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ISU vs. Boise State


Active member
This game WILL not be a 50 point blow-out, nor 42 – 10. With Boise having to start over on offensive, I seriously think 34 -24 would be a better guess. If we had to play them towards the end of the season when they have had time to gel, I might agree. (not) :roll:
Making predictions from the past would help if they were the same players, but they’re not. Both sides of the ball are new. With neither team having only game film to work from, I give the advantage to ISU. This is a different team. I truly have confidence in this squad that they can get the job done and make this a respectful game. ISU has nothing to lose because they are the big underdogs, on the other hand Boise has to win, and they are the ones that have the most to lose. This will be a fun game to watch. ISU will be loose and ready to play. The outcome will be up to Boise…

“Be The Best”
So D.M. I should take the 44 1/2points when I last checked and put up the farm?
I thimk your right in a number of areas though. I got burnt on the 50 pt spread of Oklahoma and Michigan state in 89 and never have forgot the pain (nor has my wife let me) :lol:
Here are some of the games up-sets that I remember. I would love to put ISU - Boise on this list. I hope this doesn’t give away my age… :?:
Don't bet the farm, just the barn.

1985 Oregon State (+36) tops Washington, 21-20
1985 UTEP (+36) over BYU, 23-16
1972 Missouri (+35) beat Notre Dame, 30-26
1974 Purdue (+34) at Notre Dame, 31-20
1992 Iowa State (+29) over Nebraska, 19-10
1969 San Jose State (+29) at Oregon, 36-34
1995 Northwestern (+28) over Notre Dame, 17-15
1942 Holy Cross (+28) beats Boston College, 55-12

Let’s don’t forget in 2001, Colorado as a 10-point dog smashing Nebraska 62-36, the No. 2 ranked team in the nation.

So to say that Boise is a shoe in on this 44 point spread would be a past prediction, and not the present. Closer to 10 would be more like it. Only the players giving up would let it go to 40 points. But I think the coaches would start pulling players before this happens.
As a past player myself, I know what it’s like to play in a blow out, it only takes a few players to give up. I also know what it feels like when the fans in the stands give up. Before these players can go to the next level, it will take us the FANS to support them 100% no matter what. We as fans can only receive back what we give to our team. If we expect losers, that’s what we will get. If we want winners, we have to be thinking like winners first. Its contagious TRUST ME…..

“Be The Best”
DM (Depeche Mode fan?)

That's oversimplifying things a lot. It misses some of the more important details:

* Against your claim that they are new on both sides BSU's defense is returning practically everyone and adding some serious depth. Guys who started last year have been bumped out by young talent. Out D is loaded, experienced, and ferociously physical this year. I would be STUNNED if you could throw up 24 points in a close game. If it was long over it "could" happen in the fourth when the game is long over but I doubt it.

* Yes the offense is breaking in a new QB, and O-line. But that is superficial. Peel back the lid and you'll learn that the talent BSU has at QB and O-line is tremendous. We have a 6'7" son of hall of famer, a 6'5" big time recruit who was the #2 guy last year and they are not even the top 2 considered candidates. The senior has a brother playing QB in the NFL now, and the Freshman threw something like 65 touchdowns as a junior in HS and then 67 as a senior. We're talking video game stats here. No matter who get the job, they will be a serious playmaker!

* Then there's the O-line: Unlike many schools BSU has a frequent rotation that gives a lot of the non-starters some serious play time. The reality is that of the 5 on the line only 1 of them will not have considerable previous game time. Depth and experience so deep that what I think will be your top OL this year (Rudder) had to transfer to get some play time. And he's a great player too.

* Intangibles: while you think we are overlooking you, what you don't see is the dedication and commitment to make up for losing their last game last year. BSU never shows up playing lazy because they think they will just win as it is, but coming off a loss they felt they should have won, they will be out for blood and you better believe they will be showing up to make a statement in their next game. Whether ISU or USC, they are in attack mode now.

* With their dominance over the years and with the reputation for scoring a lot, BSU has been given a lot of respect when it comes to the point spread. And despite that, they are still one of the top teams in the country this decade in covering the spread. There's a reason for it and part of it is because whether they are favored by 3 or 50 they bring it and don't look past teams.

All that said, they do have some new things to work out, and they probably will be moving some players around to help figure things out for the rest of the season. Toss in the vanilla game plan and it won't be as big a blow out as the last one. But blow out it will be. It won't be a 10 point game, that's all I'm gonna say.
The most important component to win as an underdog is heart and determination. Having heart and determination defines a great team. A team’s willingness to play through pain, the ability to dig deep within himself and strive for the extra yard, and ability to take excruciating hits, no matter how much it may hurt, and dust himself off while jogging back to the huddle, is what defines heart and determination. There are teams that lack one of the physical components mentioned, ISU is not one of them, but heart and determination can make up for whatever physical handicaps they may have. Whether it is not being as fast as other running backs or not being as strong on the line, or maybe not as many kids in the school you attend. Yes, Boise has 19,000 kids enrolled as per the 13,000 that ISU has. But I feel heart can overcome adversity. This is a great coaching staff, and we will be ready, no matter the outcome. Nothing less than 100% will be accepted. If we as fans can accept that we will be winners no matter what.

