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Tonight's BYU MBB game


Active member
Opted to watch it on TV instead of going to Holt. Ashamed to say that I watched on BYU TV. Ugh!
Highlight of the whole game was seeing and hearing Coach OB on camera threatening to kick BYU coach Rose's ass (audible and not made up) after some continued jawing late in the game.
We looked poor - no matter the level of competition tonight. Can't we hit a free throw? And, what gives with the woefully inaccurate intercontinental 3-point shot attempts? Result was not a surprise but overall performance...???
Love ya Coach OB! I think he shoulda put that sonuvabitch on his ass. I almost went out there during that little melee and I would have gladly become a martyr if it meant that I'd have a shot at destroying Lee "I'm a pent-up frustrated church boy" Cummard.
Ross, the other highlights of the game involved camera shots of you a couple of times. I could hear all the women swooning in Eastern Idaho!!!
It was a pretty intesnse game and pretty fun to watch for the most part, BYU was pretty chippy and threw some cheap shots, Pretty exciting watch Ob go nuts. When the little scrum and then end of the first half i saw some BYU players leave the bench nand no one saw i guess. It was also pretty frusterating that often times BYU had more cheers then ISU, Come on fellow pocatellans support your local school not the school your church wants you too!!
I hear ya Dillon. Welcome to the board. I think we need to respond to cheap shots.

"People punch you in the mouth and you've got to punch them back. A lot of punchers can't handle being punched back."
this is BS

Cub rationalize this, how bout you baller, the row show is over, i predicted it !!!

we need a system, the staff needs to trust their players!!

why did WE recruit them? play the RIGHT FRICKIN kids, are you telling me the players at BYU are so much better than the athletes at LBSU C'mon, they are simply allowed to play and should they miss a shot or turnover they are allowed to stay in and play through the mistake.

that is NOT the case with our players, except the big 3

when we played LBSU we played their game, when BYU played LBSU they played BYU basketball! THEY ARE allowed TO PLAY AND HAVE A system TO PLAY WITHIN, players are not yanked or punished for basketball mistakes, clearly watching our team our players with the exception of stucki, carson and row ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY!


we gave up 7, 10, 12 point runs in the first half.....LAST GAME WE CHANGED EVERY 20 SECONDS, WTF

remember the ASU comparison??? hell now we have the BYU comparison, which player on their team was so overwhelming we couldn't overcome it? NONE!

we were not even pressed, less athletic than LBSU, yet we lose by 20

that speaks volumes

the opposing team , if their half good, can see our players our not ALLOWED to play basketball, in fact I overheard a couple players talking to our players saying exactly THAT, we better WAKE UP

edited, my comments were over the top
Who are the right players protege? I feel that we can't get consistent performances out of anyone. So if you could enlighten us I would appreciate it. I'm sure the staff would appreciate it. The one player I feel needs to play more is P Taylor. Good things happen when he's in the game.
Hang in there Bengals, things will get better in January. As for fans, this is going to be a tough month. Any win before December 29 when we play Idaho will be a bonus. I'm frustrated that we can't seem to sign a point guard. How many times each game do we have the ball stripped at the top of the key?, how many times do we not get a quick guard back on defense?, and I counted two good entry passes tonight. But I remain committed to supporting the team that I've supported for 40+ years. These are trying times for ISU. Go Bengals.
Protege, Protoge--I did not expect to get attacked by you tonight. I however will give you a pass this evening. I know you must feel frustrated--you know what to do, O'Brien and most of us have no clue.

I will rationalize nothing--never have. What I have said is that I believe this team will suffer out of conference and be very good by the time conference comes around. If ISU doesn't compete at conference time--then say I told you so. What I have said is that I thin O'Brien and the team will get things figured out.

You, Protoge, are in a win, win situation. If O'Brien lays an egg in conference--then he will be fired. Then Idaho State can get a coach that knows how to coach. If they are successful--it will be because they implemented the strategy that you and Rhino laid out on this here message board.

What I saw was bad FT shooting, too many points off turnovers, very poor transition defense and a frustrated Bengal team in the 2nd half in particular. They got hit in the mouth and did not respond--they tried to climb the mountain, but could not get to the top. I saw some very lazy passes early in the offensive sets and players forcing bad passes when they were cut off on penetration.

I don't know if what type of offense Idaho State runs is effective; because I haven't coached or played this game at the college level.

Either way--I expect the mass bailout from fans and all the 2nd guessing. I see enough things to lead me to believe that this team will make noise when I think it will--BSC time.
"Opted to watch it on TV instead of going to Holt".
What kind of crap is that notabengalalum? If you can't attend one of the biggest games ISU has played in years, you don't deserve to post your comments at all!!
And Dillon you are right on about the first half scrum. Their entire bench came onto the court plus assistant coaches. They even revieued it for god's sake! That's a technical foul and an ejection.
As far as the game went it came down to 4 things, turnovers in the first half, poor free throw shooting for the game, poor transition defense and a lack of execution on the offensive end. We can't have Morgan just put his head down and crash to the hoop when the play clock winds down. Several times on drives tonight he could have kicked it out to people for wide open shots. Also I thought our bigs played weak tonight against a very so so interior from BYU.
First of all BYU is a good basketball team. Pushed the ball wall in transition and guys got in spots to score good ball movement.

