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Summer Workouts

Loyal Fan

Active member
I went up to the team workouts yesterday and felt pretty good about what I saw. In no particular order, here are my thoughts.
1. Everyone is here, except for Maker who should be here next week.
2. Walker looks like a very athletic and aggressive player. I didn't see him shoot much from outside, but he clearly is willing to take it to the hoop. He was also very aggressive on the boards and on defense. He definitely looks like he can play. He might be the guy who tries to fills Geno's shoes as our shutdown defender.
3. Jones looks like he could be a very solid player. He has a nice touch around the basket and is also very aggressive. He loves to dunk and does so with authority, but he also has a nice touch around the hoop. Hard to tell from one workout, but he at least has the potential to be a solid replacement for Novak.
4. Sam Dowd looks like he has really improved over last year. He was shooting the ball with authority and seemed to have a confidence that I never saw last year. He also handled the ball well. Some quality minutes from him would really help out Brandon.
5. Our returning nucleus (Stutzman, Boyd, Chivichyan, and Mocsan) all looked terrific. Stutzman, in particular, looked like he couldn't miss during the drills they ran.
6. Smellie has only been back from his mission for a few weeks and it showed. However, he clearly has some real skills and I was pretty impressed with how he was able to compete despite being obviously very rusty and out-of-shape. My sense is that he has a real work ethic so hopefully he will be ready to go when school starts.
7. No sign of the freshmen, of course. Somebody else can correct me if I'm wrong, but Parker is off to CSI for next year, and I don't know what the final verdict is on Legardy. I wonder if he can retake the ACT and still get his score up to what ISU requires.
8. Hard to tell what what Chidi Udengwu can contribute from what I saw. He is aggressive, but really has no shot. He will have to contribute in other ways, such as rebounding, defense and assists. We will see.

That’s very good news hearing that things are moving forward in a positive way, I’ve been following all the camps that are taking place on and off campus. I believe our team get as much out of the youth camps as the young kids attending the camps. What I mean is it helps our Team build chemistry with each other working the with one and other having fun it’s bridging the gap nuertaly. Young adults have a hard time cumminating with each other especially now days with texting and these cell phones. So its good to see they’re spending quality time working together. Again it goes to what Geno said two years ago during his media interview after our loss. He wanted last years team to spend more time together off the court he wanted them to bond more. Based on what I’ve heard from a reliable source that’s happening now. That could only mean better TEAM CHEMISTRY on and off the court. Sharing the ball and playing with guys you enjoy being around makes for a better team and program. This is going to be a good year for the Bengals watch out BIG SKY CONFERENCE.
I’m also hopeful. I spose we always are at this time. But I do believe with the returners..as long as they stay together and get everyone on board, which I think will be a monumental task with all of the turnover on staff, we have a shot. One other question I have amongst many is why include Chivichyan in the nucleus? He never gets a chance to play. And quite frankly I don’t know why. Not there at practice obviously but man it seems a waste of what could be the best shooter in the league. And also I hate to say it but even in the review of players by loyalfan seems the newbies have a ways to go. Feel like we slipped recruiting wise. Let’s hope that’s not the case.
bengal37 said:
Feel like we slipped recruiting wise. Let’s hope that’s not the case.

As Brad can tell you it's always been hard to recruit for men's basketball at ISU.

bengal37 said:
One other question I have amongst many is why include Chivichyan in the nucleus? He never gets a chance to play. And quite frankly I don’t know why. Not there at practice obviously but man it seems a waste of what could be the best shooter in the league.

I'd include GC in the nucleus because he's the fourth leading returner in both scoring and minutes, he's shown he has the capability to put up big numbers, and he's an excellent three-point shooter. As to why he hasn't played more in the past: 1) injuries; 2) shot selection; 3) the rest of his game besides his outside shooting ability. I've said for three seasons now GC needs to round out his game, learn how to go to the basket more often and effectively, be more patient on offense and be a factor on defense. If he does all those things, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see him play 20-25 minutes a game this year.
Round out his game? A quick google search will tell you he is one of the best points per possession players in the league. Meaning he does not turn the ball over and obviously makes threes at a high percentage. Is his defense that bad? How do we quantify this?
In 57 games he has only attempted 61 shots inside the 3 point line. He can drill it from deep but isn’t much of a threat inside it. If he can create his own shot off the bounce, I bet he plays more.