“Be The Best”
D.M., 110% right. I like the way you think. You got it. I don't give a rip what or who we are playing. If you got heart and determination and the winning attitude then great things come to play. We got the guy to change attitude and his name is Coach Z.
Beef Zerkie said:
DM (Depeche Mode fan?)

That's oversimplifying things a lot. It misses some of the more important details:

* Against your claim that they are new on both sides BSU's defense is returning practically everyone and adding some serious depth. Guys who started last year have been bumped out by young talent. Out D is loaded, experienced, and ferociously physical this year. I would be STUNNED if you could throw up 24 points in a close game. If it was long over it "could" happen in the fourth when the game is long over but I doubt it.

* Yes the offense is breaking in a new QB, and O-line. But that is superficial. Peel back the lid and you'll learn that the talent BSU has at QB and O-line is tremendous. We have a 6'7" son of hall of famer, a 6'5" big time recruit who was the #2 guy last year and they are not even the top 2 considered candidates. The senior has a brother playing QB in the NFL now, and the Freshman threw something like 65 touchdowns as a junior in HS and then 67 as a senior. We're talking video game stats here. No matter who get the job, they will be a serious playmaker!

* Then there's the O-line: Unlike many schools BSU has a frequent rotation that gives a lot of the non-starters some serious play time. The reality is that of the 5 on the line only 1 of them will not have considerable previous game time. Depth and experience so deep that what I think will be your top OL this year (Rudder) had to transfer to get some play time. And he's a great player too.

* Intangibles: while you think we are overlooking you, what you don't see is the dedication and commitment to make up for losing their last game last year. BSU never shows up playing lazy because they think they will just win as it is, but coming off a loss they felt they should have won, they will be out for blood and you better believe they will be showing up to make a statement in their next game. Whether ISU or USC, they are in attack mode now.

* With their dominance over the years and with the reputation for scoring a lot, BSU has been given a lot of respect when it comes to the point spread. And despite that, they are still one of the top teams in the country this decade in covering the spread. There's a reason for it and part of it is because whether they are favored by 3 or 50 they bring it and don't look past teams.

All that said, they do have some new things to work out, and they probably will be moving some players around to help figure things out for the rest of the season. Toss in the vanilla game plan and it won't be as big a blow out as the last one. But blow out it will be. It won't be a 10 point game, that's all I'm gonna say.

Great Analysis Zerkie!!

I pretty much agree with everything you said.

Broncos will be running the ball a lot....and the Broncos have a dominating defense.
A good chance that the spread will not be covered by the Broncos.....but I would not bet the Farm...

Look forward to renewing the rivalry....
Can you elaborate a bit on the new time clock change? Didn't they do that a couple years ago then they changed it? Same thing or something different? How much of a change will it be?
.............Kinda a long but i think this will anwser you question................

Two years ago the NCAA Football Rules committee, concerned that games were running too long, put in a series of changes in hopes of speeding things up.
They worked. In 2006 the average game time dropped from 3:21 to 3:07 but fans and coaches howled because there were about 13 fewer plays and five fewer points per game than in 2005.
So last season college football went back to the old rules and the bad news is that games averaged 3:22, a minute longer than in 2005. The good news is that plays and scoring also went back to the desired 2005 levels.
In an attempt to produce more plays and points in a shorter game, the rules committee went back to the drawing board and on Wednesday recommended a few changes for the upcoming season.
"Hopefully this time we got it right," said Michael Clark, the chairman of the rules committee and head coach at Bridgewater (Va.) College.
The first is the implementation of a 40/25-second play clock, similar to that of the NFL. At the end of every play, the 40-second clock will start, which is the rule in the NFL. The old college rules featured a 25-second clock that did not start until the officials marked the ball ready for play. On a change of possession, the first play will be run on a 25-second clock.
A number of college coaches have said they wanted the 40-second play clock because officials from league to league used different amounts of time to mark the ball ready for play.
"We think this will give us some consistency when it comes to pace of play," said Connecticut coach Randy Edsall, who is a member of the rules committee.
"If the NFL boys are doing it we seem to want to do it, too," South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier said. "I think it favors the teams that run the no-huddle. That gives the quarterback a bunch more time to stand up there and read the defense."
The rules committee made another recommendation that will certainly shorten the game.
After a player runs out of bounds and the ball is made ready to play, the official will start the game clock. Under the old rules the game clock would not start until the ball was snapped. This new rule will not apply in the final two minutes of the first half and the final two minutes of the game.
In other recommended rules changes announced Tuesday:
• A coach will get an extra instant replay challenge if his first one is upheld. Under the old rule the coach had only one challenge whether he was right or wrong. Under the new rule the coach, if he's right, will get one extra challenge, but no more.
• If a kickoff goes out of bounds, the receiving team will have the option of taking the ball on its own 40-yard line. The previous rule gave the receiving team the ball on the 35-yard line.
• The incidental five-yard facemask penalty will be eliminated. Only the 15-yard facemask penalties will be called.
• A "horse collar" tackle, where the defender grabs inside the back collar of the shoulder pads to pull the runner down, will now be a personal foul.
• There will no longer be sideline warnings for players and coaches who crowd onto the field during the game. The official may assess a five-yard penalty without a warning for the infraction.
The recommendations must still be reviewed and given final approval by the NCAA's Playing Rules Oversight Panel, which meets in April.
Those who are going to BSU for this game should look forward to the trip and the experience. Likewise, those of us who will watch it on TV should look forward to that experience. Other than that, let's don't go down the prediction direction. BSU is now a major college football team, they should trounce ISU on their home field. If they don't, we will have something to hold on to and build upon, if they do, it is just something we should expect, not a big deal. This is a money game, nothing more, nothing less. The only good thing is that the money game is being played in state. The BSU-ISU rivalry in football is over, it has been since the last time the two teams played a Big Sky Conference game in Boise in October, 1995.
Thank you for the intro to your school, and the hospitality that have awarded us with. I bet you’re a great ass set to your school. I fully understand that we are not on the same level as you (program).
At AM we would love to host schools like you. Invite you in, stomp you in the ground ,run the score up all because of your pompous attitude.
Boise State has a great program. I agree with you on the rivalry. It’s gone, and has been for a while. But to think that attitudes like yours will go unnoticed is a mistake. I hope that the coaches see your thread and post it. This is just another vein that leads to the heart. I hope to hear from you after the game when you only beat us by 20. To me that’s a loss for you.

