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Lazy play calling/ Enough of the 5 receiver set calls

Bengal Roar

Active member
Why do we go away from what works? The 5 wide out on 2 drives EVERY PLAY?????? Are we in the hudle saying "just try to get open"? The run was working and we went away from it? What the hell! Idaho sucks and we are getting worked by them. LAZY AZZ play calling with the 5 wide out spread crap is killing us. Don't we have set plays? NOt this backyard "get open s@$#%#" Run the damn ball!

The thing about it is i think we can still come back and win but not with the same play calling or lack thereof. Cmon Bengals! Keep doing what works.
I wondered why the Bengals went away from the run so early. Maybe the coaches felt that if they could score early and easily, the seemingly fragile Vandals would implode. I don't know.

But, there is hope. Once they began playing with a more balanced offense, they did pretty well. But, they'd already given up a big lead.

Hill... I thought he did okay. Sure he under threw and he over threw. He had 4 interceptions but he had 4 touchdowns. The thing that concerns me is that the average pass play covered less than 5 yards.

The defense gave up big numbers on the ground. I thought they'd play better run D. All things considered... Idaho had 20 yards or so more offense than Idaho State. The blocked punt gave life to Idaho and ISU never really recovered.

I'm still think that the Bengals will be better than many would expect. I'm looking for this to be a learning experience. I'm still looking for 7 or so wins. We'll see. Next up, N. Dakota in Pocatello on September 18. That gives a little time to fix and tweek.

Keep the faith!
Go Bengals!
We did the same thing last year with the 5 receiver thing. We did it at Montana St. last year when we were beating them and we go to 5 receiver thing when we didn't have to. And once again we got picked off and it was ran back. That is the biggest question mark in my opinion is why we have to rock the boat if something is working. It is like we are trying to re invent the wheel. I was very pleased in the second half when we mixed it up and it was working again and we were driving on them but it was too late. If Sac St. was beating Colorado St. and if E.Washington was up on Colorado and it sounds like Montana beat Cal Poly then we got our hands full this year with good talent all around. If anything take the pressure off of Hill and mix it up more and use our power running game and sneak in a few passes here and there. I know we got a lot of football left and i am excited for this season but lets also take care of a few things early on. GO BENGALS! looks like weber gave Hawaii a fit the first half. BSC is tough
Team Statistics (Final)

FIRST DOWNS................... 25 18
Rushing..................... 6 10
Passing..................... 18 7
Penalty..................... 1 1
Rushing Attempts............ 20 43
Average Per Rush............ 4.4 5.8
Rushing Touchdowns.......... 0 3
Yards Gained Rushing........ 99 275
Yards Lost Rushing.......... 10 26
NET YARDS PASSING...... 308 170
Completions-Attempts-Int.... 36-66-4 8-13-0
Average Per Attempt......... 4.7 13.1
Average Per Completion...... 8.6 21.2
Passing Touchdowns.......... 4 2
Total offense plays......... 86 56
Average Gain Per Play....... 4.6 7.5
Fumbles: Number-Lost.......... 0-0 2-1
Penalties: Number-Yards....... 8-92 6-64

We lost this game because we did not stop Idaho’s offense. We gave them 14 points, one special team mistake and the interception at their end of the field, which could have been a 3-point turnover if the D holds. 14 points, wow that and 1 is the score we lost by. Golly gee, we didn’t play a perfect game and lost by the difference of our mistakes. Damn didn’t expect that. Idaho’s first play from scrimmage goes for a touchdown and Tuff is calling out the QB, how was that his fault. What about the dropped passes, that Hill’s fault too? We were down 28-7 in the first half and could not let them get out any farther. Face it you can keep running the ball if your defense is dominant, ours is not. We put 27 points on the board, passed for 308 yards with four TD’s. 36 for 66, that’s 55% passing and the first thing out of some of your mouths is the QB sucks. What is Hill going to have to do to get any respect on this board? Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder about the football knowledge of some of you. Maybe you should watch the game and quit harping on the internet before the game plan even unfolds. What should concern you is we are allowing 1 ST touchdown a game on blocked punts, our defense is allowing 239 yards a game rushing and 261 yards a game passing. Hill passed 66 times with four interceptions, only one of those turned into a score for Idaho; another taken away from Eddy, one a Hail Mary pass. That means two were his fault. To put it in prospective he was 55 % passing, 36-66 with 308 yards with his noodle arm. In addition, while Idaho is not going to win many if anymore games this year; they are still a Div-1 program with the additional depth that gives you, as was Boise. A positive point; our O-line performed great. Hill was pressured a couple of times, but overall had time for most of his passes. Congrats to Eddy on catching 17 passes in the game.
The five wide set is not a bad thing--but it can't be the main staple of this offense. First, the defense always knows pre-snap that it is a pass play the way the Bengals run it. Idaho can see the package sub in from the sideline. ISU would be more effective running the set by shifting to it and bringing the RB out of the backfield. At least the defense would not identify the grouping early.

