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EWU v ISU - Post Game


Active member
oh boy, where do you begin.....

penalties, zero pass-rush or TFL, can't stop ANYBODY on D, running game?, missed tackles, can't convert on 3rd down. Another opponent putting up another 40+ points...even going back to last year. At what point does Z make a change to the DC?

RH played decent, I understand injuries are part of the game (hopefully the guys injured can get back for the MSU game), and they lost to the #11-ranked team on the road, but way more negatives than positives here....again.

So, what's the probability of ISU playing a home "away" game vs. the Bozeman Bobcats? Hope the fans come out to support their team, ISU that is. I'll be there to watch Craney and ET break Sale Key's record.

From Cheney (one of the 5K fans there), this is John Clayton, BengalDen.com :D

PS. Frank...I'd say stick to you day job, but you and BB called a good game. Should VOTB be worried? ;)
Once again our bungling Bengals did not disappoint. The Bungles are now ranked 116 out of 118 teams for worest team in the championship division. The great State of Idaho is now the proud supporter of two terrible teams in the US--the vulnerable vandys and the bungling bungles.

Stupid mistakes, terrible defense--I predict we will hold on to the coveted 116th place.

Will we win a game this year? Not a chance with this imposing D. My dad in his wheelchair can move quicker then our D Line. This defense could not stop a $5 whore with a $1,000 bill.
I thought the team played well. Yes they made mistakes and no it wasnt because of a "terrible D" the offense made a lot of mistakes as well. Nobody thought they would even be in the game at all let alone ahead in some parts, Im proud of what they did in Washington and they are continuing to improve every game.
After today’s display of pee wee football. I suggest we try a different line-up. If we have to, let’s start the people that can spell angle tackle, below the waist tackle, wrap up, and maybe through in a few of GANG tackling words just for grin. I have to admit that this game was not the fault of the d-line, as much as it was the 5 cover 0 defensive we had in there. In the old days we called that the” prevent to win defensive”. That defensive would always piss me off.
I’m glad that I can be an armchair QB for the games, but my eyes tell me that we have players that can’t cover. NOR TACKLE. Here are a few tips.
Break down
Wrap the F… up
Don’t let go.
As for our 5 cover 0 defensive, we keep trotting out there. Here is a clue for you.
Admit that you need to be replaced with the player under you on the depth chart.
I know that these coaches are doing the best they can. But the upper echelon coaches would adapt and make changes that is needed to better team and not let their pride get in the way. (Booster)
These players performance today is unacceptable, we have better on the bench. Cut loose and play them, even if it means starting all freshman, it damn sure can’t hurt.
After today performance I am convinced that coach Z hands are tied. Why, I don’t know I saw the look on his face today after the game. He is growing old of this sh...
The changes are coming. Coaches and players, sleep good, Monday will be the real Coach Z era.
Go get em Coach, you have my support. (If it means anything)
I don't know what you do with this defense DM. We recruited 5 or 6 JC DBs for this season and I believe we have one starting. We recruited one DL and I am not sure he has even made the travel squad. Point is, it appears that our JC recruiting effort has failed to meet expectations.

I do know this--people are damn tired of losing. Next year's contributions are going down, down, right along with this season's record. In fact, I am not aware of one Fall athletic team that is 'Wowing' the fans.
tenaciousD said:
I thought the team played well. Yes they made mistakes and no it wasnt because of a "terrible D" the offense made a lot of mistakes as well. Nobody thought they would even be in the game at all let alone ahead in some parts, Im proud of what they did in Washington and they are continuing to improve every game.

Welcome to the board tenaciousD. ISU plays well in spurts, or for 30 minutes or for a quarter, or one phase (O,D, ST), but they have yet to put it all together. I agree, nobody thought they'd be in the game late in the game. They caught a break (or created it) when DJ recovered the ball in the end zone for a touchback, but the lack of focus/concentration by the offense when the center snapped the ball when RH was not ready for a huge loss exemplifies how out-of-sync this team is thus far. To go into this game as the least penalized team in the conference and then get flagged like the ISU McNeely's teams in the mid-90s, again shows me a lack of concentration. If they got better after this game in other phases of the game, they definitely took a huge step backwards here.

