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I was at the game but decided to serve a SELF-IMPOSED (read: nobody forced anything on me, so don't get any wacky ideas) suspension for the game for my outburst (at our fans) last weekend vs. PSU. I was in the section behind Montana's bench, so I was there to see all 4 of Busma's incredible blocks.

Rest assured, I should be back in full action this Saturday. I think I'm done with workouts and team things by about 3:30ish (about when we get back from a dip at Lava Hot Springs).

Sorry for makin ya'll worry, hahaha! My phone was pretty busy that night.


Students still need to get louder. When USU was up here, all 200 of them made enough noise to fill Holt Arena. Last night, I could barely hear our students, and I was just a section or two over from them.

Davidas Busma continues to show flashes of what he's really capable of. He's gonna get better and better!

AK lit up the 3 tonight! I love watching him when he shoots; he can burn a net down in no time

Offense is starting to gel, and will continue to do so. The Defense played like a bunch of crazy men, and that was the biggest treat of all! I loved it!

Anyways, time is short and I have a few things to do before heading out to a track meet (by popular request)!

See you Saturday!
Superfan, as fun as the game was, it wasn't the same without seeing you running back and forth or trying to jinx Montana's foul shooters. Get back.
Superfan looked quite relaxed himself with his rugby ball at the game. He actually looked like he was enjoying the game, socializing with his pals, and not working into a frenzy. Everyone needs a break and with a nice tidy win over Montana, the ISU faithful, coaches, and players all got a good one. Yea Bengals!
Hahaha, I'll be back tonight after a nice nap after rugby practice and that trip to the hot springs (that was very nice, hahaha)

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