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Tonight's Coaches Show?????


Active member
i would like to call myself a Coach Z fan and supporter. with that said, and I'll try to be as posative as i can, his comments tonight reminded me of the kid who gets teased too much and snaps!! seriously....quit looking on this board or having some pawn of yours look her for comments! quit giving two shits about what "joe six pack" thinks of your program. to say over the air that he wants to have nay sayers stay away from the games is a JOKE! yes, he followed it up with a "or come and help rebuild", but in my opinion the damage was done. he seriously needs to quit thinking about the other side of this rebuilding and focus, like he said toward the end of the interview, on the things he and his staff are doing to make this team a bit better each year. I hate complainers that are in such public eye as he is. Just do your job and to hell with all us nay sayers. you look bad as a leader when you let negative comments get you so fired up...IMHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're not a coach - so who cares what you think? i can't imagine it's easy to have any number of arm chair coaching experts chime in on your performance every week

whats with the 'i'm a supporter' bs? not based on your comments here.... insinuating that the head football coach has someone look in on a fan site for comments is just a sad commentary on you....

if you don't like the program fine - then do something about it (kind of like the coach suggested) - maybe pony up some money, or maybe spend some 20 + years learning the craft and actually try to impact a program and the young men in it.....

sorry - lost my head for a moment - you just go ahead and vent your spleen on the web - cuz you're the internet lombardi

I heard the same Dave, I heard the same.

It is really sad. It is almost like anyone with any concerns or criticisms just plain does not have a clue and just don't understand football. I have been a DIE HARD Bengal supporter for damn near 33 years and over the past year or so, I have never felt so NOT NEEDED.

It is like Coach Zamberlin can get me sooooo excited about the direction that he is taking the program, but in the next breath he makes me feel like he really doesn't have a clue.

I am praying and I mean praying that all the worries that I have as a fan are gone in the next few years. I would love nothing more than being proven wrong about any concerns that I have. I am going to continue to support Coach Z, because I think it is the right thing to do. I think a coach needs time to build a program and Zamberlin is very quick to point out that all that has been wrong with the program he cannot fix in his first three years.

However, when you build a program the foundation is built on your first two recruiting classes. Coach Z and his staff have only 11 of the FR kids that he recruited still with the program. When these first two classes are upperclassman, they have the very real chance of only having and average of 5 kids in the fist two years that will be 5th year seniors.

Now, I have ZERO doubt that this years class or recruits is heads and tails better than his first two. I am really excited about this group of young men and I think that some of the younger kids are really stepping up and rising to the occasion. With that said, how many ISU coaches have had the benefit of having 5-6 years to turn things around? It is not like Coach Z and his crew inherited less talent than Larry Lewis or Brian McNeeley.

I choose to believe that Z-man will begin to prove me wrong in Ogden this Saturday and if not this Saturday, hopefully the following week against Central Washington. If ISU cannot beat Central--this program is moving in the wrong direction, period.
well said CUB!!

Spartan...please read my post again. i AM a supporter and believe what he is doing on the field with his coaches and players will work! what i'm saying is QUIT BEING SUCH A PUSSY ABOUT SOME OF US REDNECK IDAHO FOLK AND OUR LAME COMMENTS ABOUT HIS PROGRAM. Stick to the field and let the naysayers do as they wish!

read it again spartacus......i think you'll allow yourself to get my point. pull your head out!
I would say 99.9% of the folks that participate in this forum are die hard Bengal fans. Despite the losses and the situation that the football program is in, I think you will be hard pressed to find someone that does not want to see Coach Zamberlin succeed.

I simply do not believe that any head coach should tell any fan or insinuate to any fan that they are not needed. Once again, we all bitch and we all moan, but at the end of the day we are all Bengal fans.

I know that second guessers must be irritating to Coach Zamberlin, but that goes with the gig of being a Division 1 head coach.

Why have a coaches show, why have an atheltic web site, why have message boards if the fans do not matter. Z-man should take the high ground, say the right things and stay committed to the fans that support the program. Everyone knows that fans can be fickle and clueless at times, but as a head coach...you just do not say it.

You do not need to be a coach or pony up one million dollar to be a vital part of a program.
Sounds like some of your feelings are hurt for being called out.. hmm sounds familiar. Sounds like a bunch of fans who gan give it but not take it lol.. "Z" has always had my respect, and today he showed how real he is. Some coaches would be "fake" tell you what you want to hear,type thing. Maybe he should have commended us (loyal Fans) for selling out every game or supporting the bengals through tough times.. :lol:

quick story..
when i was 15 i asked my dad why he was giants fan, Especially sInce they sucked so bad back then? he said something along the lines of (son, cause thats my team, and after all the losses and dissapointments i've suffered over the years, its only gonna make it that much sweeter when they win!


Actually, don't be so stupid as to open a new account (two days ago) from the same IP address. It would really carry much more weight with me if your IP was not shared with someone that works in the ISU athletic department. It sort of dilutes your message and makes you seem--well kinda chicken shit.