Brad and Frank hit it on the head when they talked about how certain teams find a way to win (Griz...I know superfan you didn't want to hear that) and other teams find a way to lose (No.Colorado). For the past 8 games, ISU is struggling to get to the former, yet has a tendency to play towards the latter. While it was an encouraging sign for ISU to be in position for a W going into the 4Q, I think it is fair for a lot of fans to EXPECT ISU to be in position to win rather than to be surprised. After four games into the 2008 campaign, this team has a lot more questions than they've got answers to win games.

Hopefully this team can figure out a way to win it's BSC home-opener v. MSU. MSU travel well so it will be a challenge for the ISU supporters to step up and drown out the Bobcat fanbase. If as tenacious D puts it "they are continuing to improve every game," then to me, I expect ISU to minimize penalties, convert on 3rd, get the D off the field on 3rd down, gang tackle, control the LOS with a reasonable balance in run/pass play selection as evidence of improvement. If these things happen in "W" great. If they happen in a "L," well...

From the GEG airport, this is John Clayton, BengalDen.com :D
I don't know what to think at this point. I thought that by now Z would and Co. would have shown us at least a glimmer of hope. I seriously am going to approach this from now on with zero expectations. You can call me a fair weather fan if you want, but I will get excited whenever they decide to give me a reason to be excited.
At least the final score today wasn't a blowout. Let me know when I can be optimistic again!
One note, and I got this at dinner, but one of the Eastern defensive lineman mimicked the snap call of Hill, and Henry hiked it....should have been a penalty. Also, John's comment, or lack of comment about the penalties was telling.

Interesting note, after the fumble at the goal line (apparently he was in according to replay?), the official asked our videographer if he got the call right...nice, huh?

Keep the faith folks....keep the faith.

Offense= pretty good
Defense= Sister's of the Poor

Why does everyone think that Zamberlin and Co. are so great? What have they done, and who have they recruited that contribute in an impactful way? Our "D" is straight RUBBISH! At least our hoops squad will be awesome, and that isn't just wishful thinking...
I finally was able to watch a Bengals game on Big Sky tv. I live in Germany so the times zone thing makes it tough to be up each week, but I was finally able, and I finally got that free piece of crap, BStv to work and I am pretty disappointed. I get on here every day and read what everyone has to say and I read Frank's blog all the time and it really sucks knowing that the Bengals are going to lose. That D won’t stop anyone all year. Offensively, we didn’t look to bad, but I thought we were going to have a better run game this year with our returning o line, but it is not working. I thought Hill played pretty good, and the team didn’t fold every time we got behind, until the end, but watching that D was like watching the mess my Oakland Raiders have become, just embarrassing. The pass rush was ridiculous. I am surprised with the pass rush we had, E. Dub didn’t pass for 600 yards. He had all day to throw the ball. I really think it is going to be a long year if something does not improve.
I thought this hire of Z was going to be a real good thing for the Bengals, finally a good coach that knows how to win, it has been a long time , but it looks like Idaho state is just not a place where you can consistently win in football. We really need to go to the playoffs, I think the community will really get behind the team if we can do this, and we would sell out with a winning team, but I guess it just isn’t meant to be. I sure hope the BBall team is as good as some on here has said, I am not holding my breath though.
Howdy Pocatellians:

I stopped by tonight with intentions of leaving a note of congrats for the first win of the season, then I read the posts.

All I can say now is good luck next week.

I spoke to Josh Barnett just after the start of the 4th Qtr and it sounded good at 38-31.

I had hoped for a better outcome.

