU has officially been shutout in 14 of the 20 quarters, not 17. Still not good, but getting that out there.

isusid said:
ISU has officially been shutout in 14 of the 20 quarters, not 17. Still not good, but getting that out there.


More importantly, they've led or been competitive in just one of those quarters - first quarter against Weber State. Let's see: that's about 1 for 20 or only 5% of the season, so far. Not a bad rate for a CD but not too hot for the gridiron.
thanks Frank, unless the field goal unit is no longer a part of the special teams then 14 of 20 would be correct. my point is that: it's the offenses job to score touchdowns, and the OFFENSE has been shut-out for 17 quarters thus far.
I've had my disagreements with blackfootbengal in the past, but after reading his stuff in the past few months, I basically concur with everything he has said. This "program" is in shambles, the rubble left must be burned, and we need to start from scratch and build this thing anew.. I really miss Larry Lewis and his staff.. They could recruit, and put a product that if nothing else was competitive and fun to watch.. This circus act, of a shiz show that we have now, is straight embarrassing.. On O, they could go the whole week without practicing and look as good as they have this year.. I won't be at anymore football games this year, but I sure am excited for hoops, and our chances this year!
I agree with many of your comments posted here. I think that this is the worst Bengal football I've seen since the late 70's, although at least back then they had some semblance of a running game with Eddie McGill and Bruce Bachmeier. But somehow, they were able to win the national championship a few years after those dismal years!

It's tough being a Bengal fan nowadays, but things can only get better. I saw the game in Poky over the weekend and it was pretty depressing. I told a bunch of people over there that I was in town for the game, and they couldn't believe that I'd come over there from a long distance to watch the game. But I love going back to Poky when I can to visit with friends as well. But at this rate, our only chance of winning could be at home against No. Colorado, or next month against PSU -- or we could possibly go winless. I hope that the latter isn't the case, because I know how hard the coaches work in preparation, and how hard the players work during practice. And they play hard during the games, but our talent level is down and therefore it's tougher to win games.

But I'm staying the course through thick and thin and am not jumping off the bandwagon. I grew up a big ISU fan since the 4th grade and lived about a block from the dome and have been to many games. And I do plan to go back for one or two more games; I'm just extremely loyal to ISU! Things are down now but they'll only get better!! Brian Jensen couldn't be a better o-coordinator than Orthmann was, and at least if Zamberlin's going to stay on after this year, then at least he's not afraid to make shakeups in his staff if he needs to. Joe Cullen's doing a great job as d-line coach, but I'd be very surprised if he stayed with us after this year, when you consider his professional background.

At least our administration is committed to our football program, and we're fully committed to staying at the 1-AA level -- we're not going to drop down to D-2 or drop the program altogether. (That was a ridiculous editorial that the Times-News wrote, BTW). With this program you just need a decent football budget including a very good football recruiting budget, because you're going to have to get most of your kids from out of state. And you need decent facilities -- and it's my hope that sometime in the future, I don't know when, that we can get some kind of winning tradition for football. That's been my vision for ISU for a long time, and right now I'm frustrated. But anyway I'm very happy to see us getting things like a new sign for the dome, a new scoreboard, new locker rooms, and soon we'll be getting new weights and a new practice field. And probably within a few years we'll be getting a new turf and a new pressbox, when we get enough money raised. Actually, this is the first time I ever remember investing the money in badly needed facilities, and down the road this will only help us in recruiting as we really do need to keep up with the arms race!

I'm not jumping ship, I'll always stay the course and remain a true fan and still watch their games. And they'll always continue to receive my support. Anybody else here joining me?
adjusted statistics for post Sac State game:

on average in conference games since Zamberlin got here...

ISU-24.5 OPP-34.125

ISU-22.125 OPP-39.5
disparity-17.375 (an increase of 180%)

2009 (thus far)
ISU-12.333 OPP-40
disparity-27.667 (an increase of 160%)
Fire Zamberline and his worthless crew of no talent coaches
Dont blame the players blame the coaching staff.
They suck so bad they would post a loosing record coaching pop warner .

