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Portland State VS. Rice


Active member

Check out the breakdown of the first game of the season, this weekend at Rice. I didn't factor in Guede based on the foot injury. Let me know if there are any errors. Thanks.

I just wasn't motivated to write anything for football this year. I'm glad the coverage has increased to the point where Ian is the only guy writing about PSU if I don't.
Thanks for the breakdown. I knew little about Rice prior to reading your preview, but by the sounds of it, I haven't been missing much over the last year. Prior to that, weren't they a decent all around program? Did losing Morris Almond mean that much to them?
Even with Almond, they weren't going to beat Memphis for the conference crown. Rice has such strict academic standards that it's tough to get good players. However, Braun knows how to deal with this based on his background, and they should be a fairly solid program in about 3 years.
We take nothing for granted. We've got three, maybe four, new players to fit into the mix. They're good as individuals, but they need to work as a team to win games. Rice is in the same boat. It could go either way, this early in the season.
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Much better than the football team, but a lot of room for improvement. Jones had the best first half. The Vik's aren't doing well in the 3 point shooting area. Rice might be better than I thought.

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