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Measuring Stick.


Active member
In my opinion the next two weeks and the final game of the season will be the true measuring stick on weather this team and coaching staff are moving in the right direct. ISU plays Sac State this week, Northern Colorado next week and Portland State on the final game of the season.

All three teams and the Bengals are currently in the bottom half of the BSC and the preseason polls had the squads finishing in this order 6-9 Portland State, Sac State, Northern Colorado and ISU. They finished in that exact order at the conclusion of the 2008 season and the same order in 2007 with the exception of Sac State flip flopping with Portland State.

Since 2007 this is the conference records of the four mentioned BSC teams:

Portland State 6-10 (3rd year (Glanville) @ Sac State Saturday
Sac State 7-9 (3rd year Sperbeck) vs ISU Saturday
ISU 3-16 (3rd year Zamberlin) @ Sac State Saturday
Northern Colorado 2-17 (4th year Downing) vs Portland State Saturday

Today's game against the Hornets is of particular interest to me. Sac State and their 3rd year coach, Marshall Sperbeck are 10-17 in their first three years together. In comparison, John Zamberlin and the Bengals are 4-24 in that same span. Sperbeck was a Junior College coach head coach prior to Sacramento State, while Zamberlin brought experience as a head coach from the Division 2 level. The Bengals and the Hornets have split the last two meeting with ISU winning in 2008 and Sac State winning in 2007.

So, this weekends and next weekends game against Northern Colorado are games that I consider BENCHMARKS for the program, throw in the final game of the year against Portland State and I think a much truer picture of where the program is heading will be painted.

Anyhow, this will be my measuring stick. Thoughts and or comments?
I think the ISU athletic department is committed to Coach Z and his coaching staff and will extend their contracts for the next 2 years regardless of the season outcome this year. The recruiting for coach Z actually is in its 2nd year and I think the recruiting of the current freshmen class and the sophomore class is good as these two classes are currently getting a lot of playing time and some are actually starting. This year recruiting class is critical as that determine the future of the Bengals the next couple of years. I think you will see the Bengals winning the league championship in 2 years based on the freshmen class and sophomore class they currently have on their rooster.
I think if that were the case, the contract would already be in place. Having a coach without a contract is not very wise when a coach is in the middle of the recruiting season. So, lets just say the contract is extended at the END of this season, how will the coaching staff match the talent of last years class? Especially, when the recruits have no idea if the coaching staff will return in 2010. If ISU is committed to renewing the contract of Zamberlin, they need to do it SOON or risk the chance of damaging the 2010 recruiting class.

This is what leads me to believe that an extension is not a given.
up for the challenge said:
I think the ISU athletic department is committed to Coach Z and his coaching staff and will extend their contracts for the next 2 years regardless of the season outcome this year. The recruiting for coach Z actually is in its 2nd year and I think the recruiting of the current freshmen class and the sophomore class is good as these two classes are currently getting a lot of playing time and some are actually starting. This year recruiting class is critical as that determine the future of the Bengals the next couple of years. I think you will see the Bengals winning the league championship in 2 years based on the freshmen class and sophomore class they currently have on their rooster.

They would have to be pretty damn committed to keep him around...if the season was over today, would you give him an extension? My biggest thing is the program going in the wrong direction instead of the right. We havent been competetive in ONE game this year...not even close...at Weber we were competetive for the first quarter and thats it!
I would not give an extension as of today. However, if they win those three games--my tune would change a great deal. That would be three conference wins.

With that said, I don't think things are going to change by the end of the season and I really believe the decision on retention has already been made. Just look at the comments made by players to the media in the past two weeks. Those things point to a team that is beginning to fracture and consistent losing is how these things start. Winning cures almost everything--including fan criticism.
[..if that were the case the contract would already be renewed]

WELL PUT CUB, and get punked up-for-the-challenge! ..that sounded like a propaganda post straight out of Zamberlin's office, Amrine is that you? :) haha! jk, but seriously..?

also how do you do your math challenged? this is the third season for which they've recruited players be they juco transfer or freshman, where does this "second year" of recruiting come from? technically they're already looking into their fourth recruiting class (for next season).

i guess if this was Amrine that (math talk) would be mean of me, but come on..
C'mon Milk, the coaches do not pay attention to this message board...

...I see that you got out of last week with a "full sack" based on the lack of turnovers. :D

What bet do you have for us this week and will leftee or rightee be part of that wager?
oh man, i might not be able to put the 'ol balls on the line again but if i had to...i'd say that if our defense (come on DEFENSE) can give our offense a couple more 20yrd fields again (like in the central game) we'll leave cali with at least 14 points in our pockets.
BTW, Boise Bengal, I will concede our bet. ISU does not have the RB talent that I thought they did. That would be dinner for you at the Ram.
I agree with you cub I definitely think we need help at the RB position. Cub way to stick it out, and keep your head up!
What I am wondering is how Sac State gets away with launching that cannon with it aimed so low. Those shells could easily kill someone--or even more than one person. That would not be any fun.

Letuknow, what do you say we take a look at Mozzochi? Maybe the cannonball hit him?
This is up for the challenge. I predict a 2 year extension onto Coach Z contract and predict a good recruiting class for this year. I predict a winning season next year in the Big Sky League and I predict a Big Sky League Championship the following year. I also predict sale out crowds in the arena in two years. What do you think?
up for the challenge said:
This is up for the challenge. I predict a 2 year extension onto Coach Z contract

While I'd like to see it happen, I wouldn't be surprised if his contract is not renewed. There is a TON of evidence as to why he should NOT get the extension. If ISU is going to commit to Z, then ISU better do it soon. Otherwise the uncertainty may affect....

up for the challenge said:
and predict a good recruiting class for this year.

the 2010 recruiting class. Assuming Z gets the extension, he could bring in a recruiting class that could/will play sooner rather than later (see attrition rates of '07 and '08 recruiting classes). What do you mean by "good?"

up for the challenge said:
I predict a winning season next year in the Big Sky League

I've never heard the BSC referenced as the Big Sky League. That said, I could see the 2010 Bengals be a better version than what we've seen thus far in 2009. I do NOT see ISU winning any BSC-road games (the curse continues...). With potential BSC home games v. Weber (no more Trevyn Smith, but Higgins still a thorn to ISU), CSUS, Montana State, and NAU, I do NOT see a home sweep, but maybe 2 or 3 wins. Thus, a 2-6 or 3-5 BSC record is probable in 2010.

up for the challenge said:
and I predict a Big Sky League Championship the following year

A BSC Championship in 2011???? Nope. Not gonna happen.

up for the challenge said:
I also predict sale out crowds in the arena in two years. What do you think?

Not sure what you mean by a "sale out crowd," but if ISU can show it can be competitive, entertaining, and win at home, then I can see an increase in attendance. Z's gotta win to put butts in the seats. Some cool, innovative marketing and promotions could help, too. IF he wins, they will come, but ISU still won't SELL OUT Holt Arena like I've seen Black and Blue crowds.

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