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56-45 with just under 12 to play. I'd like to sense a little more urgency from the guys, but I'm not there so maybe I shouldn't judge. It just seems like we haven't totally developed the killer instinct yet.
Thank god for Coston's 3's tonight. TJ got so excited after Morrison's block the signal went out on the radio. Calm down Tom, I would like to hear the last 3 minutes of the game!
Another great road win !! It's tough to win on the road in the Big Sky, and I think we're starting to take it for granted that these boys can do it !! Well done, men.
I'm just going to sit down now and watch it on BigSkyTV (I know the ending, though).
Are the Viks ever going to get consistent play at the power forward? I know the guys are young, but nobody ever has consecutive good games.

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