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Women BB versus Portland State

Believe it or not, I do understand. I won't get into it here, though.

But here's the deal, Superfan... I've been following Bengal athletics for a long time, but haven't really participated until Jenna came to ISU. Only then did I know that there was this guy whose passion is Bengal athletics and he brings 100% each and every game. S-fan, you may not get the entire crowd to follow your cheers, etc., but whether you want to admit it or not, you are still a part of the event. If that's okay with you, then continue doing what you are doing.

I once knew of a guy that billed himself as the world's greatest cheerleader. He attended Portland Trailblazer games, Seattle Seahawk games. Heck, he even attended Boise Hawks (a minor league baseball team currently affiliated with the Atlanta Braves) and Boise State games. He worked in conjunction with the cheerleaders. You could always tell where he was by the noise that he made. But, he didn't go at it alone. Instead, he played to the crowd, not to the game and he did so with positive cheers. He'd go to one section of the stadium and get the crowd to respond to another section's cheer. For example, just before the game he'd tell the group directly behind the home team's bench and tell them when they hear the section directly across from them yell "Idaho!", the group behind the bench should yell "State!" But he made it so he had a solid, loud following when he cheered. He had different cheers associated with different groups. Thus, it wasn't just him. He even participated with the team's actual cheerleaders by encouraging the fans in the section that he happened to standing at the time the cheerleaders' cheer was taking place. He played to the crowd and won the crowd.

Will ISU let you compete with the ISU cheer squad? I can't answer that. But I will tell you that you need to do what your heart tells you to do. If your blood is orange and black, then don't hang it up. Just realize that not everyone is blessed with the enthusiasm that you have.
I hear you and I thank you for actually listening to me. But I am probably going to take a break for a bit. I just hurt too much and that blow up was the worst. I've tried playing to the crowd before, plenty of times. But nothing ever came of it. And Saturday was the explosion of that pent-up frustration.

I'm conflicted with my conscience and my heart. That's why I'm taking a break.

I will hopefully continue later on, if the Athletic Department doesn't have my head on a platter.

All the best and thank you, spaz. At least you saw my side of the argument.
How do you suggest I win them over? How can I? There are plenty of issues. One, people know I have a temper. Two, Pocatello is kinda on the sleepy side. Three, how can I do that after what happened Saturday? I'm sorry, but that bothered me quite a bit.

I'm incredibly split and confused (and hurt)...
How do you win them over? I don't know. Do you know any students that attend class with you that attend the games? Find some that will give you honest feedback. The same with people in the stands. I would caution you though, you might not like what you hear. Or maybe you start on a smaller scale. Go into the crowd and sit with groups of students. Encourage them to get more involved.

I once had a terrible temper. The first and most important step is to recognize it. When you realize you are going that way, rechannel it. Step outside. Take a deep breath. Just keep your composure. Ocassionally, I still lose my temper. When I do, everyone around knows it. But I don't do that very often.

Don't diss Pocatello. It is what it is. You won't change that. Accept it and adjust. You will never please everyone all of the time. Find a group of fans and cater to them. Bring some mini candy bars and hand them out to the group (or something like that) that will get them to connect with you. Or maybe, go to into the politician mode and introduce yourself and shake a few hands. Tell the fans that you would appreciate their help. Then, once you've connected with them don't go overboard. And one more thing... understand your average fan. For example, there are a large number of fans that are significantly older than a college aged kid. Thus, they probably won't be interested in the wave. Keep your cheers simple and snappy. You'd be surprised how much they like it.

As far as Saturday is concerned... If eveyone else were perfect, then I'd be worried. Take a minute before the next game and apologize to the group. If you know specific individuals that you know were taken back by the events after the game, target them. Many of the people will not know what you are talking about. That's fine. But you may earn more respect from those that do. Again, just realize that not everyone has your enthusiasm.

Although I don't know you, you sound like a good kid. (When you are in your 50's, anyone in their 30's or younger are kids). It's part of the growing process. If these things don't work, don't give up. Try something else until it works. It's like fishing. If the fish aren't biting, you try something else. But you keep casting.
Kid? At least you didn't call me whippersnapper :)

I just don't know, spazdog. Whenever I talk to people, it feels like they aren't listening (and by talking, I mean actually sitting down and chatting). Many do not take me seriously; I feel like I can only talk to a few people and get some actual feedback, not just a pat on the back.


I'm still more than likely taking a hiatus. And depending on what the athletic department has to say, count on it being permanent.

I know I can't change Pocatello. I just wish there was something I could do about it. One of my biggest gripes is not being able to do anything about something. I hate that.
Superfan, you are always the first person that I look for at games. I admire your enthusiasm and Bengal loyalty. Nobody bleeds Bengal orange and black more than you. My suggestion to you is to just have fun and do your own thing. Try and stop the other team from making free throws, yell, wave the flag but don't expect the fans to necessarily follow. I for one would miss not seeing you at games. So just have fun, it is just a game and it is supposed to be fun.
one more thing, Superfan, I do admire you not supporting those who were booing PSU, they are a quality team and they beat us fair and square (the officials were another story but that was not PSU's fault). Faucher is a very talented player and I admire her ability. But you can't stop what others do in that regard. I missed whatever happened after the game, but I admire your sportsmanship as you tell it.
I thank you for your comments, spudbowl. When it comes to sportsmanship, I keep it inside, rather than showing it off and flaunting it wherever I go. I've always felt it to be poor form to force sportsmanship on others. I never force class; it will come out when I need it.

The refs were pretty bad both ways. PSU traveled a lot and wasn't called for it, and ISU fouled a lot and wasn't called for it.

There's something I need to you all to know, maybe I'll post it in a new thread.

I might not be around all the time to support everyone anymore. I am joining the Rugby team and that will take up a lot of my time, not to mention that I'm essentially finished with generals and I will be working towards my major (I'm already almost done with the first category).

I will try to make every game that I possibly can, however my incredible 3 year streak in every home game in every event will most likely end this semester.

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