WSUfan said:
WSUfan said:
baller said:
Decent competition -there are only two game this year that Weber was out talented in and should have lost. And at least one of them could have been a victory with good coaching. Name me one game this year where Rahe has not been out coached. But I am not so sure its the losing that is being bitched about. I think it comes from people who are tired of seeing the same ole "bs" year after year with no hope of change.
So it's Rahe's fault that the kids miss so many freethrows including Baker who last year was the go to freethrow shooter? It's Rahe's fault that the kids turn the ball over 20 times?
How about the game against Davis? You know the one Weber won by almost 30?
And I'm calling B.S. On the whole "we don't complain because we lose" crap. Every time this team loses a game, even ones they aren't supposed to, certain individuals (like yourself) take the opportunity to belittle Rahe.
Hell I've even seen you post only the negatives after a win and not mention anything about the positives of the game.
Actually, yes everything that happens during a game, good or bad, is a direct reflection of Rahe. Its his players that are missing free throws and turning the ball over. Same as in life, at work, if things arent done on time and done the way the company wants things done, then my direct boss gets the blame. The leader gets the blame/praise for everything. Maybe its the way Rahe practices, and the plays we run that affect the poor shooting and turnovers. But you do realize everything falls on Rahe's shoulders win or lose?
Are you a relative of Rahe, WILDCAT?
A coach can preach, preach, preach and preach some more about the fundamentals in the game but in the end it falls on the players to be able to finish.
Holy Hells Bells is that the "Rahe haters" only real insult to resort to? That I'm either related to Rahe, work in the administration or am Rahe myself because I defend him?
Do you not see how simple minded and childish that argument sounds?
Right.... I am a troll because I disagree with the direction of the program, in particular Rahe. WILDCAT, you have basically proven a good majority of our opinions on here regarding Rahe. Thats the problem we have with him. He preached well, but when it comes down to it, he cant coach. Thats the difference between a coach and a recruiter. Rahe (preaches)=recruiter: Abegglen=coaches... Its those type of differences that we currently lack. Just admit it WILDCAT, you're okay with just winning "league."
No, you're a troll because you go out of your way to create stupid topics like this one even after discussing it in several other already created topics.
You are a troll because you don't congratulate the team when they do good things like winning the tournament in Florida or when they won the first ever real neutral Big Sky tournament. But are the first to post and create a whole new topic to boot when the team loses a game YOU don't believe they should.
You're a troll cause you sit on here and moan and bawl and complain about what our head coaches do or don't, what our administration does or does not do, you yell and scream for their heads yet what have you done to try to fix it? what have you contributed to help this team rise to the next level? Wine and cry on a fan forum? Yeah really productive.
In the end, You are a troll because you have not given me any reason at all to believe otherwise.
No, I want more than just to win the league, I want a better record against the instate schools, I want a better home schedule. Having said that I don't think firing Rahe would be the solve all solution to that. The most important thing Weber can do is get to the dance, and the only way you are going to do that in the Big Sky is by winning the league, something Rahe does. As much as I'd love to have bragging rights by being able to say we beat Utah State in a game no one outside of Logan or Ogden gives a flying feather about. I'd rather be able to say Weber won the Big Sky and is going dancing, something neither BYU or Utah State could say last year.
That is my stance on the subject. Rahe is not a perfect coach, but he wins FAR more than he loses and gets to the dance. I don't care if you agree or don't. As my wise father once told me. "Not everyone agrees with you, but not everyone matters."