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WR Izzy Ramirez NOT ELIGIBLE? Krosch Update.

GOBIGORANGE is welcome to his opinion, but his assertion that Tingey was the only person who supported extending Z's contract is ridiculous. I will save my judgment on whether that was a good decision until the end of this season.

The idea that the news release on Krosch was "premature" is also ridiculous. Krosch has been hailed since spring ball as a major key to the success of our offense, including a Journal article highlighting Krosch about a week prior to the WM game. You expect ISU to simply hold him out of the game with no explanation? Or do you expect ISU to lie and say it's his appendix when it's really his academics? I can see how that would play out: someone on this board would talk to the team doc who would say he was medically cleared to play, then those of you criticizing the news release would be calling for Tingey's resignation for misleading the public.

In my view ISU waited as long as they could to see if the NCAA would give Krosch the green light. They issued the news release to be forthright with the public who were expecting big things from Krosch at gametime. If Krosch gets cleared, great, but right now he can't play because of academic ineligibility.

Some people on here will never be satisfied with Tingey because of his name, regardless of his performance. Is he perfect, of course not. But I agree with boisebengal. Tingey has done a good job overall, with the Athletic Department in better condition than it did under any of the previous 3 ADs. I'm certainly not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Fletcher, I think you made some valid points. However, Krosch was not going to play vs Montana Western because he was still working his way back into playing shape and he still had follow-ups regarding his medical condition. He most likely would not have played at Utah State either--the target date for his return from what I have been told was Northern Colorado.

Idaho State first makes the release on its own website and then deletes it from the page. Still accessible by the way through the archive. Why delete it?

Next, they let a player participate in the spring that they knew was not eligible and then again during the fall. My question would be this--why let Krosch play in the spring if there was an issue? If you are at risk in the spring you should not play in the spring. As a safety measure--have him focus on academics and possibly avoid this whole mess. BTW, other athletes were forced to sit.

I don't believe that you tarnish a kid in public until an NCAA determination is made and the appeal process is exhausted. The Journal runs a story ripping Krosch about letting his team down, but ISU mentions nothing about screwing up on their end by advising Krosch to take an online correspondence course that may end up not transferring in and counting at Idaho State.

Frank made a valid point--this is probably going to be cleared up. That would be my point--why run something like this early before a determination is made?

The funny thing in this whole issue, if Krosch is not cleared--ISU will apply for a MEDICAL HARDSHIP with the NCAA in an ATTEMPT to regain the year of lost eligibility.
bengalcub said:
I don't believe that you tarnish a kid in public until an NCAA determination is made and the appeal process is exhausted. The Journal runs a story ripping Krosch about letting his team down, but ISU mentions nothing about screwing up on their end by advising Krosch to take an online correspondence course that may end up not transferring in and counting at Idaho State.

I don't know the details, but I know that the NCAA is really cracking down on online classes. They will no longer accept BYU's online courses. The Salt Lake Tribune ran an interesting story earlier this summer/spring which detailed how some are using them to cheat. What was an acceptable practice just last spring isn't necessarily so anymore.

Salt Lake Tribune: NCAA Bans BYU's Online Courses

Regarding the Krosch situation, I think it's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. As of the first game, he was academically ineligible. Could the release been better detailed? Perhaps. I also realize the sports information department isn't fully staffed. My guess is Krosch is a big enough boy that he can probably handle a press release which came out -- especially if he can prove it wrong.
SLCBengal said:
bengalcub said:
My guess is Krosch is a big enough boy that he can probably handle a press release which came out -- especially if he can prove it wrong.

My guess is that Zamberlin and Krosch were not happy with Tingey's decision to issue this press release to the public before it was resolved. But then again, what do I know?

My next guess...the Academic support team at Idaho State University needs some serious upgrades. They also need some folks that will admit to their mistakes and not deny accountability when mistakes are made. The kids need to have confidence in this group and now more than ever they need to be knowledgeable, accurate and on top of their games. Future scholarships penalties and continued reductions of practice time depend on it.
Krosch was not held out of Spring practice because they were unaware of his ineligiblity until May, so spring ball was over by then...that is what I understand.

Cub, you have a lot of very useful information, how in the heck do you get a hold of all of this info? Keep it coming!

Another question for anyone who may know the answer: The big issue on whether or not Krosch is eligible or not depends on if the classes he took over the summer are considered correspondence courses or not. I'm 99% positive the classes he took were online, can they be online AND be considered correspondence courses at the same time? I thought correspondence courses were where you get your assignments and tests MAILED to you. If anyone has any knowledge of this, please share! Thanks!
Correct in that the NCAA is cracking down on these types of classes. They are still allowed and available to take, which is why people still take them, and I don't know how they are classified, but I can truthfully say that that the academic advising folks strongly discourage anyone taking the classes, precisely for this reason.

Academic eligibility is first and foremost on the head of the student-athlete. Yes they need proper advising and things of that nature, but there are two types of academic ineligibility. If your grades are below a GPA threshold, that's on the student-athlete for the most part. If it's a percentage deal, that's usually on the academic folks, although many times the issue there is someone has poor grades, so they have to change majors to help things along and stay eligible, and then a person is right on the threshold of his or her percentages.

Basically it's one gigantic math problem...and one I'm happy I never had to know the answer too. The whole press release issues and redacted was interesting to me by the way...and yes they are short staffed over there....Katie and Jaime are working their tails off.

I am not sure about the correspondence issue and how it is looked at.

I understand that Idaho State did not know that he was not eligible until May. Speculation on my part here—but let me share my thought. If Krosch is taking classes over the summer to stay eligible it is very likely that he needed 2-6 credits to be OK. That would likely mean that he was close at the end of fall. Next, ISU can check a students progress throughout the semester (as shown last fall when kids were pulled from practice) to see what progress was being made. I do not believe that a student being in a predicament comes around without indicators. If a student is close—hold them out of spring. Now—maybe I have the whole thing wrong. I doubt it. If his ratios were off—you know that ahead of time—NO SPRING BALL.

Idaho State is in a position where they need to realize these things. They are also in a spot where they need to understand what can and cannot be done. The recommendations of the academic support folks need to be accurate and well thought out. Communication needs to be better and the leg work needs to be done proactively.

Some will say—screw the kid; he put himself in this predicament. I am here to tell you that bushels of kids ride the fine line between being eligible and not being eligible every single year. This happens everywhere, not just Idaho State.

I harp so very hard on this crap for one big reason—APR. ISU cannot afford to continue down the road of losing scholarships and practice time. As fans we have no idea who is not on scholarship—ISU has other players that may be waiting on academic clearance. If these kids are getting money and they attend class and end up not being eligible—guess what it hurts. I am not expert on APR and maybe I have it all wrong, but I’ll be damned if I am going to sit around and watch the same shit happen year after year. ISU is not perfect, kids will come and go and some will perform poorly in the classroom regardless of what is done. What I am seeing, hearing and being told is that Idaho State has a problem advising students of the right course of action regarding eligibility. Here is the million dollar question—if Krosch screwed up and made the mistake all on his own—why the appeal?

I am not saying that Idaho State doesn’t have folks working their asses off—for their efforts I am grateful. Katie and Jaime are working their tales off—I am sure. I don’t have any problem with the Sports Information Department releasing something that they were told to do. We all know that type of thing has happened in the past—and I am aware that the folks that release the information often take unfair criticism for saying what they are told to say. If I have came off as place the blame on these two ladies—my apologies that is not my intent at all.

Lastly--TWO DEEPS with a player (Ramirez) that hasn't been cleared to play? I mean--REALLY? Right after you issue a press release talking about one kid not being ready to go. C'mon now.

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