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No Coach's Show tonight


Active member
Just a reminder to everyone that we will not be having a coach's show tonight because of ISU basketball. We will try and get an interview with Coach Z if we can to run during halftime of the basketball game, though.
That is too bad. I was going to ask Coach Z what he meant about the people in the stands not having the courage to get down on the field and fight for ISU. I was really confused by that.
I heard it too, but I figured I may have misunderstood it. The Idaho State Journal Sports Blog has a link to the post game press conference and you can hear it on there.
“John Zamberlin outcoached Bob Hauck badly today,” Montana coach Bobby Hauck said. “He had his team fired up. They played inspired football. They should be proud of their efforts. I’m proud of their guys.
“Coach Z was the best coach on the field tonight, and we were lucky to get out of here with the win.”

The fairy-tale ending was not to be.
“I know they’re hurting, and it’s good they’re hurting,” Zamberlin said. “There are a lot of people that sit in the stands that never have the courage to step in the arena and play and put it on the line. They did, so they have nothing to feel bad about.”
In time, what transpired at Holt Arena on Saturday will grow in Idaho State lore. Fans will remember as the time the brave Bengals almost willed themselves to one of the biggest upsets in Big Sky history.
Bengal Roar said:
“John Zamberlin outcoached Bob Hauck badly today,” Montana coach Bobby Hauck said. “He had his team fired up. They played inspired football. They should be proud of their efforts. I’m proud of their guys.
“Coach Z was the best coach on the field tonight, and we were lucky to get out of here with the win.”

The fairy-tale ending was not to be.
“I know they’re hurting, and it’s good they’re hurting,” Zamberlin said. “There are a lot of people that sit in the stands that never have the courage to step in the arena and play and put it on the line. They did, so they have nothing to feel bad about.”
In time, what transpired at Holt Arena on Saturday will grow in Idaho State lore. Fans will remember as the time the brave Bengals almost willed themselves to one of the biggest upsets in Big Sky history.

Damn, I'm misting up again!
The fairy-tale ending was not to be.
“I know they’re hurting, and it’s good they’re hurting,” Zamberlin said. “There are a lot of people that sit in the stands that never have the courage to step in the arena and play and put it on the line. They did, so they have nothing to feel bad about.”
In time, what transpired at Holt Arena on Saturday will grow in Idaho State lore. Fans will remember as the time the brave Bengals almost willed themselves to one of the biggest upsets in Big Sky history.

I'm not saying that he did...but does anyone know that Coach Z DIDN'T hear any criticsm of the Bengals after the loss to Montana? I also think it would be fair to say that as much heat as the team (coaches and players) have taken from some on this board (I'm not saying it wasn't justified), he has received some VERY negative (really...I'm making a HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT here) personal communications from angry fans. It's entirely possible that Coach Z's comment wasn't made towards one single person that's posted on this board. I'm just saying "if the shoe fits...wear it". If it doesn't, let it go, as we may not have any idea who he was referring to.

Sometimes I just can't help playing the :twisted:'s advocate...
IMO, ISU benefits when Z builds the program and interacts with fans in a positive manner.

Z needs to let these things go.
Zamberlin is the figurehead of ISU football, he is a public figure, a public personality. as such he MUST expect to receive criticism in many forms. with a 4 and 29 record at ISU, things like being called worthless, horrible, terrible, abomination, disgrace, and "moster" come with the territory. Zamberlin's choices in staff, coaching approach and far-reaching issues with student-athletes are all fair game for fans to scrutinize. AND no fans are not required to sugar coat their feelings so as to cater to john's sensitivity or the sensitivities of john's super-pals on this message board or elsewhere.

Sometimes I just can't help playing the :twisted:'s advocate...

funny how you're only the devils advocate when it comes to defending mr. Z

what did he mean by saying “There are a lot of people that sit in the stands that never have the courage to step in the arena and play and put it on the line." ?

does he mean that because he was blessed with the talent to play fooball, those who never played at his level have no right to criticize him?

i dont get what he ment by that...i dont know how you could defend this statement other that he was under the gun and it came out wrong. or maybe he was trying to illustrate the "courage" of his players but went about it all ass-backwards?

wouldn't be the first thing he went about doing ass-backwards (shout out to the axe grind haters, hate hate hate)

ps. voice i feel like you're saying something by not saying something...