Go Boise Win the title…

And for you spudbowl,,,,,try to

“Be The Best”
I'm with you Leonard Hall and by the way, what's with that name? Is Leonard Hall a former BSU coach (Oh, I guess that was Skip Hall). Leonard Hall must be the pharmacy building at ISU. I'm not sure how to respond to DM. But here it goes. The "Spud Bowl" is what long time Bengal fans call Davis Field (i.e., the soccer and outdoor track field) at ISU. I attended my first ISU football game there in 1969 (I saw Jerry Dunn throw at least two TD passes to Eddie "the Flea" Bell) and ISU is more than just important to my life, in fact, it has been central to my life. I thought my earlier post was quite rational. I didn't expect any heated reaction. So here is some context to my earlier post. In 2003, many around Poky thought the Bengals could beat or at least compete with BSU (I even bought into it at one point). In fact, some ISU players were in Boise that summer at the Riverfest and made comments that they were going to beat BSU. In addition, there were a lot of newspaper comments about ISU competing with BSU and maybe beating them. I know for a fact (from a friend who was in BSU's locker-room), that these newspaper comments were posted in the BSU locker-room before the 2003 game and that is part of the reason that BSU beat us by 60+ points (they were very ticked off and ran up the score). In addition, after that game, many ISU fans thought the season was lost, how could we lose by over 60 points? But it was not. The team went on to a 8-4 record including a big win over Montana. BSU was just in another level of football compared to us. Thus, my post was just trying to keep expectations down. From what I can tell Coach Z is the type of coach that doesn't run off at the mouth or let his players do so (unlike the coach in 2003)-- so please show my post to him, I'm sure he would agree with what it said. I think if you go back and re-read my post you will see what was I saying. Being called a covert BSU person is about as bad of a thing that you can say to somebody who vividly remembers every BSU-ISU football game and whose greatest memory of any football game was Frank Selto's kickoff return for a TD to beat BSU in Bronco Stadium --I had a beer poured over my head by a BSU fan as I yelled at the top of my lungs about the stunning victory. Cheers. :D
LeonardHall, darn, I just figured out that you are a BSU fan, now I'm confused. Are you an ISU pharmacy grad?
DM---please identify friend or foe before launching salvos at fellow Bengal fans.

Spud--I remember the Selto return well as I was on the field with my dad for that game. It is one of my fondest Bengal memories. I showed my son four years ago during the Optimist football jamboree the route Selto took. From the horseshoe side of the stadium on the near hash, up to midfield then cutting across to the far hash into the endzone. I think the BSU QB was Hazen Choates--forgive the spelling. Boise State ran a play where Choates acted confused at the line of scrimmage. He shook his head in disgust as he started walking to the sideline looking at the play clock the whole time making most folks think he was going to call a timeout. Wala---direct snap to the TB. It went for no gain--and ISU was ignited.

I got chills so bad during that game. Neck hair, arm hair and leg hairs were sticking straight up. My dad still talks about how much a good Bengal game gets me very energized.

ISU and BSU had some real humdingers, huh!
bengalcub: yes, great memory from 1987, both the "globe of death" game in 1992 and the 1994 victory (td pass to Kirk Clifford in the back of the end zone in the final seconds) come close to 1987 but beating the Broncos on their own field with a kickoff return for a touchdown was too much. The 1981 game in Boise was a lot of fun also, though I watched that one on TV. Thanks, I didn't know how to react to being called a BSU fan, that was a first for me.

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