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Pep Band


Staff member
Where in the world is the pep band at the basketball games? Someone told me tonight that they won't be at the basketball games this year at all. Is this true? They sure add a lot to the basketball games.
Really, that is so bad.
Who's running the marketing and promotion, there.
I saw a few games last year, and the pep band was a real bonus, and provided great atmosphere. The fight song was really catching on.
Indeed. Not gonna happen until they get another donor for the Fine & Performing Arts Department. They funded the pep band on a donation funded three years ago.

Are there not students that would perform for free? Christ, pass the hat, I'll throw in a buck or two each game to fund.
The athletic department gets money from student fees to pay for a pep band. The pep band was a good addition to the atmosphere.

I'm not sure what anybody else thinks, but I feel that the music part of the basketball games has really gone downhill in the past few years. What do you guys think?

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