Five wide--no play-action and it offers very little opportunity to go deep. People are ripping Hill for throwing short and checking down. The offensive line is playing well, don't get me wrong--but you should not get sacked very much when the pass plays are 5-7 yard routes.

As for Hill--I am not sure that he is the long term answer either--but I still think he can be great. But how can folks shred a kid that is forced to pass 65 times in one game? The last pick happens all the time--the deep ball at the end of the game, c'mon. Another ball was taken away from the WR, Thompson, I believe. Watch the replay--it wasn't a 50-50 ball--it was taken away. The deep ball that was picked earlier--bad pass. The pass earlier that would have went for 6 if thrown over the top--bad ball. Picks are very rarely great passes. Other than that you have 5-7 dropped balls and the disadvantage of going 5 wide damn near all day. Did R. Hill play that bad? Hell, no!

People also forget--ISU got burned deep on the first play of the game, had a bad snap on a punt for a TD and had a FG blocked. What would the game had been like without those things taking place?

Also, people are quick to point out that Idaho is 1-AA talent. Bullshit--they may be a weak 1-A team, but they would still beat a number of 1-AA teams. Folks were bent that ISU was opening with two Division I opponents and the disadvantage that seven road games presented to this team. Now, ISU is 0-2 as predicted--and people are selling the farm. Give this team some more time, gang.
Get used to Hill, he is not going anywhere and he is your long term solution. Would you come here as a Div. I transfer or a JC with a Soph. incumbent and a JR backup. Players go where they think they can play, beating out what has been an effective incombent is not going to get any of them excited.
Right now, I am fine with that. But ISU needs to do a bit more with the play calling to help R. Hill be more successful.

What I am not fine with is telling the world that you are going to throw 80% of the time before you even get to the line of scrimmage. Mix the formations--throw the ball if you must, but not exclusively in the five wide set.

You can run the ball for five yards a pop with less risk than throwing for five yards a play. Abandoning the run or at least a formation with a run threat in the 2nd quarter down 21-7 was silly. I saw five wide on seven consecutive plays and I don't think that is the best thing for R. Hill at this point. ISU had its most success when they ran the ball successfully and then threw--make no mistake. Idaho State averaged 6 yards a run when they ran on first down. ISU likes second and short--and it helps the QB as well. How about 2nd and 3rd and long passing stats? ISU passed on 2nd and 3rd and long 37 times. End result, 15-35 passing, 3 INT's and a sack and 117 yards of offense.

If ISU runs the ball more or shows the threat to run--Idaho State's offense will be way better and Hill will be a very good player.
I'm gonna backtrack a bit... Hill did NOT lose this game for us. Our rush D, and Orthmann's stellar play calling did. However, Hill is NOT a championship caliber QB. We won't win the BSC under him. blackfoot, I have no axe to grind with him, but I also know NUMEROUS players on his own team, mostly defenders that don't think Russ is very good. They see him EVERY day. His 2 INTs that were intended for Isaiah were bad. One set up a score immediately, where had he made an even decent throw, Isaiah would ave scored a long TD. He made numerous other bad throws. I'll tell you who I personally wish we were grooming to be our next QB, none other than AJ Storms, who is fast, accurate, and very football smart. He has played D and understands both sides. If our playcalling on O doesn't change, we couldn't win with Tom Brady. But yes, I also agree that our o-line is great. So are our WR's and RB's...
Are these the same defensive players who have given up over 1000 yards in two games, both passing and running. Seems Hill could say the same thing about them. But that has never happened has it? Maybe they need to worry about their play and let Hill worry about his. When your giving up 42 points a game, don't blame the QB.

