Several people have mentioned on this site that there may be more than one transfer this year. I have heard some rumblings that there is another transfer to be announced soon.
So when does the number of kids transferring--and the reasons for those transfers--begin to reflect on the coaching staff, their recruiting and the way they treat the guys? Not every kid is going to play as much as he wants, that's a fact. But just because a guy isn't going to get minutes doesn't mean he isn't valuable to the team in practice or by his off-court leadership. How do coaches get guys to leave? One way is to tell them that he'll never get any minutes for the rest of his time in the program. Who wouldn't leave after hearing something like that?
In the last two years, there have been the following transfers:
2016-17: McKay Cannon, George Darling, Richaud Gittens, Kiko Stavrev
2017-18: Trevon Ary-Turner, at least one other if not more
Seems like a trend and not a good one.
So when does the number of kids transferring--and the reasons for those transfers--begin to reflect on the coaching staff, their recruiting and the way they treat the guys? Not every kid is going to play as much as he wants, that's a fact. But just because a guy isn't going to get minutes doesn't mean he isn't valuable to the team in practice or by his off-court leadership. How do coaches get guys to leave? One way is to tell them that he'll never get any minutes for the rest of his time in the program. Who wouldn't leave after hearing something like that?
In the last two years, there have been the following transfers:
2016-17: McKay Cannon, George Darling, Richaud Gittens, Kiko Stavrev
2017-18: Trevon Ary-Turner, at least one other if not more
Seems like a trend and not a good one.