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Good God, why is softball so bad?


Active member
Any idea what's going on with softball, they are 8-28? Does this new coach have a clue what he's doing?
BearCub said:
Any idea what's going on with softball, they are 8-28? Does this new coach have a clue what he's doing?

Maybe they have been practicing with the baseball team? :chair:

Granted, the women have won 5 in a row with a 4 game sweep of Idaho State and they blasted Colorado State so they seem to be heading in the right direction.
Yeah it's funny both baseball and softball got new coaches and both are terrible... hoping it's due to the coaching change but I would think they wouldn't use that excuse so we shouldn't either.

If it's like this next year the sharks will start circling.

I don't follow softball really but the baseball team has had some embarrassing loses... Need to hit the JC's hard or something but programs we used to own are beating us (Air Force, New York Tech). Oh and I see that Adams State came in and sweept a double hearder from the softball team, that is a huge red flag. :thumbdown:
Blofeld said:
Yeah it's funny both baseball and softball got new coaches and both are terrible... hoping it's due to the coaching change but I would think they wouldn't use that excuse so we shouldn't either.

If it's like this next year the sharks will start circling.

I don't follow softball really but the baseball team has had some embarrassing loses... Need to hit the JC's hard or something but programs we used to owe are beating us (Air Force, New York Tech). Oh and I see that Adams State came in and sweept a double hearder from the softball team, that is a huge red flag. :thumbdown:

I agree.

I'm thinking its a coaching change. The baseball coach went from coaching a D3 team to a D1 team, which I think is quite a jump. As for the softball coach, looking at his past coaching experience he had some ok success, but only won 10 games his last season (at some college I've never even heard of).

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