I am so glad we have Kyle, I think that was the best game of the season for him. A couple off-target throws here and there, but he did have some guys drop some balls that were right on the money, including Edwards and Kaufman. Luckily both those guys came on strong late in the game.
Honestly, I think we will need strong play from both QB's in the playoffs. I really feel like if we are playing a team that is weak against the pass, Kyle needs to be in there and we need to pass to set up the run as oppossed to trying to run on every first down. Get Kyle in, go 4 wide and throw the ball around. That is where he is best. Once we abandoned the run yesterday the offense moved the ball. And I'm not saying abandon the run in every game, but if you're playing an opponent that was clearly selling out to stop the run, you gotta go with the strength of the team which is our passing game.
Also, I do like the fact that both Qb's played quite a bit this season. It was good for Adams to get some opportunites. And while I feel like Adams in the QB of the future, I really think starting as a Freshman was rough for him in a few games where he got a little overwhelmed. I thought Kyle should have come in during the MSU game.
I think both QB's will progress a lot during the off-season and we could see some of the same next year unless one of them is just head and shoulders above the rest. And I wouldn't be upset seeing Kyle as "the man" since Adams will have 2 additional years after that to be the lone starter.