Clearly you haven’t been paying attention to the driver behind all the recent realignment. TV sets have been the driver…the conference(s) make their money on the TV deals, not tickets sold. Any program located in a large metro area will always be considered a candidate...always.oldrunner said:As for Portland State and Sac moving up to FBS, (LMFAO). It is not just the number of seats in your stadium. It is also the number of butts in the seats. It is true that they have large metropolitan areas to draw from, so does WSU, MSU, and UM, but they are going to need a larger fan base first. It has already been said, leagues like the MWC are finding it hard to stay with the big boys, in football, and realignment is a high likelyhood.
You think the Montana’s are located in a large metro area?!? Wow.