longtime cat, I have never called for Rahe to be fired. But to be completely honest I know that Rahe has reached his zenith. I believe that he will stay at or near that zenith in the future. He has proven that he can do that. For me the question is, is his zenith high enough. For me it is not, but I also know that for most of the posters here it is high enough. I have to admit that I would be in favor of encouraging Rahe to move on, and am willing to take the risk that we can get someone who can take Weber to a higher level. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I am by nature a risk taker and would take this risk in hopes of taking this next step. I realize that I am in the minority here on this issue, but I have never been known as someone who would take the "safe route". I prefer the riskier route with optimism that the future can be made even better. But again, I have never actually called for Rahe's firing or resignation.