Vic E. Wallace
Active member
Sunday was the 1st time I heard of the "FOOTBALL EXCELLENCE FUND", I was so happy to hear of what Coach Beau Baldwin is attempting to do for our Program/Players, etc. Coach Torey Hunter, is the Excellence Fund Coordinator. I felt so happy when I read the Letter to the Eagle Family Members, then it was mentioned at the Banquet by Coach Hunter. :thumb:
Let me mention Mr. Day. I remembered when Jase and Evan came in on that Friday, saw the practice, then came back on Saturday and watched the scrimmage. I did see two young men that were very happy they had signed with the Eagles. Again thank you and spouses for being at the Banquet, I know we all enjoyed it, and it makes me very proud to be part of this Outstanding Program.
You are not kidding, time surely flew since Chris was at the Practice in 2007. He is really enjoying his time here at EWU, and keeping up his gpa. I always tell our Players, their education is #1, football is secondary. Once you get that degree, you have something to fall back on if Football doesn't work out.
Was happy to see you and HannahO at the Banquet. I just can't wait for April to get here to see the Champions get ready for a "R E P E A T", we all know we have the Bulleyes on our back. :roll: Now we have to MAINTAIN". This feels like recognition time. :lol:
So many Players Parents wanted to know who you are. I filled them in, "ALL GOOD"
. I told them come to some of the tailgates, and they can look for that "Air Stream Mansion" in the back of the lot, they will find you. I did mention your dad was Base Ball Coach at EWU some time ago. You missed and Outstanding Banquet. The biggest one I have seen in quite some time.
We had some of our former player that attended the Banquet. Shane Hoffman, Jesse older brother, was nice seeing him. I remembered when Jesse and his brother came, Jesse used to have a "AFRO Hair do, I still tease him at times, driving a fine Cadillac :lol: OLD, OLD, OLD MODEL. At least it was transportatiion.
We get so many Outstanding Athletes for 4-5 years, and then they are gone. Hope they all make it in the world after their Graduation.
I had a hard time after the Bannquet, thinking of Renard Williams Dad, he was at the banquet in a Wheel Chair, his health is failing. Let us keep him, his family, and friends in our Prayers. He is awaiting for "Heart Transplant. Excuse me Wiliams Family for this, I had to get this off my chest, and let your Family and Friends know we are thinking of you. Hope all of you can understand. Go Eagles!!!!! Vic Wallace much for my book.
Sunday was the 1st time I heard of the "FOOTBALL EXCELLENCE FUND", I was so happy to hear of what Coach Beau Baldwin is attempting to do for our Program/Players, etc. Coach Torey Hunter, is the Excellence Fund Coordinator. I felt so happy when I read the Letter to the Eagle Family Members, then it was mentioned at the Banquet by Coach Hunter. :thumb:
Let me mention Mr. Day. I remembered when Jase and Evan came in on that Friday, saw the practice, then came back on Saturday and watched the scrimmage. I did see two young men that were very happy they had signed with the Eagles. Again thank you and spouses for being at the Banquet, I know we all enjoyed it, and it makes me very proud to be part of this Outstanding Program.

You are not kidding, time surely flew since Chris was at the Practice in 2007. He is really enjoying his time here at EWU, and keeping up his gpa. I always tell our Players, their education is #1, football is secondary. Once you get that degree, you have something to fall back on if Football doesn't work out.
Was happy to see you and HannahO at the Banquet. I just can't wait for April to get here to see the Champions get ready for a "R E P E A T", we all know we have the Bulleyes on our back. :roll: Now we have to MAINTAIN". This feels like recognition time. :lol:
So many Players Parents wanted to know who you are. I filled them in, "ALL GOOD"

We had some of our former player that attended the Banquet. Shane Hoffman, Jesse older brother, was nice seeing him. I remembered when Jesse and his brother came, Jesse used to have a "AFRO Hair do, I still tease him at times, driving a fine Cadillac :lol: OLD, OLD, OLD MODEL. At least it was transportatiion.
We get so many Outstanding Athletes for 4-5 years, and then they are gone. Hope they all make it in the world after their Graduation.
I had a hard time after the Bannquet, thinking of Renard Williams Dad, he was at the banquet in a Wheel Chair, his health is failing. Let us keep him, his family, and friends in our Prayers. He is awaiting for "Heart Transplant. Excuse me Wiliams Family for this, I had to get this off my chest, and let your Family and Friends know we are thinking of you. Hope all of you can understand. Go Eagles!!!!! Vic Wallace much for my book.