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Watching the OU game now and I want to.........

heckler said:
Understand this....I have high expectations, as should everybody else. I will not lower them to suit situations and excuses, which is probably the same stuff Z tells the players. In the "real" world you don’t get 2 to 3 years to show improvement. Why the special treatment? Hell he makes over a 100,000 a year, shouldn’t we demand better? How about salary based on performance? I am tired of loosing. Other programs find ways to at least be competitive every year. Why can’t we?

Learn how to spell LOSING before you make any arguments...what were your expectations for the last 2 years and this year?
C'mon Fanatic, some folks misspell a word while others open new user accounts. ;) None of us are perfect in what we post, right?

Will you be posting under this account for the next little while?
What I DO know is that you'll never turn a football program around by changing coaches every two years. First of all...no one will take the job (no one capable of getting it done, anyway), and secondly, ANY football coach worth his salt will tell any prospective employer that it will take 3-to-4 years to see real results...unless he's so desperate for work that he'll outright lie about it during the interview process. I was not on the search committee that hired Coach Z, but I can almost guarantee that they were looking for someone who was going to come in and re-build from the ground up...with new attitudes, work ethics, etc.

Another thought...you'll never win recruiting battles as long as other schools point at you and say "You don't want to go there. You'll have a new coach either this year or next year." Kids don't want to play where there's a revolving door outside the coach's office.

Anyway...we're 0-2 after playin' freakin' Arizona State and Oklahoma. What the hell is the hurry to get a new coach???

Also, for those that keep pointing back to the 1981 National Championship Team...Dave Kragthorpe did that after getting half a football team to transfer in from San Diego City College, a school that dropped the sport...including QB Mike Machurek.

Look...I'm not promising a winning season...but I've seen some pretty darn good individual and occasionally team performances during the first two games..football I didn't see last year. Sure...I'm just a team cheerleader. Guilty as charged. I like Coach Z and WANT him to succeed, and I will not be part of any group that wants to tear the program down even more for whatever reason.

The Bengals ARE better this year. Give them a freakin chance!

Lets hope your team has moved past the Oklahoma game unlike you fans have. At least your team has enough balls to play tough opponents unlike Montana. Give Coach Z some time and more support. I would really like to see him turn that program around and make football relevant again in Pocatello.
Anyway...we're 0-2 after playin' freakin' Arizona State and Oklahoma. What the hell is the hurry to get a new coach???

Isn’t freakin' this the freakin' last freakin' year of his freakin' contract?

Another thought...you'll never win recruiting battles as long as other schools point at you and say "You don't want to go there. You'll have a new coach either this year or next year." Kids don't want to play where there's a revolving door outside the coach's office.

And getting your freakin' butt kicked sure helps with freakin’ recruiting. I can freakin’ see it now….(Recruit) I see that you guys got freakin’ beat bad last year. (Z) ya we did, but it looked freakin’ better then last year. And it was sure a fun freakin’ experience. How many times in your life will you get to say you got a chance to play in front of over 100,000 freakin’ fans and get freakin’ embarrassed? (Recruit) You’re right, I can’t think of another freakin’ way I could freakin’ do it. Sign me freakin’ up dude.
heckler said:
Anyway...we're 0-2 after playin' freakin' Arizona State and Oklahoma. What the hell is the hurry to get a new coach???

Isn’t freakin' this the freakin' last freakin' year of his freakin' contract?

Another thought...you'll never win recruiting battles as long as other schools point at you and say "You don't want to go there. You'll have a new coach either this year or next year." Kids don't want to play where there's a revolving door outside the coach's office.

And getting your freakin' butt kicked sure helps with freakin’ recruiting. I can freakin’ see it now….(Recruit) I see that you guys got freakin’ beat bad last year. (Z) ya we did, but it looked freakin’ better then last year. And it was sure a fun freakin’ experience. How many times in your life will you get to say you got a chance to play in front of over 100,000 freakin’ fans and get freakin’ embarrassed? (Recruit) You’re right, I can’t think of another freakin’ way I could freakin’ do it. Sign me freakin’ up dude.

You sound amazingly ignorant when it comes to college football.
Heckler makes a good point if you win recruiting becomes easier.
Top recruits wont want anything to do with ISU if all we do is lose And under coach Z all we do is lose.
You guys are HILARIOUS! It's the easiest thing in the world to sit back and take shots when you have no personal responsibility for making it better. Okay...since you know exactly what will create a winning program at ISU...let's have it. Specifically name the new coach...and exactly how YOU would turn this around without doing it the way Coach Z is doing it. If it's a "name" coach with a better winning tradition than Z had at CW, then explain where you're going to get the funds to pay him and the staff he wants. Explain exactly how you will recruit better talent, and win recruiting battles with D-1 schools(and pay for it). Remember...you only get three years to raise the level of talent across the board and be in the title mix...or your new coach is gone. Be specific about WHERE you will get the increased funding needed to do all the things you think are necessary, despite the harsh economy. Oh, by the way, we'll go ahead and take the new video board and new locker room off the table...and you have to come up with the funds to make those things a reality, too.

The easiest thing in the world is to sit back and complain without delivering the solutions...so it's time for YOU to deliver the answers. If you don't have the REAL solutions to what you say is wrong now...your whiny complaining will be ignored, as it should be.

I'll guarantee you that Coach Z and his staff don't waste time on "whiners". Teams with "whiner players" either get rid of them or they watch them bring the team down (how have things gone for all the "T.O." teams in the NFL? Wasn't it wonderful how T.O. hung around and said all those positive things about Buffalo after their Monday night loss? :lol: :lol: :lol: ). Whiner fans are no different. Genuine fans find ways to become involved and make positive contributions in an effort to make their programs better. Whiners sit back and complain on message boards where they don't have to carry any water. If you have real, do-able solutions, why don't you march into the athletic department or president's office and start sharing these wonderful ideas? Let's hear it. If you want new coaches and administrators, remember to name names and funding sources.

Look...I understand that message boards are the perfect place for fans to express frustrations. I don't begrudge anyone the right to get on here and complain...as I don't anyone that wants to disagree with them.

There...now I've got that off my chest...it's back to work and on to the business of getting ready to call a win over Weber State.
Maybe this will bring a smile to your face, VOTB. BTW, these were the Bud Hake years, where it all started for me.

Just in case anyone needs my name--here is mine (Cub is Troy)...my brothers...my Daddy's and my Mother's.

As Coach Zamberlin eluded to Monday night:

Rome wasn't built in a day and three years isn't long enough to fix the problems of the last 30 years.


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