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Enough is enough

Part of coaching is recruiting and the recruiting has been great the last two years. Just look at the sophomore class and the freshmen class that are playing and some are actually starting in the games. Coach Z is rebuilding by obtaining good players through the recruiting process. The recruits that are coming to ISU as potential players are signing their letters of intent to ISU because they want to turn the program around with Coach Z and his coaching staff. They want to be part of history in the near future by winning the league title. Be patient Bengal fans, give Coach Z and his coaching staff another 2 years to reach their full potential with the recruits coming to ISU. This football program is improving and the players are excited about the program. It is really tough for the Bengals to lose but better days are ahead and the sun will always rise in the morning. Coach Z is the right man for the job and he needs 2 more years to prove it as that would be 4 years of recruiting.
Watching ISU football is painful. The team has no future with Zamberlin. They are the most unmotivated ISU team that I can remember. They are not even compeitive in games. At least last years team was still in games in the second half. This year, its not even close. I don't understand people saying give Zamberlin a contract extension. That's the most REDICULOUS comment I've heard!!! He has done nothing to show that his coaching is working. It's just the opposite! It's been getting worse. In the third year, you have to be at least show some progress. Its just not working. 0-5 is not progress.
Zamberlin needs to be fired.
As a person I really do like Zamberlin. But I wonder what the chances are of trying to get Larry Lewis back here. I wonder if he'd be willing to come back here and I wonder if we'd even consider having him back here again. If so, then we'd have to provide him a lot better recruiting budget and he'd have to be told that he'd have to make changes in staff personnel if he really needed to and not be so loyal. This job would be more attractive since we're finally starting to make a committment to providing better facilities.
boisebengal said:
As a person I really do like Zamberlin. But I wonder what the chances are of trying to get Larry Lewis back here. I wonder if he'd be willing to come back here and I wonder if we'd even consider having him back here again. If so, then we'd have to provide him a lot better recruiting budget and he'd have to be told that he'd have to make changes in staff personnel if he really needed to and not be so loyal. This job would be more attractive since we're finally starting to make a committment to providing better facilities.

Two things I don't get about that...WHY should the school give a different coach more to work with than it's giving Coach Z right now? And does anyone happen to remember how bad fans were ripping on LL, begging for him to be fired during his last few years here? We seem to be a little low on institutional memory...

What do ya' expect from me? I'm VOTB :D
If Coach Z is fired this will definitely hurt the ISU recruiting process for this year, no doubt about it. A new coach will tell his potential recruits that he was hired to rebuild the program and there is no guarantee that he will be a better coach than Coach Z. I think you have to give Coach Z a two year extension onto his current contract and hope that his past recruiting classes and upcoming recruits make a difference in the win column.
VOTB, I don't really remember fans ripping on Larry Lewis, other than the fact that many felt that he should have gotten rid of d-coordinator Joe Lorig. But because of his extreme loyalty to his assistants he refused to get rid of any of them.

You know, I feel very bad about the administration's decision to cut our football and recruiting budget. And just like anyone I'd like to see this increased in order to give our football coaches a fair shot at having success on the football field. But in Zamberlin's three years here have you seen him do MORE with LESS like he did when he was at Central Washington? What makes you think he could do a lot more if given more to work with like Larry Lewis did? During his time here, because of bad recruiting decisions by his assistants, I've just seen our talent level go down greatly from talent that was good enough to compete for Big Sky Championships down to Division II talent -- except for several on the team. And as a result Zamberlin's record has gone from 3-8 in 2007 to 1-10 in 2008 -- to winless so far this season. And honestly, I'm not really sure we're going to win another game the rest of this season. And you can you really blame all of this dropoff in talent solely to reductions in our football budget?

Even last season at times we were moving the ball fairly well, and now we're very inept at offense. I've seen us go from moving the ball and scoring fairly well during Lewis' tenure to having a very inept offense that can't really move the ball -- and we don't have a very good defense either. And we're getting blown out by Big Sky teams. In fact, according to Big Sky statistics, we're last in scoring offense, scoring defense, total offense, total defense, rushing offense, rushing defense, passing offense, 1st downs, 3rd down conversions, and other categories. And can you solely attribute all of this to budget reductions in football?

And no, I don't really think that Lewis will get hired again here, only because coaches normally don't get hired again by the school that fires them. I just felt that he'd do a better job here than Zamberlin has done.

I don't know what's going to happen at the end of the season, maybe Tingey will make the decision to keep Zamberlin for another two or three more years. And if so, then I'll support that decision and still support ISU and go to the games, and Zamberlin will be my guy. But we'll see what happens. Several here have stated that they're tired of seeing a revolving door of coaches here, and I'm tired of it too.
I know that Tom Walsh antagonized a lot of people here and did some things that weren't too cool. But I had some good discussions with him about football and I found him to be very knowledgeable. And I plan to look him up within the next year or so. Maybe it was Walsh that didn't get a fair shake here, as his record was 6-16 in just two years here, which is a much higher winning percentage than Zamberlin's has been thus far.

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