It's entirely possible that Coach Z's comment wasn't made towards one single person that's posted on this board. I'm just saying "if the shoe fits...wear it". If it doesn't, let it go, as we may not have any idea who he was referring to.

...if my intution on this is off so be it, but you are a dang smart man jerry and you have to have some thoughts as to who was he referring to? make it a private message if you feel more comfortable. the milk is all ears.
I can only imagine the criticism that Coach Zamberlin has had to deal with in person, on the telephone, in the mail, over the fax, in the newspaper, booing fans, us message board idiots and all of that stuff.

I have been the target of some very pissed off people myself...with regards to player retention and APR in PM's and e-mails.

I have learned and I hope Coach Z will learn that the less he pays attention to these types of things the better off he will be. Trust me, this coaching staff and administration get too caught up with what is being said by folks that are critical of the program.

As someone told me...

...For some reason, this coaching staff and administration spends an inordinate amount of time worrying about a fan message board and what disgruntled fans say. Some people don't seem to understand that you can long for a program to succeed and still criticize and hold people accountable and demand change.

In my opinion saying things like what Coach Z said in that interview can only breed criticism. Look at the Montana game for instance--one helluva a game, right? Most people came to this board and fall on their sword a bit--offering up kudos and throwing out complements. Then a thread heats up regarding what he said in an interview, folks balls get chapped--and some of the positive begins to fade away. I just think that the remark was a remark that Zamberlin should not have said.

The real truth is this--it takes Bengal fans so little to get excited and to get on board. Really, Bengal fans will support a team that gives its all and competes. All they want is a program that is moving in the right direction, shows improvement and does not make excuses.

Coach Z, if you don't like what some folks have to say about your football program--put a smile on your face, shake hands with everyone and fake it if you have to. Don't make excuses and don't make any reference to the folks that offer up criticisms.

In my opinion Coach Zamberlin has charisma, and if he channels his energy towards building support--he may be surprised by who will jump on board. For instance, the way that Coach Z has handled some tough questions on the coaches show has really turned me off as a fan and got him on my shit list. With that said, when he says things about wanting to be at ISU long-term and wanting to retire at ISU--I can't help but to pull for him a bit. My point, his comments can divide or unite.

Sorry for the ramble--I am not sure if I even make sense anymore.

A quick addition to my message...after reading Brad Bugger's blog--this fan verbalized it better than I can:

"Not that ISU football doesn't ask for it, but your blogs always seem to indicate the sky is falling - or is going to - on football.

On the fan board, Jerry said that the exhibition basketball games weren't shown on Big Sky TV at Joe O'Brien's request (so as to keep Iowa State and others from watching the Bengals play). Is this true??? If it is, ISU has big problems, folks.

The secrecy is BS. Thumbing your noses at what fan base is left is crap! At what point do you make the decision that you don't care whether fans can watch or not (so that O'Brien can play a game he is a big underdog in anyway)? The message I get is that ISU doesn't care what I think, so in that same regard, why should I care what ISU wants? Convince me to send a check to ISU athletics. Convince me to send a student athlete to ISU when I may not even be able to watch them play anyway.

What's up with John Zamberlin calling the people out who actually made the effort to attend the football game? In effect, he called us cowards, even though most of us spent some hard earned money to attend. Here's a project for the ISU athletic staff, give a call to the University of Idaho, Becky Paul, and any other staff members who were working there with Tom Cable. The guy was the biggest PR fiasco in Vandal history. He wasn't winning, but he decided to go to war with the fans and boosters. He would say such things that "the only people who question his style are the ones who know nothing about football or never put on a jock strap in the first place." Needlesss to say, ticket sales and morale was low. Zamberlin needs to focus on his team, and keep the insults to himself. Why in the Hell didn't the diehards who actually showed up for the game get a pat on the back? I left the game with such a broad range of emotions, and the pride I felt for the warriors and staff who gave it their all was huge. Reading the paper the next morning with that half-assed quote took it all away and ruined the experience for me. Am I the only one who felt that way?

