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Texas Rio Grande


Active member
We put it together pretty well today, beating T-Rio Grande 79- sixty something. Pineiro came out of nowhere - most of the team is new and comes out of nowhere -scoring 24 with 14 rebounds. Forte did his usual 16 and Spickerman an unusual 14. Better to note: 90% on free throws and 23 assists. They're beginning to play together. Texas-Rio was easy; Nevada on Wednesday will say more.
pdxfan said:
We put it together pretty well today, beating T-Rio Grande 79- sixty something. Pineiro came out of nowhere - most of the team is new and comes out of nowhere -scoring 24 with 14 rebounds. Forte did his usual 16 and Spickerman an unusual 14. Better to note: 90% on free throws and 23 assists. They're beginning to play together. Texas-Rio was easy; Nevada on Wednesday will say more.

I caught quite of bit of the game online today. Good ball movement and active hands on defense. Pineiro was out of his mind. We may have something here. Looking forward to seeing out performance against Nevada.

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