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Active member
Volleyball rosters are updated for 2008.

After taking a dip last year, look for a big year from one of the department's most successful Division I teams.
Interestingly enough they have now somehow regressed back to the 2007 roster so not sure what happened but the 2008 roster was up and then they changed the website over to this Presto Sports and somehow posted the 2007 roster instead of the 2008. Also they have the old bios from 2007 and at one point they had the 2008 bios up. :?

So I've either unwittingly somehow stepped into a time machine this morning or once again the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing over there. :x

So no surprise they are still asleep at the wheel. Still no soccer roster up either and the first game is in two weeks so I'm guessing it's 50/50 they get it up by then.

What a joke. Nice job Jay. :evil:
Well at least they have now updated the volleyball roster but the soccer roster isn't up yet which is kind of pathetic but they have a couple weeks I guess.

Also, no longer posting media guides is total bush league. Seriously, that is so non DI it's sad. :oops:
Well it does not look like much has changed while I have been away...

They did manage to crank out a 2008 football preview though, so that is an improvement over last year.

You would think that they would want to hype volleyball and especially soccer, seeing as they are two of our more sucessful programs. I would bet that one of these two sports will earn us our first big sky title...
Changing the Web site will probably cause a few kinks over the next month or so. The new site has "transferred" to the PrestoSports server, but no expected design and content changes have occurred yet. That is all expected to take place soon, and we think you all will be much happier with the result. The previous contract with CSTV had expired, so the change was necessary at this time.

As for now, we'll do our best to keep everything updated, but the actual page and all the individual pages (bios, coaches, schedules, etc.) will only look like they do now temporarily. So, don’t pay too much attention to the layout now – just the information. When the new site is activated, all this info. will be transferred and look much better.

"Bear" with us. (Sorry -- had to do it.)
They have a great section about the China trip from May. It's probably been up for a while but I just read through it. Great blogs and pictures. It's cool to see UNC gear at the great wall.
Hey Scott, just a heads up, the link to uncbears.com on the Big Sky website has not been updated:

http://www.bigskyconf.com/school.asp?path=ncu --> NC Athletic Site hyperlink under the Hot Links section.
Scott, also all the internal links on uncbears.com still direct to uncbears.cstv.com

So I have to say that I am excited to see the coffee and lunch with coaches sessions, I would totally go, but I no longer live in CO. If anyone would be willing to attend on a regular basis and report back, it would make a good feature.

I look forward to seeing a new website!
Scott, what is the status of the 'redesigned' site? In my opinion, it looks ridiculous to have every sporting event for the fall listed under the Events section. It is impossible to tell what is coming up.
I didn't tell you all this ... but you might want to keep redirecting your browsers today to uncbears.com.

Just a hunch ... :D
Bear Fiend said:
Scott, what is the status of the 'redesigned' site? In my opinion, it looks ridiculous to have every sporting event for the fall listed under the Events section. It is impossible to tell what is coming up.

Wow! I guess I just needed to ask. Looks great.

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