As some people have told you before you cannot control what is said here nor should you try. Your department is short-handed and your talents could be better used elsewhere. Do the rest of us a favor and concentrate on winning games and not ripping on the fans that you do not need. You are up way to late to keep your edge and I think that your computer and cell phone should be switched to the "off" position by now. That way you will be refreshed and ready to go in the morning.

BTW, as my Dad has always told me...perception is reality.
"...thank the AD for making my alma mater look like $hit." That was the specific comment Coach Z was responding to. I think you can all understand why, after his kids had to essentially "take two for the program," he was offended by this comment. Coach Z does not think his players embarrassed the university, and he was standing up for them.

The thing with message boards is this: it's easy for all of us to make outrageous comments here anonymously. We say stupid stuff, like the above quote, because we're not accountable for those comments. But when someone responds to those comments, we get offended, even though we're being "called out" anonymously. This is the Internet age -- coaches and administrators ARE going to respond to message boards, just like they used to respond to newspaper columnists, talk radio hosts and television commentators, because they know these forums help set the agenda for the discussion about their programs.

So go ahead and blast away at the program here if you must, but don't get your feelings hurt if the coach disagrees with your comments. Especially when you insinuate that his players embarrassed the university. Any coach worth his salt will stand up for his players.
I Have An isu computer account and now i work with Administration? Great thanks for the promotion! I think you need to be a soccer fan and hang out on their forms.. i heard they love drama!

bengalcub said:

Actually, don't be so stupid as to open a new account (two days ago) from the same IP address. It would really carry much more weight with me if your IP was not shared with someone that works in the ISU athletic department. It sort of dilutes your message and makes you seem--well kinda chicken shit.

As some people have told you before you cannot control what is said here nor should you try. Your department is short-handed and your talents could be better used elsewhere. Do the rest of us a favor and concentrate on winning games and not ripping on the fans that you do not need. You are up way to late to keep your edge and I think that your computer and cell phone should be switched to the "off" position by now. That way you will be refreshed and ready to go in the morning.

BTW, as my Dad has always told me...perception is reality.
I think Z should also "thank the AD (Athletic Director) for making" his program look like $hit.

If Z or others take issue with my comments about the schedule or otherwise, send me an email... we'll chat. However, I won't quiet down on the issue, we all have an interest in this university and the football program is the most visible branch. IMO, fairness in competition should be a cherished ideal... putting these kids in winnable situations, games where the the deck is not stacked by greater scholarship numbers, road games, and all the things that come with greater resources. Can't afford to do it... cut back, UNC had a lower budget and offers more sports.

Anonymous.. shoot, many on here know me and know my name. I've revealed it several times on the board.
Biobengal, in no way did I think the Bengals embarrased the university on Saturday night. They competed hard, and, even though they were clearly outclassed, everyone I talked to from Oklahoma complimented their spirit. If your sense of "embarrasment" was caused by the score, consider that Oklahoma put up over 60 points in five straight games last season, most of those against Big 12 competition. So the Bengals have some pretty good company in being "embarrassed."

Here is the reality of the scheduling situation: the ISU football team sold $200,000 worth of tickets last year. The football program cost $1.9 million to operate. (See the Idaho State Board of Education web site, June meeting for full details on the cost of the ISU athletic program.) The football program does help generate other income (donations to the Bengal Foundation and advertising and marketing revenue, primarily), but that still leaves the program about $1 million short of what it costs to operate.

Add on the fact that the state cut funding to the athletic department by 12 percent this year. Now, where are you going to go to find that lost revenue? Yes, you could cut support staff, coaches, scholarships, etc. But that makes you less competitive down the road. Or, you can take your lumps at ASU and Oklahoma and cash checks worth $925,000. That helps keep your recruiting budget healthy and allows you to build long-term.

The ISU football program -- heck, the entire athletic department -- is heavily subsidized by student fees and state funding. When you lose a significant portion of that subsidy (state funding), you have to take other steps. Was playing Oklahoma and ASU back-to-back to start the season ideal? Absolutely not, and the coaching staff will agree with that. But when you say the players embarrassed the university, you are going to get a response from Coach Z. He supports his players, especially when they give a good effort, and that's the way it should be.
Actually Skippy, no caller ever made that comment. These were comments that were hand picked prior to the show.

I am not embarrassed by Zamberlin at all for the teams performance in Norman. I doubt that Dave is embarrassed by it either. One comment is not a theme nor a shared public view. For what it is worth, Zamberlin did not address any comments or worries that I have personally. I walked away from the Coaches Show feeling like the majority of the show was an indictment of the FANS and that doesn't sit well with me. I got the impression that if anyone had the nerve to criticize or question anything in the program...they just DON'T KNOW FOOTBALL or THEY JUST DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

If at least two different folks (both of whom did not ask or instigate the problem) in two different cities came away with the same or similar experience--I'd say that the Coaches comments MAY HAVE did just as much harm as good to the casual fan.
It's certainly your perogative to feel that way, Cub. But in talking with John, it was clear that he was most bugged by the statement that ISU embarrassed the university on Saturday night. You have to understand, he's looking at this as a coach who feels his players are being indicted for their effort, and he is going to defend them. And I commend him for that.

