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Active member
It seems like everything is dead on here and surrounding the team. I can't believe that this hasn't already been done, a thread about THIS weeks game. Has everyone accepted the fact that this team is terrible? Resigned to the fact that Zamberlin is running this ship for 2 more very long years?

Anyways, NAU is an explosive team. They are playing very well and have a solid defense. A couple weeks ago they shut down Mon St in Bozeman. On the flip side, the Bengals are not good. 6 of their 7 games this year have been blowout losses. The other, against Central Washington, the bengals weren't close and were still dominated.

This one looks tough, and it pains me to say so, but this looks to be game 7 of 8 as a blowout.

NAU- 42
ISU- 3
are you asking a question or making a statement?

'Has everyone accepted the fact that this team is terrible? Resigned to the fact that Zamberlin is running this ship for 2 more very long years?'

if you're going to be a d'bag - try not to hide behind 'pretend' insults to the team/coaches/program and just get to the point.
ISUDude said:
It seems like everything is dead on here and surrounding the team. I can't believe that this hasn't already been done, a thread about THIS weeks game. Has everyone accepted the fact that this team is terrible? Resigned to the fact that Zamberlin is running this ship for 2 more very long years?

Anyways, NAU is an explosive team. They are playing very well and have a solid defense. A couple weeks ago they shut down Mon St in Bozeman. On the flip side, the Bengals are not good. 6 of their 7 games this year have been blowout losses. The other, against Central Washington, the bengals weren't close and were still dominated.

This one looks tough, and it pains me to say so, but this looks to be game 7 of 8 as a blowout.

NAU- 42
ISU- 3

I've accepted the fact that this team will go as far as the offensive line will take them. The talent gap along with injuries and depth issues are too much for ISU to overcome. Even if ISU were to play a perfect game, they would still come up short.

Still, I think ISU can show improvement and play better. I can see ISU making strides if they can win some of the battles such as:

1. no turnovers
2. rush for 100+ and/or average 4 yards/carry
3. force multiple 3 and outs on DEF
4. make the NAU QB uncomfortable by producing a consistent pass rush
5. sustain drive and move the chains
6. convert on 3rd down
7. score in the red zone
8. no drops
9. no bad/mishandled snaps

If ISU can do at least #1 on my list and do a few of the others, I think ISU can build off of their performance that could carry over into the MSU game in Bozeman (of course, I thought they would be able build upon the rushing success from CSUS and do equally if not better v. UNC).

NAU - 48
ISU - 14

Maybe someone from UNC or an earlier opponent has said that playing ISU was like a scrimmage. That could light the fire to come out and make a statement v. NAU. ;)
''1. no turnovers
2. rush for 100+ and/or average 4 yards/carry
3. force multiple 3 and outs on DEF
4. make the NAU QB uncomfortable by producing a consistent pass rush
5. sustain drive and move the chains
6. convert on 3rd down
7. score in the red zone
8. no drops
9. no bad/mishandled snaps''

If all of these happen we would win the game

ISU continues to give Superfan's liver fits, and will probably be found over at Hooligan's with a glass of Jack and a glass of rum and coke watching Mississippi State attempt an upset of Florida at Davis Wade Stadium, giggling everytime somebody mentions Sylvester Croom and get a constipated look everytime somebody talks about how great Tim Tebow is. This season is worse than watching Ohio State flounder on an offense that has mad talent. I kinda miss John Cooper sometimes.

Oh sorry, you wanted me to talk about something relevant and how ISU could do better? OK-

-I say ISU places a moratorium on sportsmanship and all the damn niceties and just f**ks somebody up. Hit something! The offensive line needs to punch somebody in the face. Take a 15-yarder or two, just show me that you still have some damn heart (that goes for the entire team).

-No more damn screens. Do we even have an offensive philosophy? Go watch anything on YouTube posted by ourhonordefend or WolverineHistorian and watch the Buckeyes and Wolverines for an idea on what a real offense looked like and how a real offensive line worked.

-O-Line, get your shit in gear or come play rugby next spring

-Wide receivers-CATCH...THE...DAMN...BALL

-Runningbacks-If you fumble the ball again, you can join the O-Line and come out for rugby too because neither of you two units are worthy of pads at the moment.

-Coaches-Cohesive playcalling, for the Love of God Himself

-Pocatello, if you do not sell out every men and women's basketball game and make some serious noise this year after going through this football season, I will hate you forever. Just a warning for future reference. Oh, and come sell-out soccer next weekend at 1PM, wear white. It's imperative that you do.

Other than that, I have nothing else at the moment.
Superfan...I HATE it when you beat around the bush. You never tell us how you really feel, and for your sake...I hope you don't find yourself in a dark alley with some O-lineman.
voice, you know superfan can fly right? he is super after all. no dark alley scares him or O-lineman for that matter!
spartan said:
are you asking a question or making a statement?

'Has everyone accepted the fact that this team is terrible? Resigned to the fact that Zamberlin is running this ship for 2 more very long years?'

if you're going to be a d'bag - try not to hide behind 'pretend' insults to the team/coaches/program and just get to the point.

(sigh...) spartan why do you always got to mess with people? ..make me proud and post a good point or perspective on bengal football. for example something like: where do you see zamberlin improving upon last week in this weeks game?

i'm looking forward to seeing some more power running behind lance and ryan. a little less strech and sweep action would suit our lines' ability i think.

i'm thinking NAU 60 - ISU 17
This is exactly the kind of game that causes me dread as a fan. A game that everyone thinks NAU is guaranteed to win.

