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Our immediate goal should be to equate our program to Weber State


Active member

Weber State is the class of this conference. Our immediate goal should be to equate our program to theirs, to grow our program to challenge them for the class of this conference.

Instead, what we see is sporadic improvement and then a drop-down to conference mediocrity again. This is not adequate policy for a team from the largest population center of the conference. This makes rather for a comfortable condition for our team's coaches. Rather, they should have pressure to keep growing the program with the timely goal of surpassing the level of play in this conference.

The team should be advancing to become the class of the conference, and then to focus on dominating it. Reversion to mediocrity has never been acceptable for a team from a city of the magnitude of Portland. Our policy should be to stop pussy-footing around and grow to out-class this conference, eventually to rise up to higher conference. That is the only way for us to gain a credible and sustainable fan base. Portland will not settle for less and so will largely ignore the program.

We haven't the right mission and so our program will be rejected until this policy is in place.
BroadwayVik said:

Weber State is the class of this conference. Our immediate goal should be to equate our program to theirs, to grow our program to challenge them for the class of this conference.

Instead, what we see is sporadic improvement and then a drop-down to conference mediocrity again. This is not adequate policy for a team from the largest population center of the conference. This makes rather for a comfortable condition for our team's coaches. Rather, they should have pressure to keep growing the program with the timely goal of surpassing the level of play in this conference.

The team should be advancing to become the class of the conference, and then to focus on dominating it. Reversion to mediocrity has never been acceptable for a team from a city of the magnitude of Portland. Our policy should be to stop pussy-footing around and grow to out-class this conference, eventually to rise up to higher conference. That is the only way for us to gain a credible and sustainable fan base. Portland will not settle for less and so will largely ignore the program.

We haven't the right mission and so our program will be rejected until this policy is in place.

You could say the same thing about the football program. Especially regarding the two main revenue generating programs, we must strive to be the class, then exceed that. Boise did this exact same thing back in the early 90's when it was a member of the Big Sky also (and look at where that program is now).

I agree. I ask you, does Portland deserve less than Boise? Portlanders would rally around the Vikings if Portland State made a charge to advance their programs as they did. They would begin to accept Portland State as the hometown university. Just because someone suggests the idea, it will not have any traction unless there is real progress joining it.

Sick of this reverting back to mediocrity every time a team makes progress. Our basketball team should be light years ahead of Ken Bone's team by now. We should be absolutely dominant with Portland HS talent dying to play for Portland State rather than going off to Kansas, Michigan and Oklahoma. We have amazing homegrown talent here.

Coaches: But you don't pay us enough for that. Hah! Earn your salary and then your contract renegotiation can be ratcheted up to reflect your gains.

We can use a set of "micro-incentives" that we can afford to incentivize the coaching staff, what is affordable at present.

Make your cotton-picking free throws!
You really think you can play East Coast Basketball?!

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