My latest wicked brainstorming... and I mean wicked. The following proposal is, by no means, a perfect solution. What it is trying to do is address a possible funding angle, and meld in with other proposals currently on the table.
Don't build at Stott. Build on the current Lincoln HS site.
The arena is bigger than 4,500... probably somewhere between 6,500 and 7,500 overall. It accomodates hockey... yes, the Winter Hawks. This means trying to dole out playing dates... which means having women's basketball to continue playing at Stott, and that won't be easy. Title IX has caused problems on this end before.
Lincoln is made available by trading out that land for an oft-rumored new campus elsewhere. What I'm hoping to see is that renovating the current site costs more than building anew elsewhere... without that angle, it's that much harder... use the proposed westside URA for a LITTLE BIT of money.
The proposed URA runs all the way from the Conway property to Lincoln HS by my understanding. I happen to know that Goose Hollow people are counting on the URA for Lincoln renovation.
Some of the NW property in the URA could be more suitable for a new HS site. POSSIBLY, a new PPS headquarter could be part of the package... which opens up more of the entertainment district proposal at the Rose Quarter.
I figure the $5 million Merritt Paulson saved on the franchise fee will eventually be applied to PGE Park, so $10 million of the URA helps PGE Park, and $5 million can go to this arena proposal. Perhaps more, but this is already a politically dicey proposal. PSU and the Hawks will have to fund-raise the remainder.
The URA will have to have some sort of grease for the county in order to happen, of course. I think I've addressed the school district within the plan.
As for design, see the Orleans Arena in Vegas. It's where the Las Vegas Wranglers skate, and where the WCC hosted their tournament this year. It's not perfect, but I wonder if seats on the ends of the hockey alignment can "fold over" to provide baseline basketball seats.
Obviously, this is some wild thought, no basis in reality known to be coming down the pike.