What the Hell is going on in the athletic office?"
I'm with you cub. I had some family in town and brought a couple with me... Now I'll think twice. Sad but true. That has been part of my grind with z. Excuses and deflecting blame onto others, it turns me against him.
“I know they’re hurting, and it’s good they’re hurting,” Zamberlin said. “There are a lot of people that sit in the stands that never have the courage to step in the arena and play and put it on the line. They did, so they have nothing to feel bad about.”

I always find it fascinating to try to find the source of ideas. This one has been around for a while. I believe the original intent was to give credit to the man in the battle, not criticize those who aren't. It is an often quoted set of lines from Theodore Roosevelt:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
--Theodore Roosevelt
I made a comment last year concerning Zamberlin needing to just be the head coach, not a position coach. My reasoning being, a head coach loses propective concerning his whole team if he is coaching a position on defense or offense. Zamberlin is in that place now, even more than last year. Every interview I hear has Zamberlin saying the offense needs to keep the defense off the field so they can rest. That's a given, everyone and every team in the league wants that. Reality, turnovers are part of the game, bad snaps, fumbles and interceptions. Zamberlin, the difference between teams that win and teams that lose is the defense not the offense. We give up over 400 yards a game against the conference teams, not Oklahoma or Arizona State. Our offense scored an average of 27 pts a game last year and could not win because the defense gave up 41 pts. We only score 10 pts this year and give up about 40 pts again this year, and I do believe the defense is better. My point, give me fewer excuses and justifications and accept your responsiblity for the problem. Don't blame the QB's and runningbacks and offense as a whole when you replaced the OC and OL coach with inexperenced coaches. Quit using the offense as your crutch and admit you have some problems on the defense that have nothing to do with the offense. I'm tired of hearing the defense missed tackles because the offense kept them on the field the whole game and they are tired. That is a justification for failure that uses the other side of the ball as the reason for failing. Are you the head coach or are you the defensive head coach. Admit your mistakes, fix them the best you can, and move on. In addition, quit commenting on what's said on this message board. You can read what is said, take what is relevant or worth listening too at it's face value, but you should never let anyone here know you are doing that. As they say on ESPN when giving out spreads; this board is for entertainment purposes only. In other words quit blaming everyone else and take a look in the mirror for the problem. After all, you are the man making the calls.
Just a point, but John does not read this message board...i know this for a fact. Not saying he didn't at one time, but he has stopped reading it, and that happened a while ago.

I believe what that quote is about is some stuff he has gotten from a few students who have written to him about how we should get rid of football. He was very happy with our crowd on Saturday.

Just a point, but John does not read this message board...i know this for a fact.

just a counter-point, how could you possibly know something like that with ABSOLUTE certainty? ...maybe you do, but how?

just another point, i find it curious that you are compelled to defend Zamberlin on this topic at all(whether he reads this forum or doesn't). sports information director (sid) does not equal personal excuse representative (per).

He was very happy with our crowd on Saturday

since the two of you are as close as you are, perhaps you could tell us why he chose not to express his pleasure with the crowd on saturday, but instead made a remark about the cowardice (or lack of courage) of individual(s) in the seats? i distinctly remember two false starts committed by montana that were caused by the noise from the fans in holt, that would've been a great thing for Zamberlin to show some appreciation towards.

I believe what that quote is about is some stuff he has gotten from a few students who have written to him

if that were the case, then why would he not reserve his comments to those correspondences? even if he was addressing certain students who want to get rid of football, then why would calling them cowards be an appropriate response?

so many excuses flying around that department. i think you've caught the Zamblam-excuse virus too... :|
Here goes my two cents....WE,(THE FANS) WERE AWESOME...WE KNOW WE WERE, UH GUYS...IT WAS THE MOST FUN I HAVE HAD AT A GAME IN A VERY...VERY LONG TIME. I'm up for it again next week...I am there for the players and not really Zamberlin...I was a big time Zamberlin Fan to begin with but that has faded...but I am still there for ISU FOOTBALL. That remark was almost as hurtful as Brad Shedds. Neither one of them certainly meant for it to be taken the way it came out...But too late now. My question is why did it take some players and coaches sooooo long to find that HEART AND PASSION I have talking about for two years!!!! We actually played like WE REALLY DID WANT TO WIN! Another question I have was who was calling the plays? Was it Jensen or another coach? Anyone have any answers?
since the two of you are as close as you are, perhaps you could tell us why he chose not to express his pleasure with the crowd on saturday, but instead made a remark about the cowardice (or lack of courage) of individual(s) in the seats?

