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Portland State Knocks Off #7 Gonzaga, 77-70


Staff member
Update: PSU game at Gonzaga in doubt


Vikings Attempt Travel To Nationally-Ranked Gonzaga

PSU goes out of its way to try to get to Gonzaga

"We sent our players back home instead of just hanging around the gym, because we just don't know what we're doing yet. As of now, players are either hanging around shooting shots or watching TV, or they're back home waiting for a call."
Grmblgrmbl...practice free throws...grmbl....
The Vikings arrived in Spokane at around 1:30 this afternoon. :mrgreen:

Turn on FSN, there is some very favorable talk about PSU going on. The reporters seem to really like us this year.
PSU - 38, Gonzaga -37 at the half, not a perfect game, but the Viks are playing hard and with confidence. Let's keep it up Viks!!!!!
Good gawd. I realize that the Sonics moved, the Mariners suck, and UW/WSU couldn't beat the school of the blind on the gridiron, but come on FSN, can you kiss the Zag's ass any more?

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