Our DL is as bad as I can remember in ages. I mean, they are rotten. Zero penetration, inability to tackle, don't line up right, the whole 9 yards. Our DL coach was promoted to defensive coordinator, and his kids are the worst on the field. If the talent is that bad at DL, we should've considered going into the JCs just to get a game-ready player. I'm astounded how bad that unit looks, especially after making big strides last year.
Offensively, it appears we made some good adjustments in the second half, but were so desperately behind at that point it didn't matter. If I'm Best, I'm telling Shoemaker if Barriere goes a single drive without taking the ball up field at least one play, he's going to take the offense to another coordinator. Everyone knew his feet were his strength, and it took 3 and a half games for us to actually utilize them. The perpetual mediocrity of the OL is a problem, but for Gawd's sake, help them out by making your QB move a little. Schlichting is a penalty machine; this needs to stop.
The scary part was I knew in the back of my head this was going to happen today. You don't see a total quit job like we saw last week not bleed into the following week. It's going to take character and fortitude to get back to a winning season (no reason to even talk about playoffs at this point), so we'll see what we've got next week. Right now, I'm very concerned about the direction of this team.