I’d love to see him be more of a factor.
bengal37 said:
Round out his game? A quick google search will tell you he is one of the best points per possession players in the league. Meaning he does not turn the ball over and obviously makes threes at a high percentage. Is his defense that bad? How do we quantify this?

Well yes, round out his game, like getting to the FT line (just 21 attempts last year), like rebounding (averaged 1.4 per game) or setting up teammates better (just 5 assists all season). Really, improving in just about every area except three point shooting. Listen I love to watch GC when he gets on a roll from three, but there’s a whole lot of other areas where he could help this team win, and I think that is what Bill is looking for.
My point is two fold. He can’t start rounding out his game when he doesn’t play with any type of consistency. And whether it’s due to injury or coaches decision (which happens a lot and is baffling) he goes from 30 vs sac to basically out of the line up in a week. If he starts getting 20 min a game consistently or more then I understand talking rounding out his game. Which brings me to my second point of IMO he can’t be considered a real part of the nucleus when he is always in the dog house and then not playing for one reason or another.
bengal37 said:
My point is two fold. He can’t start rounding out his game when he doesn’t play with any type of consistency. And whether it’s due to injury or coaches decision (which happens a lot and is baffling) he goes from 30 vs sac to basically out of the line up in a week. If he starts getting 20 min a game consistently or more then I understand talking rounding out his game. Which brings me to my second point of IMO he can’t be considered a real part of the nucleus when he is always in the dog house and then not playing for one reason or another.
Consistency, in practice, individual workouts and games, takes time to develop. Some players longer than others. I’m always hoping to see players develop more consistent production over time spent in a system. I think GC has a lot of potential to be a consistent contributor. We’ll see how he responds.
Agree withe practice comment. I’m not there and don’t know how does how hard he goes what he proves etc. but on the floor when the bright lights are on he has been an offensive nightmare for opponents and deserves consistent minutes. And IMO NEEDs that if we are truly to contend in this league. But on another note...is anyone else scared of pg situation? I think Brandon was very good even spectacular at times but also more of a scorer than a true pg, but that’s fine and it worked. Sam is a true pg but got very limited mins although I love that kid! If one of these kids is out for one reason or another who even brings the ball up? Are all eggs in the legardy basket of passing a test he obviously has not done well on? I do think we’re fine as long as Brandon stays healthy and is good but I feel a little thin at this spot. Wings are chalk full of depth imo and “bigs” we have a lot of them just don’t know if they can play.
I’ve heard there is a Plan B if Legardy doesn’t qualify. There is also Udengwu as a possible PG. He had a great A to TO ratio in JC. I agree with you that right now proven depth at PG is a concern.
I wouldn’t say we have a issue at the PG spot, Brandon and Dowd can handle the position. In the last three years Brandon has had one injury during his freshmen year when he broke his left wrist he has not missed a game after that due to injury, Dowd and several other players can run the point. Let’s not forget not many teams press these days and we have plenty of played that can bring the ball up court, the key is wether we’re going to run set plays and for who. I believe all of our players have a high basketball IQ and that should make the PGs job easier then last year when we try to work the ball to Novak. We have shooters and scores all over this roster we should score plenty of points, the key is rebounding and defense. Replacing Geno is the KEY, he was versatile and guarded our opponents top player from a 1 to 5. He guarded Crandall and Springs and everyone in between. Having a Rebounder that allows our wings and shooters to get back down court and set up for open jumps shots is KEY. That’s what we need.
GREAT point about Geno. Who is the guy??? But disagree on the pg thing. Who besides Boyd (who really is more of a scorer than a pg tho there is nothing wrong with that imo. I think ast numbers were very average at best) and Sam (again who I love as a guy and played very sparingly) can play that spot? I thought they should’ve signed a pg this offseason. And to your pt about Boyd’s durability. He is two for three which is good but imo still cause for concern. Worst case he goes down now we’re starting Sam and who is the back up???? Legardy if he passes the test makes sense but if not this staff took a risk I think is a bad one. Caveat..if legardy makes it Academically i think that’s all this staff could really have done if he is as good as advertised. If not....very serious questions need to be asked about what bill was thinking.