If you want to submit specific questions/concerns that you want Coach Z to address on the show (and I know you have done this in the past), you know you can send them to Jerry or I. I know folks may feel that Coach Z's comments were a bit of an over-reaction, but I think you and Dave84 may be over-reacting as well. Remember the context.
Skippy, maybe I am overreacting on this one.

I think it is fair to ask this question...why were these series of questions even brought up on the air? When a coach is asked--"what would you say to fans who...." :roll:

Is it wrong of me to expect Coach Z to show the same type of respect to the fans as he expects the fans to give in return to his program?
I think John respects the fans and supporters of the program. I really do think he was just reacting to the comment that I referenced above, for the most part. Sure, all coaches get tired of being second-guessed and sometimes over-react. But John is as level-headed and compassionate a coach as I've ever met. He truly does care about his kids, and if he thinks they are being attacked, he will respond.
The facts: ISU was outscored 114-3, ISU had less than 10% the yardage of its opponents (971 to 81), ISU should not be playing these games. Without a doubt, these games make ISU look bad. Keep spinning it Skippy.

Regardless of what Z says, I was supporting the program long before he was here, I’ll be supporting it long after he’s gone. Actually, I like Z and his program.... however, when coaches reference message board comments, that's not a good sign.
I am going to try and I mean try to let this whole thing go after this post. I cannot make a promise, but I can promise that I will try.

I am of the opinion that Big Money games can pay the bills today. However, I also believe that the overall long term success of the program hinges on fan support and the community of Pocatello. I was against playing both of these games, but after I was educated by people who understood the need, I understand that it was needed and very much so.

When a Coaches (and I know this is not verbatim) show ask questions like:

What do you have to say to fans or people that think the Oklahoma loss was an embarrassment to ISU?
What do you say to fans or people that say you (Coach Z) cannot recruit D-1 athletes?
What do you say to fans or people that say your offensive coordinator did not have your offense ready to play?
What do you say to fans or people that say ISU should not be playing these games?

...and the Head Coach responds...

I don't listen to these people, I listen to the people that matter.
These people just don't understand football.
These people don't know what they are talking about.
If you are not on board and committed to what we are doing, we don't need you.

I understand the defense mechanism, but I have never read anywhere on this board that fans do not believe in the athletes. I have never read that the players don't have heart. I have never read that the team did not represent Idaho State exceptionally--so quit using it as a defense to the comments that were made.

In my opinion, ISU cannot lose support from anyone at this point. I don't think that these questions were appropriate and I think that they lead an irritated HC down the wrong path. Nobody on this forum asked for these questions to be asked on the air and the fans or ISU did not deserve the response that they got.

We have been chastised enough on this board for being fans and for doing what fans do. Listen, the broadcast team, the athletic administration should not be attacking people that post on a fan message board.

We are reminded all the time that what we say here are things that influence recruits and parents. We are constantly reminded that it is easy to say something when an identity is hidden. But what you fail to acknowledge is that, we are a message board community and damn near every University has them. These message boards always second guess coaches, discuss injuries and they will always run hot and cold. The reality is this--winning shuts people up and winning makes everyone happy.

Hypothetically, Biobengal is a booster or someone with huge potential to donate big bucks and support to ISU. Who knows, maybe BengalCub has a million dollar life insurance policy with ISU as a beneficiary. Who knows, maybe the fans should just be allowed to be fans. I am offended deeply when ISU calls its own fans out, period.

So, call me too emotional or sensitive or call me Johnny Drama--I don't really give a rats ass what you say.
If we have we have a responsibility as fans, you had damn well lead by example and have a respect and responsibility as well.

I asked my Dad, why don't you live and die...bleed and orange and black like me? He simply told me--because I have been on the inside, and witnessed all the politics and the backstabbing. And after 20+ years, I can't give anymore. He also said that in time, I would turn my back as well. I pray to the man upstairs that he could never be more wrong.

I will repeat, WE CAN beat each other up and police ourselves. This is our community and you are merely guests in our fraternity.
VOTB seems to have an opinion on everything. Suddenly the conversation turns to his little coaches show and he runs and hides. It would be interesting to get his perspective on this. Oh, and one more thing maybe you shouldn't ask coach z if he is worried about giving up a hundred points during the pregame show.
For the record, Ted. I think Coach Zamberlin cares deeply for the program and cares deeply about the young men that he coaches. I have no doubt that he teaches these kids how to be winners and how to be productive members of society. The kids in this program are busting their asses to bring a winner to the ISU community.

VOTB does an excellent job as does Skippy and I am sure that they get agitated by all of the negative comments that they read on this board from time to time. I understand that, but I believe this is where it should stay.

I simply believe that ISU needs to embrace its fan base--even if we say less than desirable things from time to time. If Coach Z had answered the question with the patience and thought that went into Skippy's repsonse--I don't think many people would have a problem.

And trust me, judging by what I am getting in my PM--folks are chapped.

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