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We\'re pretty good


New member
I don't mean this to sound patronizing but it probably will. You guys are a solid team. We have played a lot of 15 and 16 seeds lately and a lot of the time they are pretty bad but you guys have a solid team. I don't know how young you are but if you have a lot returning I expect to see you in the tourney again next year. Your guys weren't intimidated and played hard the whole game, best of luck in the future.
Jhawk20 said:
I don't mean this to sound patronizing but it probably will. You guys are a solid team. We have played a lot of 15 and 16 seeds lately and a lot of the time they are pretty bad but you guys have a solid team. I don't know how young you are but if you have a lot returning I expect to see you in the tourney again next year. Your guys weren't intimidated and played hard the whole game, best of luck in the future.

Our best athletes aren't eligible yet, will we definitly be back next year!
The game went, unfortunately, the way I thought it would. The Viks to their credit fought as much as they could the whole game. i'm not down at all, Portland State can really build on this. Like PSUVikings said, we may be even better next year. GO VIKS!
We've played lots of these. You guys did fine. You didn't give up, that's all you can ask. You were lots better than Niagra (last year's 1-16 game) who ran their mouths off before the tournament then played like little girls throughout the game.

The absolute worst fans were the Cal State Northridge fans 10 years ago. Utterly delusional LA buttholes who wanted to talk about nothing but how boring and sucky the state of Kansas was (of course, none of them had ever been to Kansas). They still wanted to talk about that even after we beat the crap out of them.

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