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Lincoln and Shattuck Halls Renovations Question


Active member
Shattuck Hall is just about to open after its renovation. Lincoln Hall will be under renovation over this academic year and will be open after a 2-year renovation. Shattuck Hall was once a grammar school building and Lincoln Hall was once a high school building.

Should the architectual character of these building retain these historical usage imprints or should it be altered to transform their images into university buildings exclusively?
I don't know. From the exterior, Shattuck looks pretty much the same, except cleaner, so I think people will always be able to tell its past. I think the buildings badly needed help, so I am fine with however they are transformed.
Both Lincoln and Shattuck were terrible to teach in. Both had original windows; the noise from traffic on Broadway was horrendous. Both were either freezing cold or miserably hot. None of the rooms were outfitted with tech. If they can bring the rooms even close to what are available in the other buildings it will be a triumph. From an educational point of view they both should have been torn down. Yes, the exteriors do represent the architectural style of a humdred years ago, and Portland is short of "historical" buildings. But frankly, they were non-descript. In any case, the budget didn't allow tearing down and starting new; this is a compromise.

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