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Marketing the Tourney, Magnetizing Fans


Active member
Torre Chisholm is in danger of prematurely slipping into the abyss of "we've done all we can---it is now up to the fans to support their team." No, I believe the answer is not for the fans to force themselves to games but rather for the PSU-AD to find the key solution to attracting them to the games. The "burden of proof" for this action lies with them. They are the ones drawing a salary for this purpose. /users/31/07/37/smiles/784240.gif

This is perhaps the greatest marketing conundrum in all of the NCAA. "If you can make it here, you'll make it anywhere." Finding the solution to magnetization will result in a tremendous depth of marketing insight for its discoverer. Right now (not to be insulting), the marketing efforts have been new and improved but are still routine and surfacey. The target audience sees there is work being done and is grateful for the efforts being applied. It sees this as the setting of a foundation for an improved marketing standard---which represents marked progress over past years. /users/31/07/37/smiles/595146.gif

The mission of the PSU-AD should be to make continuous improvements in marketing and raise the bar biennielly. Find an insight, stategize on how to secure it, nail it down and note the results of progress. While enjoying these, start on the next set of insights on which to strategize for the next rung on the ladder. /users/31/07/37/smiles/880372.gif

The worst thing one can do is lose patience with the target audience. They see the changes being made and the ice of choosing not to participate is beginning to be melted and the PSU-AD IS making progress in winning the pool of PSU fans over. The AD just needs to make the level of magnetization more and more irresistable until PSU fans are ready to "come out of their closets" and show themselves. /users/31/07/37/smiles/46710.gif

I've seen it happen on brief occasions---sporatically with glimpses, but it has shown itself with clarity. Once in an double overtime victory in basketball at the Rose Garden over Montana State. We fans wanted to rush to basketball floor but security forbade us from doing so (we really need our own arena). Other times were when Oregon and Oregon State were not playing well in football and we had a sold-out stadium for D-II football playoffs. Geez, the roar those crowds made! It was like a jet engine. It was huge!

One thing I would do right now as PSU-AD director is to make personal requests of the Portland Sports media to gets lot of film to tell the Cinderella story of Portland State basketball in their bid to go to NCAA Tournament (i.e. the ball) for the first time. Ask them not to regard the Vikings as some kind of "losers" but as a Cinderella in whom the entire state of Oregon can be proud. Ask them to tell the story of Delaney Conway, a future physician who has been named an academic All American. Use this opportunity to help change the very image of Portland State to a winner. Some people prefer NOT to attend Oregon or Oregon State simply as a matter of choice and that choice does in no way hold up their career progress---it may, in fact, enhance it.

The successful marketing PSU is about doing a make-over on young woman who was raised as an abused child. She has all the potential and beauty, but she needs the image make-over to make her believe in herself and her being a winner in life. The athletic image of a university is, after all, the emotional media image associated with that university. The image of Cinderella works well for PSU on many different levels. /users/31/07/37/smiles/269784.gif

Another issue is I would not try to sell the "Big Sky Tournament" to Portlanders as they are into things with panache like the Street of Dreams, etc. Rather, I would sell the Cinderella story and their march to the NCAA Tournament. The fact that they have to go through the Big Sky Conference tourney is merely incidental to the main story issue. /users/31/07/37/smiles/595146.gif
Have you contacted Torre with your suggestions? Athletic departments are always in search of individuals willing to volunteer their time and ideas in a variety of venues. Most athletic departments have limited staff and are wearing many hats, they usually welcome outside help from individuals with good credentials.
I really like your suggestions, but I don't think he's completely satisfied yet. He is known for his ability to get the students to the game, and make them loud when they get there. Once they can fill the Stott and PGE, then comes the push for new facilities.
I expect push-back from the media sources.

The trick isn't so much PSU's stature vs UO and OSU, it's the shrinking amount of time local media devotes to sports, especially when people are watching (local newscasts). The local media assumes, these days, that the hardened sports fans are going to ESPN.

Not my favorite quandary.
Pounder said:
I expect push-back from the media sources.

The trick isn't so much PSU's stature vs UO and OSU, it's the shrinking amount of time local media devotes to sports, especially when people are watching (local newscasts). The local media assumes, these days, that the hardened sports fans are going to ESPN.

Not my favorite quandary.

I think part of that is helped by the increasing coverage on the new CSN channel. The coverage that UP and PSU have been getting is helping to legitimize their sports programs, in my opinion.
If we are able to "magnetize" the fans, we could power on a giant magnet in the Stott Center on game nights so we'd always be assured of a full house. The challenge is getting human flesh to become magnetic. Maybe we could add something magnetic into the water supply.
Magnetic flesh?

Ditch the "family-friendly" mantra and advertise naked cheerleaders. That saves us the trouble of years of ethically dodgy bio-chemical experiments.

I'm all for a green-out for Tuesday's game, BTW.
I think that PSU needs to recognize that the health of the two revenue sports (FB and Men's BB) feeds off each other. In particular, PSU could start marketing dual season ticket packages for both sports to increase BB attendance.
MoV is absolutely right with CSN. It's the reason why I will subscribe to Comcast next summer, and I will make sure to let them know. And yes, naked cheerleaders would probably help, too. And cheap beer, while we are at it.

It seems we now have a successful basketball team and a spectacular football team with potential. Last FB season showed that it is not only possible to get people to PSU games, but that it is actually not that difficult.
Portland has noticed that PSU sports can be a lot of fun and given Athletics more attention than ever; now it is time to capitalize on that attention and show Portland that PSU sports can also be successful.

Oh, and more on-campus housing, less commuting. PSU's way to becoming a more traditional school will help PSU sports significantly in the future.
skywaker9 said:
I think that PSU needs to recognize that the health of the two revenue sports (FB and Men's BB) feeds off each other. In particular, PSU could start marketing dual season ticket packages for both sports to increase BB attendance.

This is a great idea. Dual packages could help the upswing of either men's hoops or football bring the attendance up in another sport.

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