Also to the point of no one presses. Psu does. And they beat us twice. Side note on that gc played zero mins and then coming directly off of a 30 pt game vs sac played limited mins. But neither here nor there. Also unc may not press but they pressure hard defensively. So does mt (hate those guys) if we can’t handle pressure that’s six losses in a 20 game conference season.
I agree PSU did press BUT, with the shooters we now have on this team and adding more athleticism if they try to press and don't get a steal were two passes from a wide open THREE or a lay-up. In order to be successful running a good press you must double team or trap which means there's going to be a open wing/shooter somewhere on the court. I'm confident we will find that shooter and force them out of the press, the best way to beat a press is to score fast points. Lets talk about GC I'm sure he'll be ready this year rumor is he worked over the summer on creating his own shot and beating guys off the dribble which means once they're in his face he now has the confidence to put the ball on the ground and drive, he also hit the weighs hard and is ready to battle on the boards for rebounds. If we continue to run a zone he won't hurt us on defense and were going to be faster at every position because we've added athleticism so we will have better help on defense. Looking back at last year our guards couldn't release because they had to rebound thats what has to be fixed. Adding depth will allow us to go deeper into our bench and allow us to run and have fresh wings and hopefully bigs to hit the boards. This year our PG can't worry about hitting the boards he needs to run the fast break and get transition buckets and Asst. This team is now ready to run a high tempo offense and we have a big that likes to run and dunk, if he runs the floor lets reward him by allowing him to get some crowd pleasing dunks. Knowing that we have a more versatile group of players will allow us to change our style of play from game to game or half to half.
I genuinely want to agree so much. But I have to look at facts. Psu pressing this next year will be no different than last year. They will press. That’s what peery does. Last year bill played gc a combined 8 mins out of 80. So how does he help what I totally agree with of your point of,if you double we must take advantage? If gc is on the bench and bill is playing lord knows who this year instead of gc (often last year it was Nakken) how do we take of advantage of that?? My concern is him getting a true chance not being in the dog house and chastised for “bad shots” when he shoots nearly fifty from three!!!! (That may be an exaggeration but it makes my point lol) not the mention the other pressure d teams I mentioned earlier. Pressure occurs in the front and back court and must be attacked with the same mentality.
And not to belabor the point but we have added no new shooters sans Smellie. Who I think we can all agree is a good player and hopefully a good sub this year. But we had the same shooters last year and the same ball handlers. And to be totally honest we lost a big that ran and dunked better than anyone in this league and that is why he is at Utah now (and quite frankly I’ve never really heard in uncertain terms if all these coward asts leaving...excuse my language I just get fired up...bailing on us was the reason). Just saying. We need to make sure we have a handler in case Boyd struggles is my point. And dont give me Ast to ratios on a guy who is not a pg. do we really want chidi running pt for forty?
I'm just trying to stay positive and focus on what we do have, I would love to bring in LeBron,Chris Paul and Anthony Davis. We can stare at the doors to Reed Gym and Holt all we want BUT none of them will be walking in the gym anytime soon. So that being said lets hope what we have on this roster is enough to be competitive after all we are in the BIG SKY not the NBA or the PAC12. We have signed the best players that would commit to ISU lets just hope they add to what we have and give US what we need. I for one like what we have returning and on the outside whats coming in looks good on paper for now.
I went up to the workout again today and I have a few more observations.
1. Sam has really improved his game. He may have been the top scorer in the 3 on 3 drills. He seems to have a lot more confidence in his shot and his ball handling and was very aggressive in finding ways to score. He will be our backup PG and today at least he looked up to the task.
2. A friend of mine from back east and an alum was with me and he noted that the workouts were surprisingly intense, Evans was more than willing to get in the player’s face, and there seemed to be real good chemistry and cohesiveness.
3. There was a real emphasis on rebounding. Probably half the drills focused on that.
4. Stutzman and GC were again lights out shooting.
5. Jones really can run. He kept right up with the much shorter players in the wind sprints they ran. He is very athletic and agile for a big.

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