This Sac St. game was one of our probably 2 games the rest of the year that we could win or atleast be competetive in...but no...time for some BIG changes around here! Bottom Line!
Coach Z and his coaching staff are good coaches and they care about their players, ISU, and the community. The team is working hard in practice and has never gave up in any game they have played. Give these coaches and players some credit, they are working hard on and off the field to improve the ISU football program. It would be a big motivator for them is they can get a sale out crowd at home. The ISU student body and the community needs to get behind this team and start coming to the games. The student body and community has to start taking responsibility by showing their loyalty to the program, that is how you build a football program. It is easy to blame the coaches and players, how about blaming the ISU student body and the community for sitting at home and watching their tv shows, they should be coming out to the games and cheering this team on. That would be motivation for the coaches and players... Being negative on the blogs is depressing enough is enough...
up for the challenge said:
Coach Z and his coaching staff are good coaches and they care about their players, ISU, and the community. The team is working hard in practice and has never gave up in any game they have played. Give these coaches and players some credit, they are working hard on and off the field to improve the ISU football program. It would be a big motivator for them is they can get a sale out crowd at home. The ISU student body and the community needs to get behind this team and start coming to the games. The student body and community has to start taking responsibility by showing their loyalty to the program, that is how you build a football program. It is easy to blame the coaches and players, how about blaming the ISU student body and the community for sitting at home and watching their tv shows, they should be coming out to the games and cheering this team on. That would be motivation for the coaches and players... Being negative on the blogs is depressing enough is enough...


Although there could be debate whether or not Coach Z and his staff are good coaches, I don't believe no one doubts Z and his crew care about the student-athletes, ISU, and the community. No one doubts they work hard at practice, and no one doubts the student-athletes play hard for 60 minutes (save for the player on record who takes plays off every now and then).

I think it would be a huge motivator if the crowd came out and showed its support for the football team. However, to blame the ISU student body and the community for sitting at home and not showing up for the games is absolutely ludicrous (or Ludacris). My guess is that ISU will get that core die-hard fanbase of 3500+ to each game.

But to attract and maintain the fringe fans, the product on the field has to be worth watching. Frankly, its been few and far between since ISU has fielded a competitive 60 minutes of fundamental, mistake-free, and exciting brand of football. Getting blown out by FBS teams does not help the fanbase (but does help the athletic budget). Getting blown out @ Weber after 1 competitive quarter does not help the fanbase. Getting blown out @ home v. a D-2 Central Washington was one of lowest points I've seen this program in the last 15 years, does NOT help the fanbase. Getting blown out @ homecoming does not help the fanbase. You win, you get fans. Not the other way around.

I would agree with a few other fans that the performance v. CSUS was ISU's best showing of the season. Statistically, the ISU OFF showed improvement:
- 1st rushing TD (finally)
- 100+ yards rushing as a team
- close to 60% pass completions by the QB
- almost 2:1 ratio of time of possession
- outgained CSUS in total yardage 368 to 355

And they still lost, 38-17. The two "pick-six" INTs were the main differences in the game. Add those picks to the 25% in 3rd down efficiency, minus 1 in the turnover margin, and the ISU DEF giving up 7.3 yards and 12.0 yards per, rush and completion, respectively, and ZERO QB sacks....this team continues to take one step forward and two steps backwards. By the way, can any one give me ISU OFF red zone efficiency, and the ISU DEF red zone efficiency??? Seems like ISU OFF consistently struggles to score in the red zone.

Will I continue to go to the games? Yes, because I'm a football fan and I appreciate exceptional play, regardless it is made by ISU or by the opposing team (save my seats for the Montana game). I will also go because I'm stubborn enough to remotely think "could this be the game ISU gets a win?" I will also go because my kids love the frozen yogurt and nachos, Benny the Bengal, and the chance of getting a prize from the mini-blimp.

The best chances for ISU to get a win will be v. UNC (10/17) and/or v. Portland St (11/14). Hopefully they can get both of them. If not, at least make it entertaining. Goodness, even when Lewis was losing games his first few years on the job, they were losing shootouts and moving the ball up/down the field. The 2008 and 2009 Bengals reminds me a little bit of to Tom Walsh days. Ugh.
A couple pennies I've been thinking about:
- I don't think anyone is questioning how 'hard' coaches or players work or their dedication. It is hard to keep coming back after getting knocked around each week. But to me just playing or working 'hard' isn't the end all be all. We need to work smart. Like maybe not having 3 hour practices everyday, but streamlining them so they are 1 n 50 min of fast paced non stop wuick work. I think the questioning comes into the efficiency of the work being done. Any blockhead can just work hard. But can we change the way we work to be a little smarter and maintain the effort that is being used to become more efficient?

- Personally I don't agree with the logic of saying, "well if we just didn't have those turnovers, or if we could run the ball...". The fact is that it did happen today, it happened last week, and for a long time. I believe lombardi said that 4-5 plays determine a games winner. The stats for this last game show that for the majority of time it is just back and forth. But we always see to pull the short straw on those 4-5 plays. Take away those picks... It would be nice but it would still leave us with an L. They drove the ball. 7.4 per rush!!

Personally that's what is frustrating, that and what seems to be excuses from the top man. While there was improvement, the result was another blowout loss, this time to a non ranked big sky bottow dweller. I guess that's progress.

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