I think the game could have been a lot closer if we did a few things.
1. On teams that are good in transition and push the ball. You have to stop the ball on defense... pick up the ball handler before half court... Make him change directions so the other four have an opportunity to get back on D. Are rotations were weak at times...
2. You have to make free throws and do the obvious like rebound and not commit a lot of turnovers.. ISu i think only had three in the second half from what i heard on the radio.
3. Offensively ... i agree with Protege 100 percent.... There are a few things that i would change if i was the coach of ISU.. I think Donnie got some good rebounds... but i think i would have started someone else .... WE make to many flat passes and we struggle just passing the ball.. Again, this is because of the style we run if you want to call it that ...But, when we have our big at the free throw line (Luc) and then we try to make a pass to the wing.... That is an easy pass to get a deflection on and thats what happened. There is no flow offensively and guys can't play basketball because they are handcuffed out there... It just looks plain ugly... too much standing...

I think we will do a good job in the BSC. WE have guys that can score down low, guys that can take it to the basket and some guys that can shoot the ball... The size of the crowd was great... like someone else said we could hear the BYU fans sometimes more than the ISU.... Everyone keep your head up...
this is NOT a PG issue, last week Row was your guy

its a SYSTEM issue, and OFFENSE!

the ability to make an entry pass from the top of the key is not related to a skill set defined as PG, it is a coached issue that you practice everyday, we have players that DO NOT come to the ball regardless of who is at PG - did BYU overwhelm you at PG tonight, how bout LBSU or BSU hell no, this is coaching! we have players that can play that position, we for whatever reason choose not to

and to your observation it is hurting us, however it is a coaching issue.
Protoge--Coaches show, Monday night 6pm. I look forward to your call. Tell O'Brien how it really is. Tell him who those player are--he has them. Tell him who your dog is.
cub, I will call and ask the important questions!

no attack here, however OOC schedule or not this is a joke

this game was winnable and the thought that we should have simply mailed it in is BS, that team was NOT that good! we could have beat them which player on their team overwhelmed us?


we have as good of players as anyone!

baller you said you were a coach at this level, than said you had to check with your friend on our offense!

what I have said over and over is in order to gain consistency you need a SYSTEM! you were happy with row scoring 50, I was not and made the point we need balanced scoring, you said church league

look, we need an offense and if you have read my threads, you would see my focus has been on an offense system, putting players in the right position to win and TRUSTING them, we need a staff that BELIEVES in its players, I think Obrien is capable but may need to be kneed in the groin... LOL

my guess is you you HATE BYU's game! yet they succeed

look at EVERY SINGLE school at the top of this game and it is a system that they excel at!

NO DOUBT great players make coaches look good!!!! but St. Marys, Gonzaga, Washington State etc... all have a SYSTEM

I will not engage you in a player debate, that seems to be a topic on this board in which folks get goofy about, maybe because they dont really know basketball, but I will not get into that

if you cannot see the level of confidence, performance, shot making %, assists, rebounds, forcing teams into poor shots etc....that exude from certain players and certain player matchups than the discussion is mute.

BTW - tonight I sat with a former NBA player a good friend, he said we suck, your team is afraid to PLAY!, he actually named players that should play and get over the BS, he also made the observation that our players play scared, OF SITTING!


edited by me, my comments were over the top
Sweet--Ya Mo Be There, Monday night!

As a tickler for the show who should play and who is scared? Who should sit, how much of a rotation is too much or too little?

Aw shit!

Tell O'Brien that if he reads this board, ISU CAN win. Until then, the wheelers on the bus go round and round.

I see he got the memo on balance:

Monroe 8 points
Busma 6
Morgan 7
Carson 7
Bay 7
Steijn 8
Stucki 19

Six guys with five or more shots and seven guys with six or more points. Eight guys with two or more FT attempts and six guys with three or more rebounds.

You guys know way more about hoops then i do but i saw a few things that need to get worked out before conference play. 1) We need to work on Offense. We need to have some meat to our offense. We look very weak. Did you see the way BYU was passing the ball and knew where everyone was and how their teammates would react to certain plays. That is called team chemistry.They gelled and had some rythm to their o. Our offensive chemistry sucks right now. We looked very lost on the offensive side. (still time to work on that) 2) Our big men just get pushed around and don't fight for the ball. BYU's guys wanted the rebounds and they got them. We were NOT aggressive at all until the very end when they got a flame under their butt. Our big men need to dunk the damn ball and fight. (still time) I sat by a few BYU fans and one said our D was one of the best he has seen this year play BYU. 3) I like OB and think he has what it takes. I am glad he has a backbone and can get after it when need be BUT i will say it again like i have in the past...I hope he builds up the players self esteem and boosts their confidence all the time. I would hope they don't play scared!? If you are going to tear one down then do it but you had better build them up more and leave them in a better frame of mind and boost them up more when you get finished with them then when you started or they will always feel brow beat. That is just common knowledge.

This is ALL good for ISU. If we are talking about all this come conf. play then we have a problem. I honestly feel that we have so much talent in certain areas that it makes it hard to fine tune the machine. It will come. I do see some guys giving 100% and i see hints of others just getting by 85%. There is still plenty of time to work out the kinks. GO BENGALS!

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