JackHornet said:
cecesdada said:
JackHornet said:
Instead of wishing the kid luck, you two resort to being **** to a kid. Well played, guys. Very well played.
Nice language. Were you so incensed by they treatment of Vinnie by these two perpetrators, that your brain could not find any more intelligent words to use? Believe me, I curse like anyone, but it seems like a complete overreaction by you.
Then again, maybe you are related to Vinnie.
I personally think it is a bummer that he left, because I liked his game.
Don't judge, ok.
Dear President of the Vinnie McGhee fan club,
Dude, you pop up here and think you're all-knowing because you start a thread about SAC going to the WAC? Gee, that's never been done here before. It's clear to me from your posts to date that the majority of SacBuzzers forgot more stuff about Hornet Athletics while they were taking their morning dumps than you'll ever know.
Of course newbies are welcome and wanted on this message board. But immature, obscenity-laden posts generally aren't responded to well here by the regulars.*
Of course this team would be better with Vinnie. But when an up and coming young executive leaves a company that stuck their neck out for him to jump ship to Enron, you can't help but chuckle or wonder what might have been when the company's stock crashes...
*Exception: All posts referencing UC Dunglipe are fair game for the use of obscene language. Especially when referencing the female population of Davis, CA.