There are no guarantees in sports. Unless NAU shows up with their collective minds on the game then any team can pull off a win... no matter how improbable. Even an ISU team that's having a tough go this year.

I don't enjoy blowouts in any form. Either as the donor or the recipient. They breed false security/confidence for the winning team and destroy last vestiges of hope for the losing team. I hope it's a close game and none of the predictions I've read here come true.

Remember, while NAU's defense has improved over the past two weeks it has given up yards and points in huge chunks at a time this season.

I'll go with: NAU 34
ISU 21

You wanna know how I really feel? Okey-dokey:

I feel like I'm watching a mix of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in its twilight and listening to the Benny Hill theme in the background. I don't even know why we do half the shit we do! Trust me, when you go all-out for almost 4 years, it wears on you when the team doesn't even show heart anymore. It kills me even more when players admit they take plays off. You know what that tells me?

That says that 1) They have no killer instinct, 2) They lack the will to even play 3) They have no pride in themselves and the uniforms that they wear.

And yes, I think the offensive line needs the ass-kicking of their lives. They need a Bo Schembechler to chew them like cheap jerkey. They need to HIT SOMEBODY!!!

It's so frustrating. Seriously, this team needs to play with some heart. They should watch the soccer and volleyball teams, maybe they'll learn a thing or two. I see no heart from anybody, all I see is a bunch of robots who go through the motions. There is no morale or vision or any kind of swagger and we have an incredible turnover rate. I don't want to hear about retention when half the guys I saw in the fall are gone by the end of the spring. That's not retention, that is a flood of people leaving the program!

And one other thing, I'm not afraid of 'em. They don't hit on the field, they're not going to do a whole lot off of it.



There are guarantees in sports, like Joe Namath's guarantee and the 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers. That team was literally unbeatable.

And you have nothing to fear. ISU couldn't exploit any of those openings because we're too busy calling those damn screen passes.
Superfan, are these things that you are seeing or are they things that you can see and hear? Is the team making a statement by laying down are they fractured and divided?

Is this coaching, players or both? Why do you think that more kids are going to leave? I have been hearing quite a bit that players don't believe that things can change until schemes change? Its a same scheme same result, type thing. Do you see or hear the same things?

If this team lays down--the problem is deep, very deep.
For the record, Cub, I was referring to Brad Shedd's disturbing comment from the CWU game that they were taking plays off. I don't give a DAMN what week it is. If people are taking plays off in 1 game, chances are they're doing it in others. And that is unacceptable.

If I heard things, I would NEVER say them on this board or out loud in public.

I sense things, I don't see or hear them. I don't have to. The energy on the football team is incredibly low; and I can sense that very easily. It's so obvious I can see it in their play.

Contrasting that with the soccer and volleyball teams, their energy is intense and very high. I feed off of it and I'm very, VERY receptive to that. That's one of the things that gives me so much energy at games.

I'm much more perceptive than people realize, you know
Perceptiveness it's one of his abilities, along with flying, and thwarting offensive lineman in dark alleys..

I hate to say this Ross but that comment shed made so many weeks ago needs to be water under the bridge by now. Truthfully I feel that brad misspoke and if he had it to say it all over again he would have communicated his thoughts differently. Not every player is as involved as the next in every play. Look at wideouts in many run plays, rarely are they expending as much energy as say the center for example. Truth is when a player is on the field exhausted he can’t always give a hundred percent. When brad said he takes plays off I don’t think he meant that he just does nothing whatsoever, but that within the confines of the play he (and others) cut certain corners that they know to be relatively safe to cut.

Anyway that’s my interpretation. The first time being interviewed can be a bit unnerving and we should allow certain graces for one who stumbles on his words or thoughts.
I'm going to say that we'll be lucky to put up 10 points. FG probable. TD unlikely (from the offense). Maybe the defense or special teams can pull one for us.
Rushing yards: if we are in the positive, great. If we have at least 50 yards, wonderful. 100 yards: highly unlikely.
I see NAU rolling over us on the rush and I predict they''ll put up at least 35.
Final guess: NAU 38 ISU 6. I also think the well established pattern will continue and we won't appear to be competitive - even if they (NAU) go to the bench if they are up by a wide margin.
All that said, it's still 0-0 and 60 minutes of the game remain.
I wish again to be wrong on my prediction.
If we win the coin toss, remember to go with the wind at your back there! :lol: Maybe NAU changes the dampers in the ductwork around depending on who has the ball.
I have to agree Tigersmilk. My god everyone is allowed a mistake. Want to know how ridiculus it can get. A guy at work brought up the shopko five to justify his believing ISU recruits criminals. Do you realize that happened in 1999. Yes, twenty years ago and three coaches. Same guy couldn't tell you the name of the kid at Boise who got in trouble for killing someone racing cars, but he remembers the shopko thing. Move on, I imagine we have all said or done something stupid in our live. If you have not, you need to get our more.
Just finished my early morning orange flavored kool aid...

NAU plays the Bengals this week, Sac. State next week and then they travel to play MISSISSIPP on Nov. 7. I'm thinking that they are not too worked up about this week and next. My guess, the Bengals struggle but don't quit.

Shocker... ISU 18 NAU 17
blackfootbengal said:
Sorry, it happened in 1996. So make that 13 yrs ago. Damn made a mistake, hope no one keeps bring it up for the rest the year.

I'm sure someone will since you misremembered. ;)

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