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Future PSU school colors?


Staff member
Cycling gear, a peek of future school colors?

forestgreen said:
Cycling gear, a peek of future school colors?


Yet another irritating example of PSU's academic and intramural sides not lining up with its athletics side.
Bicycling gear needs to be highly visible, no? I don't think the school trend will be influenced by safety factors.

It does bring up a thought, however. NCAA has Rifle and Bowling and not Cycling?
I believe Portland State school colors should be fraught with meaning. I want to suggest a color scheme that is a straight line to what we have now.

Portland is the finance, trade and population center located inside a northern Rain Forest at the confluence of river waterways connecting it to the Pacific Ocean.

White is given to all collegiate sports teams. It doesn't need to carry a meaning although it can, particularly to teams that opt for a single color other than white (e.g. Wisconsin - Red & White).

What I recommend is a tweaking of the school colors to precipitate greater meaning.

First is the silver. I believe it should represent the rain and, thus, be of a metallic finish on the helmets. Each of the metal flecks representing a single rain drop. Since rainy venues are reputed to be depressing venues, we compensate for this through the image of the "cloud's silver lining." The brighter the silver hue, the brighter it reflects optimism and positiveness. Even if it costs more, bright silver shines in comparison to a duller silver, which would more reflect a depressive state, perhaps even negativity. Very important hue.

Next comes the green to represent the forested nature. But this needs to be differentiated from the Ducks' Kelly Green (or darker green). What I recommend is a green infused with sunlight: A dignified fluorescent green as nearly depicted in the clothing in one of the above posts' links.

Lastly, we are the Vikings why? Because the WWII veterans returning from the war on the G.I. Bill (the first Portland Staters) desired that the sports nickname and college newspaper begin with the same letter 'V' as does the word "Veteran." Our university was essentially a boon of victory for those Portlanders who fought against formidable enemies.

Another significant aspect about Portland during the war was that St. John's, Swan Island and Vancouver were used to construct Liberty Ships, later called Victory Ships. These ships benefited the war efforts of the US Navy. Thus, while we may also certainly honor the air and ground forces through camouflage gear, I recommend we make Navy Blue our dedicated "Accent Color."

That way, our university team colors are replete with meaning related to the origins and geographical nature of our university. Taken together, these colors also symbolize environmental leadership and quality of life, of which we certainly value and are Vikings.
I know there was a thread specifically regarding Vikings and couldn't find it.

Because, let's face it, Portland State needs a facelift, and what better than LEFT SHARKS to go there?

I recognize that color scheme! Taking into account your signature idea, let's plan for the future and embrace a literal connection between our two institutions as our new logo/mascot. The Portland State Arial Trams.

Good find about the aerial tram. Another entity has virtually this same color scheme.

We need to swap out the "Beaver Black" for Navy Blue.

Since Kaiser built Liberty Ships and Victory Ships here, we need three Viking mascots, the twins are Victor E. Viking and Liber T. Viking. And since we are becoming the comic book collegiate capital of America, we need to have Thor as our primary mascot in a deal with Marvel Comics. Thor is the legendary norse god of thunder AND a Viking.

I also wonder if we looked quite a bit like the Seattle Seahawks if we might attract Paul Allen's favor.
Those of you who really know old Portland neighborhoods, do you recognize this oft-seen color scheme?

To me, these colors (rust, buff, bluish-gray) represent the true heart-and-soul colors of true Portland, past and present, because they are used repeatedly in distinguished homes throughout the city.

Two of these colors are, in fact, found in the Portland flag, .

If rust were where the green is, then we'd have a proper city flag using all three of these colors.

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