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Staff member
Manuel Casas is my pick. By far the worst ref in the Sky for the 2010-2011 year. I think Weberhoops should make a trophey presentation or something at the Big Sky offices sometime this summer.

He was the guy who gave Utah and Oregon wins... Trying to get a better job bud??
Is he the skinny, whimpy looking guy who reffed the home game against Eastern Washington? That dude gets my vote. Then after him, I gotta go with Buz Cut. My third vote would be the short, pudgy guy with dark thick hair. It's hard to pick with so many horrible refs in the Big Sky these days.
pattenjr said:
Is he the skinny, whimpy looking guy who reffed the home game against Eastern Washington? That dude gets my vote. Then after him, I gotta go with Buz Cut. My third vote would be the short, pudgy guy with dark thick hair. It's hard to pick with so many horrible refs in the Big Sky these days.

I believe these three were all together at the EWU home game. The first half was the worst I've
seen. Casas was bad in SLC... wow was he bad...

Anybody hear buzzcut yelling back at the crowd during 2 timeouts in the first half of the EWU home game. I did not hear the one directed at a couple students, but the first one buzzcut was getting some heat from behind the basket, and he yelled back "you're to stupid to know who the refs are" ... Huh? .... Very unprofessional. I heard it, anybody else?
I'm still pissed about the Oregon game. GOOD HELL, it was an exact replay of the game against the ewtes in SLC. Oregon lived at the line the entire second half and Weber couldn't buy a foul. Nice home game Oregon!!
Did anyone else see Buzz Cut working the NCAA tournament game in Washington DC? Somebody in the NCAA must think that he is okay.
Skeeter, the fan behind the basket that Buzz Cutt was yelling at was me. And, yes, I had fun getting under his skin. Thanks for telling me what he said. I could hear him yelling at me, but I couldn't understand what he said. :clap:
Welcome aboard Koolhand.

I don't hate any particular ref. There are bad ones all over the place. A lot of them seem to stick in the BSC.
To me, what makes a bad ref is when they think they are bigger than the game, that the crowd showed up to watch them, that the coaches are their enemy, and when they act like they have never made a mistake. Its sort of like the BYU attitude gone wild.

Give me a ref that knows he/she makes mistakes, that understands the preshure these kids and coaches are under, and that can show a little respect for everyone involved in the game. Someone who respects the game and all of those who contribute, including the spectators. There are some of those kind of refs around as well. They just get shown up by the others. It would help a lot if the NCAA would take it over and not let the conferences do it. The refs we see, game in a nd game out, wouldn't last two games in the Big 12. If they did last longer in some of these larger venues, they would become better refs. They just get away with murder in the BSC. Some of them may actually be dirty. If they are not, they sure give that impression.

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