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This weeks Home Attendence Strategy...

Weber needs to control their concessions. When the contract expires with Carters, then Weber needs to take it over. I know it will take some more organization on the schools part, hell they could always promote Brad to concessions manager, but in the end, they would have the potential of making more $$$ from the arrangement.

I think it would be a good idea...giving away the top three rows with the option of upgrading for $7 or $10. If nothing else, you'd get a lot of fans who wouldn't normally come to come. And like you said...you never know, a handful of those fans could become season tkt holders in the future.
FYI the concessions are contracted through Sedexo. The only universities in the state that control their own concessions are Utah and BYU. Ut State used to do their own, but they also now contract with Sedexo to control their concessions. IMO Weber will never do their own. I do not know all of the reasons for it, but don't expect it to happen.

The cost of tickets for basketball is NOT the reason people don't attend. They do NOT need to give away the last two rows of seats!! With all of the promotions, and etc, if a person cant afford $2 to attend, they shouldn't be spending the money!!! People can attend the games for less than the cost of a movie. PRICE is NOT the issue. The biggest issue has been and still is the marketing. This has been discussed so many times on this board that it makes me want to puke. Word of mouth and bringing people to the game with you is the best way to improve attendance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smjcpa said:
The cost of tickets for basketball is NOT the reason people don't attend. They do NOT need to give away the last two rows of seats!! With all of the promotions, and etc, if a person cant afford $2 to attend, they shouldn't be spending the money!!! People can attend the games for less than the cost of a movie. PRICE is NOT the issue. The biggest issue has been and still is the marketing. This has been discussed so many times on this board that it makes me want to puke. Word of mouth and bringing people to the game with you is the best way to improve attendance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't completely agree with this. Cost is a major consideration for me. Not all games have price promotions, and even when they do it still costs a family of 4 $20 or more. Over the course of a full season, that really adds up. IMO $8 for the cheap tickets is too much. Hell, you can buy Jazz season tickets for $7.50 a ticket. $4 or $5 would be a much better price. And what bothers me the most is that I have to pay $5 each for my 5 and 6 year olds. Paying full price, it costs me at least $26 to take my family to a 2 hour basketball game in which my kids couldn't care less about and my wife only cares slightly more about.
I agree with smjcpa cost is not the issue, giving away tickets is not the answer either.
SWebercat02, why wouldn't you buy the 6Tix family season tickets for $150. Gives you 2 extra tickets to bring with you, sell, or give away, and would be cheaper.
Weber should be marketing the 6tix family season tickets alot more than they do.
I'm not condoning giving away free tkts to every game, but I think the department should try it once. I think next Thursdays game against NAU would be a good one to try and get a sell out!!
I just thought of the idea to get some a$$'s in the seats. I didnt realize that weber was contracted out for the food or how ever that works. Just getting people into the building is still the main goal. I dont care if someone is a$$ broke and only comes cuz its free. its another person in the Dee cheering on the cats. Obviously no free tickets for BYU Utah Utah State or Big Sky Tourney games and im still saying LAST 2 ROWS. The promotions are great for families but they can still sit lower than the last 2 rows for the promotions that go on. Yes i agree our marketing sucks (thats why im going into it haha) and something needs to be done because i think our team plays that much better when there is a full house. we had a good size crowd against UNC and we played our a$$'s off and won. Doesnt matter if it was on a last second shot cuz we deserved to win. its all about getting people there. telling someone hey the game is free see if you like it. Free basketball and more people there for the cats. its a win win.
I also think it would help if the local media gave us the light of day, the only tv channel to even mention we played was Fox 13 and all they showed was a score. all the other channels were too busy talking about Jimmer's new haircut. :roll:
Hate to tell you guys, but a$$'s in the seats won't change a thing with the local media. They will always cater to what the largest portion of the population cares about(pukes, zoobies, and spazz). Next year, we will most likely be ranked in the top 25 during the season at some point, but we will still get little to no attention from the TV stations. Just a fact of life :evil:
If you start giving away free tickets then how will you ever charge for them again? I will never pay for Raptor tickets for that reason. Why pay when there are coupons to get in free every where. I know they do that and then try and sell you the upgrade for a chairback but I don't think that is a route WSU wants to take. Marketing is the key issue. Not ticket price or consessions.
well here is the thing. how many people actually buy and sit top row at games? not many. yes i will only upgrade my ticket at the raptors games, but they werent selling those seats so they give them away and now they fill up quite well. weber doesnt hardly sell top row seats ever. seeing it full cuz its free is to me better than a few people here and there. i guess it depends on how you look at it. i want people in the dee and i dont care how they get there or why they are there as long as they cheer for the cats. and who know they may like what they see and then pay for better seats next time. i agree and say try it a few games and see what happens

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