Hopefully defense adjusts and offense keeps churning points.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I know that we can win in Pocatello, but we just need better facilities to get the better recruits. Pocatello's a fine town, and there's nothing wrong with ISU. But the better recruits are going to be more interested in attending ISU if we can get the practice field built, improvements done to the dome, a new weight room, and new locker rooms and an indoor practice field would really help. I think once we can get that done, then we can create a winning tradition at ISU and it would be easier to continually get the better recruits. Also, if we can try to increase the football recruiting budget, then this would really be helpful. Right now ISU needs to do their part in getting the improvements done to the dome by increasing student fees, to cover the $24 million needed strictly to bring the dome up to code. We're not going to get this done by raising parking fees.
Facility improvements are a must in this Cold War era-like arms race of stadium expansions and sparkling new facilities, but I also think that fans can play a role in bringing recruits over. I think that fan support is THE most important thing.

We can average better than 6,000 people at a game, even though that's a pretty good number for a losing team (I will concede that).

BTW, did you all see who's on the front cover of the paper? Yours Truly, baby!
*Looks at spartan...then starts rolling on the floor holding his sides in laughter* :D :D :D :D :D

That was good, sparty! Lol, I needed that! Kudos
Superfan's demeanor and overall positive attitude are some of the many elements that make the world of athletics, prep, college or professional, great.

Good story on a seemingly good guy. Hopefully others, in some form or fashion (1/8 of his passion would suffice), follow suit.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Coach Z is stuck with Lewis' recruits!!! Coach Z is a very upscale coach - unlike the last coaching staff.
What we are seeing is a continuation of what was going on under Lewis with most of our upper classmen being Lewis recruits. The offense can score the defense cannot stop anyone. That's the way it was with Barnum as the OC, the problem is still on the Defensive side of the ball not the offensive side. The reality; you cannot turn a team around in two years or even three when you are trying to rebuild it with Freshman. We had to get JC help on the defense just to bring up next years Senior class up to a respectable number. Remember your team is only as good as your Senior and Junior classes, when was the last time our defense was good. For your information it was when a coach took over that you all could not wait to run off. Barnum took over for one year as DC, the last time our Defense played well. Might have been a coach we should have kept. We have JC transfers starting at Center, a Div. I transfer at guard, a JC at D-Tackle, and one at corner. The rest are Lewis/Lorig recruits because that is where our upper classmen are. Our Defense was bad before because of pass rush, did you think a couple of JC tackles were going to make the difference. Granted I'm not impressed with Strandley as a recruiter, but I will reserve my opinion of his coaching until I fill he has something to work with. Right now we are starting three former walk-ons on Defense, two on the D-Line, one a linebacker. While I think walk-ons can in some cases be kids that were missed, I don't believe it is possible to miss two from the same JC. Simply stated it will take three or four years to make up for the poor recruiting the last four years under Lewis/Lorig on the defensive side of the ball. All your expectations and ranting will not make it any faster. What we have to look forward to is Rouser at D-end, Durr at Tackle, Milbourne is a freshman and playing well, Nailor who has potential just has to show he wants it, the Whimpey's who will be going on a mission but will help when they return. McGuire and Braiden Clayson on O-Line with Davenport at QB, and Jolly at O-line returning I believe next year. Storm, Goins, Miller and several others will make the team better in the future. If you thought it was going to be a quick fix, think again. It took four years for Lewis/Lorig to bring the defense to the point it was at, you expected a change in Head Coach to instantly fix that.
I agree with most of your post Black, with the exception of pass rush. When the QB gets rid of the ball in less than 3 seconds it’s all on the LB, corners and safety’s, not the D-Line.
I was there at the first scrimmage game, and the players we had in there at that time was doing a better job. That’s what we were excited about. Why did we make the wholesale change just before the first game?
As for coach Z, the fans need to give him time. But, if you don’t start seeing changes in the starting line-up soon, than I was wrong. BUT I’M NOT……

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