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Game Thread: WSU @ ISU

talhadfoursteals said:
The guys blowing the horns were all ISU football players. Shows how classless Kramer is. It did make me think though. Why doesn't Weber's athletes support each other more?

Tal, over the course of this years home games how many football, womens bball, track, volleyball, and etc
players have you seen in the stands??? I have heard from MANY coaches that they love the way that all the teams support each other here at WEBER!! I have to agree. I have seen MANY student athletes at the various sporting events on campus. :thumb:
talhadfoursteals said:
skeeter said:
You know it's bad when the team had to move their chairs nearly to the foul line so they could hear at timeouts... Awful, ISU, Holt, Poky it's all hell on earth.....

Were you at the game last night? If you were, what did you think of the extra lighting and the new Bungle floor? Funny how ISU thinks the extra lights help them, guess it didn't work last night. LOL.

ya, I was there. The extra lighting makes the place look more like a movie set than a basketball venue. What a dive it is....
As far as the floor, I actually like it quite a bit. What I don't understand is why they didn't use those funds(wasn't it 1.5 mil), and start the fundraising kickoff for a new arena. Spending money on that place isn't going to make it any better.
I'm sure with construction costs where they are they could build a cozy 4,500-5,000 seat arena for 15 - 18 mil. Gonzaga built the kennel 2 from donations from 2 SLC brothers for 25 Mil in the boom years. It seats 6,000, and I hear it's pretty nice. Scale it down, and you would think they could get half the funds from the State at some point. If they can get 1.5 from a Credit Union for the floor, you would think they could get some more funds for an actual venue, they have got to do something though..... It's really bad
The money that was supposed to go to a new basketball arena at ISU wound up sunk in the new Performing Arts Center, the shining monument on the hill to former ISU first-lady Connie Bowen. She convinced the donor to divert it from hoops to actors. My understanding is they are still about $5 m away from paying for it.

The new floor cost $300 K -- a nice donation, but hardly seed money for a new arena. The credit union is also funding new field turf -- at a cost of about $1 M. Next on the list of projects is a decent practice field, also with turf, and a nice office facility for coaches and players. A b-ball arena is WAY down the list. And in Idaho, the state is prohibited from spending any general fund money on athletic facilities, so you have to raise it all privately.
I've been attending events up in Pokey since the 70s, and have always been impressed by the amount of donations that are produced for ISU in that community. It may have tailed off a bit, lately, but the potential is there for ISU to do about anything imaginable. I say, 'Don't give up the dream,' keep hammering at it, it will come. You can't finish something that you don't start! :nod:

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