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Sting's Summer Two-Deep Offense Edition


Active member
I am taking more of a Cop-Out approach than Kadeezy because I can use the word OR and have some options. I also waited until the summer to post it 😁

Posting Offense today and Defense next week



1 Kaiden Bennett
17 Carson Conklin
5 Jordan Barton

4 Elijah Tau-Tolliver
6 Ezra Moleni
13 Zeke Burnett

8 Jared Gipson
0 Joshua Nicholson

26 Anderson Grover
10 Danny Scudero

2 Devin Gandy
11 Makai Cope

81 Jay Rudolph
82 Coleman Kuntz
89 Austin Jarrard

77 Joey Wright
72 Sawyer Hays

76 Jackson Slater
64 Brandon Sousa

59 Nathan Mejia
79 Kaden Richardson

62 Kenndel Riley
79 Kaden Richardson

74 Aidan Meek
72 Sawyer Hays
First, this is a very nice presentation. Based on what we saw last year, this seems about right. Thank you for the effort, Sting. It looks very good.

I'm sure the position names here are based on what the Hornets are actually calling the positions. Is that E position an alternate tight end position (what I have seen in other offenses called the B or V tight end? Or is it what I've seen called the W wide receiver position? I'm presuming the X is the split end and the Z is the primary flanker, as they are in many offenses. The primary tight end position is usually called the Y. Of course, an offensive coordinator can do whatever he wants.