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What if it hurt the team?


Active member
Just a query...related to the thread about Amorrow Morgan not playing in last Saturday's game at Northern Colorado.

This is a fan board...end of discussion. The only ones with the ability to censor what anyone posts are the moderators. But just because we have information that others might not have, does that mean that we should post it?

Obviously, it depends on the information. There was a little bit of a "tussle" in the other thread about posting personal information about a player (or coach's family). It's one thing to get information from a player about something going on his his/her life, but is it another thing to post it on a fan board if you didn't get the player's express permission to do so? Does the fact the player gave me the information also mean I have implicit permission to share that information on a public forum...or do I specifically need to ask him that question?

An example:
When Matt and Chelsey had their baby, I posted the information on this board, figuring it was a great piece of information that everyone would want to know about...especially since Matt had missed a road trip for the blessed event. But, I ended up getting in a little bit of hot water, because I had shared a player's personal family medical information without getting his express consent to do so. I know it may sound nitpicky, but there are literally federal regulations in place that prohibit sharing such information without a person's written consent. I actually have to sign a consent form at the medical center to get my own copy of my own blood tests, etc.

Now, it was common info ahead of the fact that Matt did not make the road trip so he could be there for the birth of his son. But what if the decision had been made at the very last second for Matt to stay home? And what if Coach had wanted to keep that information quiet so the next night's opponent wouldn't have the latest info about the lineup we could put on the floor? Or, using another example, what if one of us had known last Friday morning that Amorrow and Demetrius were both going to miss the game at NC Saturday night, and we posted the info so all the other fans would know...but then an NC coach picked up the info from online and changed their game prep ahead of time to try and make the most of the situation? Do we, as fans, have any responsibility to our favorite team to try and give it every advantage in a situation like that? Now...it's just a hypothetical question that I'm throwing out to try and generate some conversation.

In reality, NC's coach didn't get the info about both players missing until after they'd already had their game-day walk-through...and he chose NOT to share the info with his players in his pre-game talk, in hopes they wouldn't suffer any kind of mental letdown and think they might not have to play as hard. But my question above is a what-if...what if he did find out Friday and changed his preparation because of it?

I think it's a pretty good ethical dilemma that all of us should spend some time thinking about. I'm not saying what is right or what is wrong...I'm just posing the question. I know that technically, I was wrong when I posted the news about Matt's baby without his permission.

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