Tuff and all of you who cry about Hill. Remember what the saying is; the backup QB is always the most popular guy on the team. But also remember there is a reason they are the backup.
Anyways, let's put this behind us. No sense in holding a grudge against a team we don't even play that often anymore. Let's get ready for North Dakota. Let's get out and rally this squad. We have the potential. And remember, because we're D-1AA, these losses don't really count.

Am I mad that we lost to Idaho? Yes. Am I mad that we could have made a better showing at BS-U? You bet. Will I let these daunt me? Hell no!

I thought we passed too much, don't get me wrong. 65 is too much. Only the Graham Harrells, Chase Daniels, and Colt Brennans pass that much. With a stable of backs like Cornist, Byrd, Knickrehm, and Blue, we should utilize them.

We kept playing hard. We showed some damn good effort. The mistakes like the first play of the game and the blocked punt are inexcusable, though. We are better than that. But I see improvement coming.

Now keep your heads up, everyone! For Christ's sake, stop selling the farm after 2 damn games. There's still plenty to be played.
I think there are some good points shared from all posters. Look at the time of possession...Possession Time............... 31:17 28:43
1st Quarter................. 8:56 6:04
2nd Quarter................. 5:40 9:20
3rd Quarter................. 8:40 6:20
4th Quarter................. 8:01 6:59

Wasn't it in the 2nd Quarter that we went to the 5 wide and 3 and out almost every possession? The shovel pass to Blue and the other nice calls were actually nice to see but the redundant 5 wide for 2 straight drives or more is lazy and not very creative IMO. Yea, the defense and special teams got to step it up and they didn't show up either. I still got to stick to my guns and say that Idaho sucks and is not that good and i am saying they will get blown out every game this year and will only have 1 win again. We should have beaten them. We got our hands full too but like i said we need to pin point the problems and learn from them. We will be fine if we recognize right now. I like the time of possession we have been working with. We move the ball and that gives us the opportunity to play our style of football. Go Bengals!
Get one thing straight, I don't like anyone of our 3 QBs in particular. I like our D scheme, and think we will fair allright against FCS comp. But Ray Charles could see that our OC did a poor job. That isn't even debatable... BTW, I do think that Michael Wright, and DJ Clark with Richards are the answers in the secondary. Goins is the weak link so far there.
Bottom line is we did go away from the run and it killed us. We need to be a team that est. the run to set up the pass!!! Also we are not good enough to give up cheap TD'S and also turn the ball over as much as we did. The defense has to do a better job stopping the run. Lastly our time time management must improve on the sidelines.
I disagree; I think we need to keep the talk going.

Hill you’re a good QB. But a spiral would look better. The play calling killed you. We need to take some of the pressure off of you by running the ball a lot more. If we look at all the running backs we had in the game, the most productive ones got the least plays. Like the 3rd and fourth quarter. The coaching staff is not willing to keep the players in there that are productive, and produce for them. Like I saw in the game. Once a player started to produce at RB, “let’s say a little voice went off in their head saying Crap he’s looks. Better get em out of there”. If you have a player that is working, “leave em alone”
O-Line you guys are doing a great job. Keep it up...

Bengalbeliever Wrote
“I also want to know why Jason Jones never saw the field today either???? Were too light in a few spots on that line and I know he wasn't told he was coming to ride pine!!
They blew us away on the line in their run plays. You could've drove a van thru the holes out there.We are going to need to make a ton of changes to show improvement in the BSC this year. Everyone else seems to have improved based upon first couple of weeks.”
You couldn’t be more correct. TOO LIGHT ON THE LINE

Lagneb wrote:
“Will we ever get a defensive line that can play defense?”

Lagneb we have a D-Line, we just to choose not to play the best four, I think it has something to do with $^&&(())^%&*_)*_. Or something like that.

