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No Coach's Show tonight

the milk fella has a few issues with something (being an ex player, a wanna be coach, maybe he wasn't good enough - whatever) -
basically he has an axe to grind against the program - and therefore paints most anyone who differs with him with the same brush.... monsters, puppets, whatever - its an attempt to be-little or insult folks...
sad really
Actually...I feel Milk is very knowledgeable concerning the program and has brought up some very legitimate concerns, so not everyone feels he has an axe to grind. Keep posting, Milk!!!
I don't care if Milk has an axe to grind. If he does, so be it. I think Milk goes overboard a bit with the name calling, but I choose to see through those things because I see that he often has a very valid message. Some people say that he loses creditibility, but who cares?

Look Spartan, he came on here and gave a compliment and you chose to try and rile him up. Do you have an axe to grind? I don't care if you do, either.

One thing I know, Milk has some very solid messages if you read between the lines. I think he is up for accountability and is sick of hearing excuses. I look for the meat and the potatoes in the comments that he makes.

In fact, on this issue I think Milk is right as is Bio and others. Regardless of what Zamberlin meant by that statement--it ruffled some feathers. Why did the media go with that comment? Maybe Zamberlin ruffled some feathers there too. Not saying he did, but I find it interesting that a quote like that ran.

Ealier this season, I heard the coaches show and Zamberlin clearly was miffed about criticisms. I thought that I was the only one who heard it and maybe I was being sensitive, but then I came on here and saw that others heard it to and were concerned and even pissed. Roar of all people brought this one up, seriously, I was going to leave it be because once again I thought that I might have the sensetive bug again. Then I get on here and realized that more people heard/read it and more people seem to be at the very least--concerned.

Look, one thing I have always learned is that perception is reality.

As for if the shoe fits wear it...

...maybe the shoe doesn't fit anyone when it is all said and done. However the more pressing issue is the fact that people are trying the shoe on in the first place. Zamberlin needs to be more protective of all his glass slippers.

...and axe to grind is a phrase that is often used by folks that cannot counter an arguement with anything of substance.
Everyone just keeps reiterating their point... well, I guess I'll do the same, just a little nuanced.

Lets keep this simple: Lets say Z is the salesman for ISU football and by association all of ISU athletics.... prospective donors, fans, and recruits are his customers. It's shoddy business to alienate your customers; it doesn't matter how pathetic they are.
I made a comment last year concerning Zamberlin needing to just be the head coach, not a position coach. My reasoning being, a head coach loses propective concerning his whole team if he is coaching a position on defense or offense. Zamberlin is in that place now, even more than last year. Every interview I hear has Zamberlin saying the offense needs to keep the defense off the field so they can rest. That's a given, everyone and every team in the league wants that. Reality, turnovers are part of the game, bad snaps, fumbles and interceptions. Zamberlin, the difference between teams that win and teams that lose is the defense not the offense. We give up over 400 yards a game against the conference teams, not Oklahoma or Arizona State. Our offense scored an average of 27 pts a game last year and could not win because the defense gave up 41 pts. We only score 10 pts this year and give up about 40 pts again this year, and I do believe the defense is better. My point, give me fewer excuses and justifications and accept your responsiblity for the problem. Don't blame the QB's and runningbacks and offense as a whole when you replaced the OC and OL coach with inexperenced coaches. Quit using the offense as your crutch and admit you have some problems on the defense that have nothing to do with the offense. I'm tired of hearing the defense missed tackles because the offense kept them on the field the whole game and they are tired. That is a justification for failure that uses the other side of the ball as the reason for failing. Are you the head coach or are you the defensive head coach. Admit your mistakes, fix them the best you can, and move on. In addition, quit commenting on what's said on this message board. You can read what is said, take what is relevant or worth listening too at it's face value, but you should never let anyone here know you are doing that. As they say on ESPN when giving out spreads; this board is for entertainment purposes only. In other words quit blaming everyone else and take a look in the mirror for the problem. After all, you are the man making the calls.

I have mentioned this before, but you said it much more eloquently. I get the vibe from some on the board, in public (paper etc), and from the program, that this one game has made everything alright. Its as if we have been competitive in every game this year, that we haven't lost 25 of 26 etc. maybe its just me, but I am really nervous about this game this week. How often do teams come off of an emotional game, win or lose, and falter the next week. The team did awesome this past saturday, but that is past. One game doesn't make a career, one game doesnt make everything better. There are some major problems and that starts at the top. I can't help but look back at what the history of Z's teams here have done. Does it really give me hope? NO. Does it give me reason to believe that we have turned the corner? NO (see the win against portland 2 years ago, the same things were said about that game, and look where we are). The same things keep being recycled to us. SID says that Z knows that major changes are needed and will be doing so after the season, but didn't we hear the same thing last year? But the areas where we needed the most change- DEFENSE, seemed to be remarkably absent of major change. Again this year the defense is terrible, but all we hear about is how bad the offense is. The offense is struggling but blackfoot mentioned the changes Z made there. The defense gave up nearly 500 yards of offense against montana, there were some turnovers, but haven't we been saying all year that if we just could change two or three plays tthen we would have won the game? Montana can say that, but instead fill in win the game with win by 30!!! Sorry i got on the soapbox, but its as if some of these valid points are being passed over a little too lightly. Call it my ax to grind, but if it doesn't get sharpened then what good is it? Zam stop justifying what happens and take responsibility for your entire team, not just one side or the other. Your defense is not good and hasn't been for several years... Wake UP to that fact please.

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