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Stott Center

VikThunder said:
From the Vanguard.


The Stott is what it is. If Bone elevates this program much higher, a new facility is a must. The crowd's energy against Weber St. was poor (just like the team's) for unknown reasons to me. I thought Saturday's crowd was much better. As Marty has stated in a different post, the drumline makes a huge difference. There also was the "shoving match in the hallway" and the disappointment of losing at home a few days before to motivate the crowd. I'm crossing my fingers on a new facility being built sooner then later, as it is the key issue for the athletic dept. to grow in both quantity and quality.
They could take away some money from the Vanguard, for instance. I have been listening to their constant whining ever since I came to Portland, and rarely *ever* have I seen them support anything AD/PSU/OUS do. It is impossible to walk anywhere in Portland without running into a bunch of PSU students doing something cool (even if it's just chugging PBR). Apathetic? I don't think so, they just happen not to be at PGE Park and the Stott Center.

So the question is how to get students into those places rather than bitching about how bad everything is. And rather than writing the 500th depressing article of the year, why don't they put someone in charge who actually wants to see the Vikings succeed? This is not only true for athletics. I doubt there are many universities in this country that have seen so much immensely positive change during only a decade (much less 60 years) as PSU has. But the Vanguard somehow manages to make a happy man cut his wrist on a sunny spring morning. Is a little pride too much to ask? Pathetic...
Sorry, but I don't agree about the Vanguard. For one obvious thing, they cover all the women's teams as well as the men's, something the Trib and the O don't do at all. It's a four day a week paper: two of those four days have a minimum of two whole pages dedicated to sports. As for the quality of the writing, it's a student paper. I wouldn't expect O or Trib quality. Sometimes it's up there, sometimes not. The students are trying to get class assignments in at the same time that they make Vanguard deadlines. I'm willing to cut them a little slack. As for the nature of the writing, that's a matter of expectation. You might expect them to be "gung ho PSU", make sure there's a sports story every day, written positively win or lose. I personally would like to see an in depth story or two on Stott renovations plans or the like. I don't mind an occasional crit piece, in fact expect it. But like the O, the Vanguard has a lot to cover. Shouldn't they cover current research in the Biology Department? Physics? Every week there are many extracurricular events going on at the university; shouldn't they cover them all? And face it, out of the 27,000 students we've got, maybe 2000 care about sports. Is the Vanguard supposed to write for them to the exclusion of the others? The Vanguard could be turned into a fan recruitment machine - but it shouldn't be.

The Vanguard sports writers have improved enormously, by the way, over that last 3-4 years. Since Ian. :-)
Student attendance is up. I don't have numbers, but I can tell you that from where I sit, I see more students in The Horde than in years past. They're not the most vocal group (there are some that get into it), but there are more of them it seems. I was impressed that they actually stood late in the second half at the Weber Game. The student section as a whole has a ways to go, but I think that they are making strides.

As far at that Vanguard article goes...

The "Scuffle at the Stott" wasn't what ignited the crowd on Saturday, it was the atmosphere. The crowd was into it in the first half before that incident occurred, or at least where I was sitting was.

Build it and they will come. When I say 'it,' I mean the environment. Drum line. Pep band. That's it. That's the environment. The Viks could lose, and the students in attendance will still have a good time. When The Vanguard says that the Stott could become one of "the most difficult venues for opposing teams in all sports to come to," they are dead on. It is what it is, but you pack the south and west end with students, and that's got to be a tough environment...
I'm not upset by the tone or content of this piece. Considering how easy it is to be down on the Stott, this article seems pretty positive as it focuses on how intimidating the gym can be even with a small crowd. I would like to see more updates on the actual renovation project from all involved: AD, Vanguard, Wim.
ManOfVision said:
I'm not upset by the tone or content of this piece. Considering how easy it is to be down on the Stott, this article seems pretty positive as it focuses on how intimidating the gym can be even with a small crowd. I would like to see more updates on the actual renovation project from all involved: AD, Vanguard, Wim.

It is pretty lame when PSU can't sell out a 1500 seat arena. What are the chances we will sell it out for the Eastern Washington game this Saturday?
It might be grasping at straws, but....how many impulse viewers decide not to go to a game because they hear it's sold out? If Stott were up to 4500, I'd guess we automatically draw a few more. Filling at 4500, of course, is another matter.
Anyone know what the men's bball season ticket sales numbers look like?

Reason I ask is this: If you sit in the reserved section (season ticket section), the place looks sold out nearly every game. It's only when you stand up and look around the reserved section that you realize that it's the season ticket seats that are not filled.

How we can have the ticket sales that we have and not have the reserved section seats filled every night is beyond me. It's better than last year, but still, there shouldn't be a seat in the house available. Now that PSU hoops is on the map, the AD should work some combo deals with football. I'm sure there are football only ticket holders that aren't aware of the awesomeness that is PSU basketball. Then again, I'm not sure of the season ticket sales numbers for men's basketball. Maybe most of them are sold, but the folks don't show up unless it's a real big game...

PSU needs to capitalize on men's basketball success
Plan for new arena awaits go-ahead, and it might be now or never for Vikings

"Bone’s phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from D-I players, asking about the possibility of transferring to the Park Blocks."

Sort of makes me wish they were more responsive to these guys, especially if they're quality big men.
"Sort of makes me wish they were more responsive to these guys, especially if they're quality big men."

I'm sure Bome and staff are responsive, especially with the big guys. Don't imagine we'll hear much about it, though, until the season is all but over. The story makes it sound as if we're a shoo in for the conference; it won't be quite as simple as that. But if we do take the conference, there'll be lots of talk about next year and recruiting.
martymoose said:
Anyone know what the men's bball season ticket sales numbers look like?

I suspect not very good. I'd guess 400 at best. Not very good. I sit above the visitor's bench and it is the least full section but it rarely gets above a third full.
Well, I sure like reading that a decision on the arena will be made by June. It is nice to finally get a firm timetable for the project.
Video board at the Stott Center?

Anyone have details on where this came from and/or when it will be ready for use?

Saw it at the lady's game tonight. Looks used. Maybe pulled from the PGE Park renovation?
Cross posting this one:


My hats are off to athletic director Torre Chisholm and his staff in their continuing efforts to have basically a new arena in the Stott Center. The Stott Center, named after the great Portland State booster and alum Peter Stott, is a great place to watch a game at present, but Portland State needs a bigger arena to stay competitive in the ever changing world of D-1 basketball.

The present plans are to have a 4.500 to 5.000 seat arena, on the east side of the Stott Center, with open views out to the iconic South Park Blocks. It might be a few years away, but this plan is moving forward and it appears it will actually happen, when is anyone's guess, but if any school ever needed a new place to play basketball it is Portland State.'

So we know there are plans in place for a renovation/new arena to be built, no secret there.

So as someone that contributes dollars to PSU Athletics is concerned... Why are the plans (e.g. size, type, etc) not being distributed and made public? It would be nice to see what sort of a facility is planned. I don't have millions to give. However, if you show me the plans and the goal, I'll show you the dollars that I do have to give. I suspect that I'm not alone, and that amount of donations can add up quickly...
I heard that a new set of plans was given to the athletic department just recently and that they were going to unveil them at the Wine & Roses Event last week. I didn't attend so I don't know if they did. I understand the new plans have the new arena where the current tennis courts are at Stott Center and the whole side that faces the park will be glass. Heard from someone who saw the new plans that it is pretty impressive. Hope it happens. We need to get people on board with this, the athletic department seems to be seriously trying to make it happen.

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