On Defense, if you see a player tapping on the helmet, that means he needs a blow. I told you that one of the D-Line guys could not hold up. I just don’t understand when you have the best three, and four down lineman on your team ,WHY DON”T YOU PLAY THEM AT THAT SAME TIME. #95, #48.You can not be in there at the same time. I tapped the game and watched the film over and over. You must have the coaches fooled in practice. OH!! #94 on the limited playing time you did receive I saw you get faked out of your pants. But at least you made it up on the next play. #98, instead of tapping on your helmet next time just take it off. You are an awesome player; you can’t do it by yourself. With fresh legs, you look good. When you’re tired it really shows. After being on the field 87% of the first half I can see why they ran all over us. The wrong people are in there.
Oh!! D-Ends it’s hard to see a reverse when your free kin head is down, and you’re a starter. At D-end you are to contain then attack. Not look at your pretty shoes.
CB, on the first play of the game. It wasn’t even a play action fake. What the hell. I think the play was called cover 2 not cover none.
I know that the coach Z has watched the game film 100 times. And if his assistant won’t make the change. He will.

Arm chair QB

Have a great day!!!!See you at practice

Outtastate: I totaly agree with you 100% on the D-Line rotation. I'm sorry you missed this game. But the first half was mainley the starters. i counted the plays. Less just say about 89%. The D-Line was even patting there helments to get a blow. Film don't lie. So why would you not put fresh in to keep them from running up the middle all day. I know we have a good coaching staff. I trust them. But i don't understand why they don't play certain players on offensive and Defensive. I know they see the players in pratice. But what i see is on the field, and then the replacemants come in do a good job or even better. But they don't last. they get pulled when they do good. The starters come back in and the team starts to go down again...
This game was not out of reach to start the second half. The subs came in and did a great job. Espically the RB. But he didn't last.
All i'm saying ,we have the players, use them don't let people tell you who has to play. If this is the best we can put on the feild. I accept that. But what we see aint.

Hey outastata glad to crack you up so much. There are about 15 people on this board that post consistently, and if that has some kind of effect on the staff and players, they need to find another line of work, PERIOD. I enjoy reading everything on this board, no matter how much I agree or disagree. People like you and even the current staff will come and go in this program, but the rest of us posters will be Bengal’s for life. I am very thankful for the staff we have, and it doesn’t hurt any of them to have people second-guessing their decisions. Somebody needs to, so why not in a place like message boards were we “the real life long fans of ISU” have an opportunity to say how we feel. Do you have another option for us to speak out? Can we go to the staff office and take up his time to ask him what is going on? Posters on the board are the last people you should be harping on. Why not go out in the community and talk to the people that don’t get involved with the university. Everybody on this board is financially and personally involved in the university and it will take a lot more then an outastata with nothing invested to change what happens or is said on this board.
Seems to me that everybody wants the same thing- wins. Lets all do our parts to support the cause- I think the program is in very good hands with Coach Z.

Lets not eat our young. Remember- we were a couple of mistakes away from a win this time - on the road at d1a. (ALBEIT UI)

Our Bengals will do very well in conference- that is the real goal, right?

Let me explain myself a little better. As an ex- player myself, with a major college, and high profile team. I see two things coming down the pipe.
Before I start let me say in little league football ages 7 – 14 it’s all about putting the best players out there. In high school it starts to turn a little to a 70-30 split leaning toward the more popular player, not necessary the best. Then when you get to college it changes for some reason.
#1. I will give the coaches 100% of my sweat and blood when I know that we have the best to give. There is not a player alive that will say this to a coach. If they did the popularity would go to the dogs. “Doghouse”.
#2. I don’t want to put thoughts into some players head, but they themselves can hold a team back. Sometimes the star players don’t want certain players on the field, reason’ it would show them up”.
The star players; if they want it, they could go to the coaches and say what’s up. Most of the time the good players will not say anything. “ It’s called “Don’t rock the boat” But the great players can make a change. I know we have two or three great players. Will they be the leaders? When we get to the third or fourth game, the star players will start to get antsy. Winning to them, becomes more apparent.
Trust me. I’m not bashing this team, or the coaches. It may seem like it at times. But I’m not. Just giving you some professional insight on what could happen, and what I see.
Be ready for it.
All of this is JMO

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