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EWU vs Portland State

martymoose said:
ash_sk8s said:
I've decided my new annoyance is various people sitting in the student section who are not students. Like small children and old men. Not that most of them probably realize where they are sitting. But it's still annoying.

Heh, I noticed that as well. I was thinking Admissions is letting them in a little young these days. ;-)

Folks must have figured that it was just GA and sat down. Note to students, get there early to get a seat in the student section.

No kidding. We were so packed in there. The track team opted for just standing on the steps. lol I got there almost 20 minutes before tip off and it was already pretty packed.
It's obviously not GA though. I have to agree that there should be some controls on the student section if the place is going to fill up most games. If the older people are students, fine. But if not, find another seat. The students are packed in as is. Why is the drum line sitting on the end instead of the bleachers with backs that the pep band used to sit in? No reason not to make it more difficult for opponents.
I bet the "older and younger" fans have no idea they are not supposed to sit where they are sitting...maybe some signage, or usher types (volunteers) would be helpful if you want to have control over who sits where. Still it's good to have it be an issue!

It would be nice of some of these fans would show up at the women's games...they are needing some student fan support, how about for the Montana game??? That would be great, and how about the drum line at the women's games, now why doesn't that ever happen???
are you kidding me?? plus I just checked season stats to date and men are averaging 1055 attendance to women's paltry 450, come on now, I think the women who are 6-0 in conference have earned some more fan support :D

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