I'm only going to make this point...then I'm off with the basketball team...

After the game in the post-game show, Coach Z couldn't say enough about how GREAT the crowd was and how much the team fed off of it during the game...

On Bengal Review with Brad Shellgren Coach Z again talked about how amazing the crowd was and how the players fed off its excitement and energy...

On the radio during halftime of the basketball game Monday night, Coach Z again gushed about how great the crowd was and how the players fed off its energy during the game against Montana...

I was not in the media room during the post-game press conference, but for some reason or other, the only quote used in the paper was the one that has everyone's shorts in a wad. Do you honestly think that's the ONLY thing Coach said? I'll bet that in the post-game press conference Coach talked about how great the crowd was...just because the comments didn't make it in the paper doesn't mean he didn't say it. After all...it's the one thing he's talked about in every other media opportunity since the game ended.

I'll just say it again...if the shoe fits...wear it. If it doesn't...move on. If the shoe doesn't fit and you can't move on...why not?

Tigersmilk...the ONLY thing I was saying without coming out and saying it was this...

To me it seems a little conceited to think that every word from a coach referring to his critics is meant specifically for you. I suppose if you want to think that Coach Z runs around trying to think up responses to your comments on this board you can believe it all you want, but I doubt if he's ever read one of your posts. He gets enough criticism sent directly to him, or directly to his face that he doesn't need to come on here to find criticism. That's the point I was making with my post...that and that alone.

I have no dog in this fight other than ISU...if Coach Z doesn't succeed and gets replaced, and I'm blessed to still be calling games, I'll work with a new coach and support him the same way I do Coach Z and Coach O'Brien because just like all of you, I want ISU to succeed. My job is to do my best to help every program at ISU succeed with the coaches and players they have right now...regardless of the program, and to help build fans along the way...THIS IS MY TEAM. My job is to call the games and ask questions afterward...the tough ones as well as the easy ones. That's why I'm more than happy to take your questions and use them on the weekly coach's shows like I have, and will continue to do with Coach O'Brien when his turn comes. I'm very upfront about the fact that I'm paid by ISU to call the games and be the "voice" of football and men's basketball on the radio...and I would be cheating my employer if I did otherwise. I love reading this board and enjoy all of your comments, but if you can't handle a ":twisted: 's advocate" ...I'll stay out of it.

I encourage you all to remain as critical or supportive as you feel you need to be.

By the way...right now the plan is to have a Coach's Show on the radio Monday night with Mark Liptak hosting it. I'm sure he and Coach Z would appreciate your calls. I'm off with the basketball team and won't be back in town until next Wednesday and Brad has to be out of town for work, as well.

Go Bengals!
Well, since I'm a little weary of Tigersmilk and his vitriol, I will say this and then that will be it from me for a while, because while I enjoy trying to bring some perspective on the board, it's dumb for me to try to help out when I get referred to as an apologist, excuse maker, spin doctor...everything.

No, I don't know for sure John doesn't read this board, because I'm not his keeper. I don't follow him around every waking second. I do know that I recommended to him to not worry about this board, the newspaper, and anything else, and that I will handle those things, and to my knowledge, and from what he has told me, he has. I'm sure his friends tell him stuff...hell, I went to vote, and had three people at the voting place or in line as me specifically why I was getting grief here when I try to take time to answer stuff. I thought that was funny.

John has talked at length about what he thought of the crowd, and he was trying to make the point in my mind that the players were put there playing for the fans, for the folks that couldn't play. I'm not sure he used the right word with the courage thing, but I, and the media, got the gist of what he said.

Ciao for now,

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